U-M SPH Faculty, Staff and Postdoctoral Fellow Directory

University of Michigan School of Public Health
1415 Washington Heights
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2029
Telephone: (734) 764-5425

Directions Locating Rooms in SPH by their Numbers (PDF)

Name Department Address Phone E-mail Address Type
925 Total
Aaron, Micah (profile) Health Management & Policy 3531 SPH II faculty
Aaronson, Susan (profile) Nutritional Sciences 1854 SPH I 734-647-0214 faculty
Abecasis, Goncalo (profile) Biostatistics 4619A SPH I 734-763-4901 faculty
Abrahamse, Paul Biostatistics 2800 Plymouth Road NCRC Building 16 400S-20 734-647-6261 staff
Abramenka-Lachheb, Victoria Instructional Services M3063 staff
Abramenka-Lachheb, Victoria Instructional Services SPH II M3063 734-763-3095 staff
Adams, Alison Health Behavior & Health Equity 3782 SPH I 734-763-0017 staff
Adar, Sara (profile) Epidemiology M5539 SPH II 734-615-9207 faculty
Adkins, Tracey Epidemiology 734-764-7781 staff
Adlhoch, Julie Resource Planning and Management M2232 SPH II 734-936-6803 staff
Aker, Ameera Environmental Health Sciences 6620 SPH I Cube 18 student
Akhtar, Sumreem Instructional Services SPH I 734-763-5330 staff
Alberts, Joseph Health Behavior & Health Equity 3700 SPH I staff
Ali, Jeneen Nutritional Sciences
Allen, Christy Biostatistics staff
Allerton, Tyler Environmental Health Sciences M6116 SPH II staff
Allison, Quatrini Biostatistics staff
Amburgey, Mary Epidemiology 6610A SPH I 734-647-5336 staff
Amico, Rivet (profile) Health Behavior & Health Equity 2814 SPH I 734-763-0051 faculty
Ammann, Alexandra Health Management & Policy Working Remotely staff
Anderson, Olivia (profile) Nutritional Sciences 3859 SPH I 734-763-2888 faculty
Anderson, Stacey Biostatistics Working Remotely staff
Anderson, Stefani Office for Student Engagement and Practice 1702 SPH I 734-763-8264 staff
Andrus, Emily Epidemiology 2663 SPH I 734-615-9209 staff
Anthony, Denise (profile) Health Management & Policy M3168 SPH II 734-615-3633 faculty
Arthur, Keith Health Management & Policy M3158 SPH II 734-763-9900 staff
Ashby, Valarie Biostatistics 3635 SPH I 734-763-1524 staff
August, Ella T. (profile) Epidemiology M5240 SPH II 734-647-7261 faculty
Aung, Max Biostatistics 4600 SPH I staff
Ayanian, John (profile) Health Management & Policy 2800 Plymouth Rd 734-763-5880 faculty
Babcock, Stacy Epidemiology 4669 SPH I 734-764-5435 staff
Bachoura, Stephanie Biostatistics M4331A SPH II staff
Baek, Jonggyu Biostatistics M4317C SPH II staff
Bagdasarian, Natasha Epidemiology faculty
Bahrenburg, Mariya Health Behavior & Health Equity 3811 SPH I 734-763-1694 staff
Baker, Karla Office for Student Engagement and Practice 1722 SPH I 734-647-2996 staff
Bakulski, Kelly (profile) Epidemiology 5511 SPH II 734-615-5899 faculty
Baladandayuthapani, Veera (profile) Biostatistics M4208 SPH II 734-764-5702 faculty
Baldwin, Suzy Biostatistics M4242 SPH II staff
Ball, Sarah (profile) Nutritional Sciences 1844 SPH I 734-763-5482 faculty
Banerjee, Kalins Biostatistics M4040E-2 SPH II post-doc
Banerjee, Mousumi (profile) Biostatistics M4150 SPH II 734-764-5451 faculty
Banfield, Kathleen Health Behavior & Health Equity Working Remotely 734-763-8119 staff
