James Buszkiewicz
Training: BA in Biology (with a concentration in ecology and convservation sciences) from Boston
University; MPH in Epidemiology from Boston University; PhD in Epidemiology from University
of Washington
Research Focus: My research applies both epidemiologic and econometric methods to understand how
policy can address key structural determinants of health, such as income inequity,
racism, and the built environment. To date, my work has examined the impact of raising
state minimum wages on health and mental wellbeing, the influence of measures of the
urban form and food environment on body weight trajectories, and the influence of
policy changes in response to COVID-19 on diet quality and food insecurity. As part
of CSEPH, I am eager to examine how tobacco control policies may be used as a tool
to reduce racial/ethnic and socioeconomic inequities in polytobacco use and health.
Tags: Disparities, Tobacco