Barnes, Lonnie Biostatistics 3645 3.24 SPH I 734-763-1621 staff
Barnett, Sosha Health Behavior & Health Equity HBHE Flint staff
Batterman, Stuart (profile) Environmental Health Sciences M6075 SPH II 734-763-2417 faculty
Bauer, Katherine (profile) Nutritional Sciences 3854 SPH I 734-763-2546 faculty
Baylin, Ana (profile) Nutritional Sciences 1858 SPH I 734-615-8478 faculty
Beck, Melissa Epidemiology M5212 SPH II 734-647-1120 faculty
Bedi, Karan Biostatistics Working Remotely staff
Bednar, Rhiannon Epidemiology 734-615-0144 staff
Behnke, Julie Epidemiology 4444 Corona Drive, Suite 236, Corpus Christi, TX staff
Belhaj, Melika Health Behavior & Health Equity 3827 SPH I staff
Bell, Anita Epidemiology 734-764-2372 staff
Bell, Julia Health Behavior & Health Equity Working Remotely staff
Bellile-Light, Emily Biostatistics M2030-28 SPH II 734-936-1984 staff
Bernhardsson, Brenda Health Management & Policy M3134 SPH II 734-936-1307 staff
Berrios-Thomas, Saskia Environmental Health Sciences M6112 SPH II staff
Bertucci, Emily Biostatistics M4152 SPH II 734-764-7068 staff
Betz Bolang, Christine Health Behavior & Health Equity 3786 SPH I 734-764-9495 staff
Bielak, Lawrence (profile) Epidemiology M5515 SPH II 734-647-4162 faculty
Binder, Matt Computing Services 7625 SPH I 734-763-4192
Bingkai, Wang Biostatistics SPH I 4635 faculty
Blackwell, Thomas Biostatistics 4629 SPH I 734-936-0999 staff
Bladowski, Breanna Biostatistics M2030 SPH II 734-764-5425 staff
Blamer, Jacob Biostatistics staff
Blankenship, Heather Epidemiology faculty
Boehm, Frederick (Fred) Biostatistics Working Remotely staff
Boehnke, Michael L (profile) Biostatistics M4108 SPH II 734-936-1001 faculty
Boley, Lesley Environmental Health Sciences 1415 Washington Heights
Bondarenko, Irina Biostatistics M2541 SPH II 734-936-9848 staff
Boonstra, Philip (profile) Biostatistics 4632 SPH I 734-615-1580 faculty
Borjgin, Sachraa Environmental Health Sciences SPH I post-doc
Borowicz, Lisa Biostatistics 1415 SPH I 734-936-3693 staff
Boulton, Matthew (profile) EPID / ADM M5208 SPH II 734-936-1623 faculty
Bowman, F. DuBois (profile) Dean's Office 1822 SPH I 734-763-2876 faculty
Bradley, Patty Computing Services 7625 SPH I 734-764-0300 staff
Bragg-Gresham, Jennifer Biostatistics 3631 SPH I 734-763-1611 staff
Branstrom, Rose Environmental Health Sciences M6240 SPH II 734-764-4345 staff
Brant, Ashley Biostatistics M2030 SPH II 734-615-6767 staff
Brantley, Kate Health Behavior & Health Equity 3827 SPH I staff
Brauer, Rachel Health Behavior & Health Equity Working Remotely staff
Braun, Thomas (profile) Biostatistics M4063 SPH II 734-936-9844
Bridges, Dave (profile) Nutritional Sciences 1863 SPH I 734-764-1266 faculty
Brines, Elizabeth Health Behavior & Health Equity Working Remotely staff
Brooks, Olivia Epidemiology staff
Brouwer, Andrew (profile) Epidemiology 5073 SPH II faculty
Brown, Ally Health Behavior & Health Equity Working Remotely staff
Brown, Aryanni Office for Student Engagement and Practice 2700 SPH I staff
Brown, Morton B (profile) Biostatistics M4039 SPH II 734-936-0992 faculty
Bruno, Chelsea Health Management & Policy staff
Brunton, Cora Biostatistics 3622 SPH I 734-763-1547 staff
Bu, Fan Biostatistics 4636 SPH I faculty
Buchmueller, Thomas (profile) Health Management & Policy Ross School of Business
701 Tappan ER7611 1234
734-764-5933 faculty
Buchwalder, Kyle Epidemiology M1151 SPH II post-doc
Burgard, Sarah (profile) Epidemiology 4142 LSA 734-615 9538 faculty
Burke, Betsy Office of Development 1815 SPH I 734-647-7252 staff
Burr, Caitlin Epidemiology 4653 SPH I 734-763-2196 staff
Buswinka, Anna Epidemiology M5017 SPH II 734-615-2548 staff
Buszkiewicz, James (profile) Epidemiology 2677 SPH I faculty
Buxton, Miatta (profile) Epidemiology M5009 SPH II 734-763-7862 faculty
Cable, Beth Office for Student Engagement and Practice 1734 SPH I 734-764-3609 staff
Cable, Dylan Biostatistics SPH I 4635 734-647-2975 faculty
Callard, Sandy Biostatistics 3645.3.21 SPH I 734-763-1614 staff
Callear, Amy Epidemiology M5626 SPH II 734-615-6979 staff
Campredon, Lora Epidemiology M5626 SPH II 734-763-7155 staff
Canari Casano, Jorge Nutritional Sciences 1415 Washington Heights post-doc
Cao, Jie Biostatistics 3645-3.21 SPH I 734-763-1612 staff
Carlson, Brad Epidemiology M5232 SPH II 734-763-2970 staff
Carlson, Charlotte Environmental Health Sciences 6663 SPH I 734-936-0993 staff
Caron, Sean Biostatistics M4331a SPH II 734-615-8173 staff
Carroll, Mary Beth Office for Student Engagement and Practice 1730 SPH I 734-764-9830 staff
Casanova, Rachel Office for Student Engagement and Practice 1718 SPH I 734-936-1261 staff
Case, Erin Epidemiology 2657 SPH I 734-764-2372 staff
Casher, Yang Biostatistics 3645.3.12 SPH I 734-763-1622 staff
Castro, Brittiany Resource Planning and Management SPH I 1840 734-647-3645 staff
Catalano, John (profile) Health Management & Policy 3013 SPH II faculty
Cathey, Amber Environmental Health Sciences 6627 SPH I faculty
Cessna, John Dean's Office M3071 SPH II 734-763-1129 staff
Chang, David Health Behavior & Health Equity Working Remotely staff
Chantelois, Kelly Environmental Health Sciences 6671 SPH I 734-764-3188 staff
Charles, Simone (profile) Environmental Health Sciences M6216 SPH II 734-764-4550 faculty
Chatters, Linda (profile) Health Behavior & Health Equity 2818 SPH I faculty
Chedid, Khalil Epidemiology M5146 SPH II 734-647-4723 staff
Chen, Boshu Epidemiology 3650 SPH I staff
Chen, Canyi Biostatistics SPH II M4153 post-doc
Chen, Chen Epidemiology post-doc
Chen, Shu Biostatistics 3645.3.18 SPH I 734-763-1616 staff
Chen, Xiaoying Biostatistics G860 3645 SPH I 734-763-1544 staff
Cheng, Caroline Epidemiology M5118 SPH II staff
Cheng, Weiqiu Biostatistics 4613 SPH I post-doc
Chester, Cora Health Management & Policy 3150 SPH II staff
Chin, Jeffrey Health Management & Policy faculty
Cho, Tsai-Chin Epidemiology staff
Choi, Eunkyeong Nutritional Sciences M7027 SPH II staff
Choi, Seo Youn Health Management & Policy M3041 SPH II staff
Chrzanowski, Emma Epidemiology staff
Chu, Zijin Epidemiology M5626 SPH II 734-763-3580 staff
Chyu, Christine Epidemiology staff
Cifor, Laura Epidemiology 4665.06 SPH I 734-615-9170 staff
Clark, Jordyn Health Management & Policy 2800 Plymouth Rd, Bldg 16, Fl 4, cubicle 400S-16 734-764-2784 staff
Clarke, Philippa (profile) Epidemiology 2661 SPH I
3340 ISR
Clayson, Michelle Nutritional Sciences 300 NIB staff
Cockell, Scarlet Epidemiology M5226, SPH II 734-615-5899 staff
Coeling, Molly Health Management & Policy Working Remotely staff
Cogdell, Bridget Health Behavior & Health Equity 3774A SPH I 734-763-9938 staff
cohen, Julia Dean's Office 2730 SPH I staff
Colacino, Justin (profile) EHS / NUTR 6651 SPH I 734-647-4347 faculty
Colbert, Joseph Biostatistics M2030-06 SPH II 734-615-9813 faculty
Cole, Kristyne Epidemiology 4640 SPH I staff
Cole, Suzanne (profile) Nutritional Sciences 3863 SPH I 734-763-6793 faculty
Collard, Mason Environmental Health Sciences 7529 SPH II staff
Comstock, Matthew (profile) Health Management & Policy M3055 SPH II faculty
Conigliaro, Maya Office for Student Engagement and Practice 1719 SPH I 734-734 763 5290 staff
Connell, Cathleen (profile) Health Behavior & Health Equity 3802 SPH I faculty
Contreras, Jesse Epidemiology post-doc
Cook, Destiny Marketing & Communications M1521 SPH II staff
Cook, Steven Epidemiology 2675 SPH I 734-764-3644 faculty
Coombe, Chris (profile) Health Behavior & Health Equity 2786 SPH I 734-763-9236 staff
Cormany, Jaclynn Health Behavior & Health Equity 3762 SPH I 734-615-2564 staff
Costa, Anthony Biostatistics 3661 SPH I 734-763-0499 staff
Cox, Melinda Epidemiology 4444 Corona Drive, Suite 236, Corpus Christi, TX staff
Craft, Darryl Computing Services 7625 SPH I 734-936-1247 staff
Cranford, Leona Resource Planning and Management 1840 SPH I 734-763-5350 staff
Crawford, Jenny Health Behavior & Health Equity 3790 SPH I 734-764-9494 staff
Creary, Melissa (profile) Health Management & Policy M3126 SPH II 734-615-3720 faculty
Cronenwett, Anna Epidemiology M5112 SPH II 734-764-5462 staff
Crowder, Abigail Epidemiology M5112 SPH II 734-615-9209 staff
Cuff, Linton Biostatistics 3645.3.21 SPH I 734-763-1612 staff
Cunningham, Bob Marketing & Communications M1521 SPH II staff
Czarnowczan, Lauren Office of Public Health Practice 2706 SPH I 734-763-6688 staff
Dahlerus, Claudia Biostatistics 3632 SPH I 734-764-2764 staff
Dailey, Paul (Bud) Health Behavior & Health Equity Working Remotely
3835 SPH I
Dalaly, Mariam (Mimi) Biostatistics 3620-02 SPH I 734-763-1627 staff
Dallaire, Amanda Health Behavior & Health Equity 3778 SPH I 734-936-1626 faculty
Daltuva, Judith Environmental Health Sciences M6234 SPH II 734-936-0756 staff
Damek Valvano, Weronika Epidemiology staff
Damm, Mary Beth Health Behavior & Health Equity Working Remotely staff
Daniels, Charlita Health Management & Policy M3541 SPH II 734-647-1925 staff
Daniels, Joyce Environmental Health Sciences SPH I, Room 6631 734-763-1171 staff
Das, Sayantan Biostatistics 4605 SPH I student
Daugherty, Morgan Health Behavior & Health Equity Working Remotely staff
David, Ifeolu (profile) Epidemiology M5071, SPH II faculty
De La Rosa, Lisset Nutritional Sciences NIB staff
de Majo, Ricardo Health Behavior & Health Equity 2770 SPH I 734-763-0017 staff
Debbie, Novak-Haas Biostatistics M4011 SPH II staff
Debro, Kyle Health Behavior & Health Equity Working Remotely staff
Delacroix, Emerson Health Behavior & Health Equity 3800 SPH I #3-10AB 734-764-2014 staff
DeLong, Zachery Biostatistics staff
Dempsey, Walter (profile) Biostatistics M4057 SPH II 734-615-9825 faculty
Deng, Lili Health Behavior & Health Equity Working Remotely staff
Deng, Yuhao Biostatistics 4605-18 SPH I post-doc
Detzler, Lauren Biostatistics M2030-26 SPH II 734-615-0420 staff
Dhurvas, Mythili Biostatistics 3665 SPH I 734-763-1604 staff
Diamond, Chris Marketing & Communications 1780 SPH I 734-7638935 staff
DiFranco, Donna Biostatistics M2030 SPH II 734-764-5425 staff
Dobski, Christine Biostatistics 4619 SPH I
M4240 SPH II
734-763-0424 staff
Dokshina, Dasha Epidemiology 734-615-0690 staff
Dolinoy, Dana (profile) EHS / NUTR M6017 SPH II 734-647-3155 faculty
Dou, John Epidemiology M5242 SPH II 734-763-2071 staff
Douglass, Lynn Office for Student Engagement and Practice 1722 SPH I 734-647-2267 staff
Drake, Daniel Biostatistics Working Remotely 734-678-644-8198 staff
Du, Juan Biostatistics 3650-03 SPH I 734-763-1547 staff
Dudley, Amanda Epidemiology M5158 SPH II 734-647-0854 staff
Duncker, William Epidemiology 4444 Corona Drive, Suite 236, Corpus Christi, TX
Dunietz, Galit (profile) Nutritional Sciences C728B Med Inn Building, Ann Arbor MI 48109-5845
Durgy, Carole Nutritional Sciences 3866 SPH I 734-647-2819 staff
Dushetty, Sreeharsha Biostatistics 4605 SPH I staff
Dusic, Emerson Epidemiology staff
Dvonch, Tim (profile) Environmental Health Sciences 6646 SPH I 734-615-3484 faculty
Dykowski, Drew Office for Student Engagement and Practice 1734 SPH I 734-763-9176 staff
Dymont, Austin Environmental Health Sciences M6168 SPH II staff
Eckard, Ashley Biostatistics 3645 3.8 SPH I 734-763-1626 staff
Eisenberg, Alexa Health Behavior & Health Equity 3826 SPH I post-doc
Eisenberg, Joseph (profile) Epidemiology M5156 SPH II 734-764-5435 faculty
Eisenberg, Marisa (profile) Epidemiology M5166 SPH II 734-763-2991 faculty
Eklund, Stephen A (profile) Epidemiology 734-647-0199 faculty
Elliott, Michael (profile) Biostatistics M4124 SPH II 734-647-5160 faculty
Emelander, Ryleigh Epidemiology staff
Eshelman, Jennifer Office for Student Engagement and Practice SPH I 2726 734-763-7130 staff
Falce, Allyse Dean's Office 1766 SPH I staff
Fane, Wendy Biostatistics M2030-11 SPH II 734-764-4455 staff
Farr, Sarah Health Management & Policy 3242 SPH II post-doc
Fava, Melissa Biostatistics 3645.3.23 SPH I staff
Fendrick, Mark (profile) Health Management & Policy 300 NIB #NI7C27/0429
M3240 SPH II
734-936-4787 faculty
Fenech, Nicole Biostatistics M4226 SPH II 734-615-9817 staff
Fernandez, Jennifer Environmental Health Sciences 6611B SPH I 734-763-0656 staff
Finkel, Adam (profile) Environmental Health Sciences 734-202-406-0042 faculty
Firestone, Monica Epidemiology 2665 SPH I 734-615-9209 staff
Fleischer, Nancy (profile) Epidemiology 2649C SPH I 734-764-3644 faculty
Fleming, Paul (profile) Health Behavior & Health Equity 3814 SPH I 734-647-2683 faculty
Ford, Kathleen (profile) Epidemiology faculty
Foster-Tucker, Joshua Epidemiology M5134 SPH II staff
Foxman, Betsy (profile) Epidemiology M5108 SPH II 734-764-5487 faculty
Francis, Nancy (profile) Epidemiology 4642 SPH I 734-763-0274 staff
Francois, Katherine Epidemiology M5533 SPH II staff
Franzblau, Alfred (profile) Environmental Health Sciences 6611A SPH I 734-763-2758 faculty
Franzen, Susan Health Behavior & Health Equity 400 N. Saginaw Suite 233, Flint MI 48502 734-810-618-3283 staff
Freed, Gary (profile) Health Management & Policy 300 NIB #NI6E10/0456 734-615-0616 faculty
Freedland, Jessica Office for Student Engagement and Practice SPH I 1700 734-763-9045 staff
Freiheit, Elizabeth Biostatistics M2523 SPH II 734-615-1992 staff
Friedman, Charles (profile) Health Management & Policy 205 Victor Vaughan 1111 E. Catherine
M3116 SPH II
734-936-1644 faculty
Fries, Brant (profile) Health Management & Policy 935 W 300 NIB/2007 734-936-2107 faculty
Fritsche, Lars (profile) Biostatistics 4633 SPH I 734-763-2161 faculty
Frye, Brandon Biostatistics 3620-01 SPH I 734-763-1627 staff
Fucinari, Juliana Health Behavior & Health Equity Working Remotely staff
Fuller, Tracy Epidemiology 1600 Huron Parkway NCRC Bldg 300-304M 734-763-2223 staff
Furgal, Allison Biostatistics M2030 SPH II staff
Galecki, Andrzej (profile) Biostatistics 300 N Ingalls 734-936-2138 faculty
Gamarel, Kristi (profile) Health Behavior & Health Equity 2822 SPH I 734-647-3178 faculty
Garber, Catherine Marketing & Communications M1519 SPH II staff
Garber, Lisa Office for Student Engagement and Practice 2726 SPH I 734-647-0074 staff
Garcia, Ashley Biostatistics 3645 3.21 SPH I 734-763-1615 staff
Garcia, Elizabeth Epidemiology 4444 Corona Drive, Suite 236, Corpus Christi, TX 734-361-853-1945 staff
Garner, Jennifer (profile) Nutritional Sciences SPH I faculty
Gaynanova, Irina Biostatistics SPH I 4602 faculty
George, Jaclyn (Jackie) Biostatistics Working Remotely staff
Geronimus, Arline T (profile) Health Behavior & Health Equity 2854 SPH I 734-936-0929 faculty
Gilani, Owais Biostatistics M2030-34 SPH II 734-764-3188 staff
Gilbert, Julie Epidemiology 4665 SPH I staff
Gilsdorf, Janet (profile) Epidemiology faculty
Gilson, Maria Office of Global Public Health SPH II 734-763-8345 staff
Gizinski, Brandi Biostatistics M2030-04 SPH II 734-763-3632 staff
Gladfelter, Jacob Biostatistics SPH II M4017 staff
Gliedt, Terry Biostatistics M2517 SPH II 734-615-4872 staff
Godonou, Elie-Tino Epidemiology
Gong, Catherine Health Behavior & Health Equity 3700 SPH I staff
Gonzalez, Elizabeth Health Behavior & Health Equity Working Remotely staff
Goodhart, Abigail Biostatistics M2030-01 SPH II 734-936-1981 staff
Goodrich, Jackie (profile) Environmental Health Sciences M6226 SPH II faculty
Goold, Susan (profile) Health Management & Policy 300 North Ingalls Bldg
7C27 NIB
734-936-5222 faculty
Gordon, Aubree (profile) Epidemiology 5622 SPH I 734-763-3580 faculty
Gordon, Linda Epidemiology faculty
Gorowski, Terri Epidemiology 4665.07 SPH I 734-764-7407 staff
Grabijas, Caitlin Biostatistics 3620-02 SPH I 734-763-7289 staff
Gramza, Keegan Nutritional Sciences 1851C SPH I staff
Gray, Jody Epidemiology Working Remotely staff
Grazier, Kyle (profile) Health Management & Policy M3507 SPH II 734-936-1222 faculty
Green, Ashley Office of Development 1800 SPH I 734-647-1672 staff
Greer, Scott (profile) Health Management & Policy M3158 SPH II 734-615-3711 faculty
Gremel, Garrett (Wolf) Biostatistics 3645-3.10 SPH I 734-763-6619 staff
Griffith, John (profile) Health Management & Policy M3216 SPH II 734-936-2601 faculty
Griffith, Kent Biostatistics M2180 SPH II 734-615-0601 staff
Griggs, Jennifer (profile) Health Management & Policy 2800 Plymouth Rd.
NCRC Bldg. 16 Room 116W
734-647-8478 faculty
Grodzinski, Alison Health Behavior & Health Equity 3734 SPH I staff
Gross, Colin Biostatistics Working Remotely staff
Grubb, Greggory Environmental Health Sciences staff
Grzyb, Eric Dean's Office M3064 SPH II staff
Gu, Haoyu Biostatistics 3645.3.15 SPH I 734-763-1622 staff
Gunden, Joseph Biostatistics 3645 3.20 SPH I 734-763-1615 staff
Gurecki, Sydney Dean's Office 1815 SPH I 734-764-8093 staff
Gutierrez, Cristina Biostatistics staff
Guttrich, Charlotte Health Behavior & Health Equity Working Remotely staff
Hadley-Dottery, Veronica Epidemiology 4655 SPH I 734-764-7373 staff
Hagar, Justin Biostatistics 3671 SPH I 734-763-0499 staff
Halabicky, Olivia Nutritional Sciences 1415 Washington Heights post-doc
Han, Peisong (profile) Biostatistics M4531 SPH II 734-615-7439 faculty
Han, Sang Woong Biostatistics 3631 SPH I 734-763-1611 staff
Handal, Alexis (profile) Epidemiology 6622 SPH I 734-647-3957 faculty
Hanss, Theodore (profile) Health Management & Policy M3134 SPH II 734-330-2575 faculty
Hao, Wei (profile) Biostatistics M4602 SPH II faculty
Hao, Xingjie Biostatistics M4317C SPH II staff
Harlow, Sioban (profile) Epidemiology 6610B SPH I 734-763-5173 faculty
Harper, Gary (profile) Health Behavior & Health Equity 2830 SPH I 734-647-9778 faculty
Harris, Anna Biostatistics M2030 SPH II 734-764-5425 staff
Harris, Craig (profile) EHS / NUTR 6667 SPH I 734-936-3397 faculty
Harris, Sean (profile) Environmental Health Sciences 6645 SPH I 734-764-3188 faculty
Harris, Storee Epidemiology 4665 SPH I staff
Hartman, Nicholas Biostatistics SPH I 3659 faculty
Hartwig, Teresa Health Behavior & Health Equity Working Remotely staff
Hayashi, Michael (profile) Epidemiology 5515 SPH I faculty
Hayward, Rodney (profile) Health Management & Policy 6312 Med Sci I/0604 734-936-5222 faculty
He, Kevin (Zhi) (profile) Biostatistics 3663 SPH I 734-764-2279 faculty
Head, Jennifer Epidemiology M5116, SPH II faculty
Hearn, Donny Epidemiology M5118 SPH II 734-764-2340 staff
Hedgeman, Elizabeth Biostatistics 3645.3.24 SPH I 734-763-1609 student
Hegeman, Garnett Epidemiology staff
Heinze, Justin (profile) Health Behavior & Health Equity 3710 SPH I 734-615-4992 faculty
Heisler, Michele (profile) Health Behavior & Health Equity 2215 Fuller Road Room D19411A 734-845-3504 faculty
Henderson, Nicholas Biostatistics 4610 SPH I 734-764-6585 staff
Hendy, Katie Health Behavior & Health Equity 2806 SPH I post-doc
Heningburg, Jacob Health Management & Policy 3539 SPH II staff
Henry, Haley Health Behavior & Health Equity Working Remotely staff
Herkimer, Carol Epidemiology 1919 Green Road #A120 734-763-2461 staff
Herold, Kirsten (profile) Dean's Office M3226 SPH II 734-763-5582 staff
Herzog, Noelle Biostatistics Working Remotely staff
Heung, Mike Biostatistics 3631 SPH I 734-763-1611 staff
Hicks, Wyatt Epidemiology 734-763-9821 staff
Higgins, Millicent (profile) Epidemiology 252 Indian River Place 734-761-9608 faculty
Higginson-Rollins, Paige Office of Global Public Health M2011 SPH II staff
Hill-Burns, Erin Biostatistics staff
Hinnant, Kennedy Health Behavior & Health Equity Working Remotely staff
Hirth, Richard (profile) Health Management & Policy M3202 SPH II 734-936-1306 faculty
Hodgess, Erin Biostatistics M2180 SPH II staff
Hoffman, Lacey Biostatistics M4023 SPH II staff
Holloway, Lisa Biostatistics M2030-3 SPH II 734-764-2817 staff
Holman, Jennifer EHS / ADM 6659 SPH I 734-763-1313 staff
Holtzman, Jeff Biostatistics M2030-12 SPH II 734-736-1971 staff
Hood, Michelle Epidemiology 6610 SPH I 734-647-0819 staff
Hopson, Jennifer Health Behavior & Health Equity Working Remotely 734-936-8645 staff
Hou, Siyu Biostatistics 4613 SPH I post-doc
Houston, Maddie Office for Student Engagement and Practice 1706 SPH I staff
Howe, Kate Health Behavior & Health Equity 3815 SPH I staff
Howell, Catherine Epidemiology 4665.06 SPH I 734-764-7780 staff
Howell, Joel (profile) Health Management & Policy 6312 Med Sci I/0604 734-647-4844 faculty
Huang, Lei Environmental Health Sciences M6134 SPH II staff
Huang, Suiyuan Biostatistics M2030-16 SPH II 734-647-3166 staff
Hudson, Darrell (profile) Health Behavior & Health Equity 3790 SPH I 734-763-7031 faculty
Hudson, Elisabeth (profile) Nutritional Sciences Domino's Farms, Lobby H, Suite 2100 734-232-6871 faculty
Huffman, Maria Elisa Epidemiology 4444 Corona Drive, Suite 236, Corpus Christi, TX 734-361-853-1945 staff
Hutton, David (profile) Health Management & Policy M3515 SPH II 734-936-1214 faculty
Huyghe, Jeroen Biostatistics M4537 SPH II 734-647-7559 staff
Huynh, James (profile) Health Management & Policy 3515 SPH II 734-936-8264 faculty
Iglesias Rios, Lisbeth (profile) Epidemiology 6634 SPH I faculty
Ignacio, Rose Biostatistics M2030-18 SPH II 734-764-4113 staff
Iorga, Stephanie Epidemiology staff
Israel, Barbara A (profile) Health Behavior & Health Equity 2794 SPH I 734-647-3184 faculty
Itani, Wadad Health Behavior & Health Equity staff
Jackson, Nik Computing Services 7625 SPH I 734-763-6637 staff
Jacobson, Peter (profile) Health Management & Policy 3611A SPH I 734-936-0928 faculty
Jadwin-Cakmak, Laura Health Behavior & Health Equity 2855 SPH I 734-763-2884 staff
Jahnke, Jordan Biostatistics M2030 staff
James, Kaley EHS / ADM 1415 Washington Heights
Janevic, Mary (profile) Health Behavior & Health Equity 2811 SPH I 734-647-3194 faculty
Jansen, Erica (profile) Nutritional Sciences 3863 SPH I 734-764-9335 faculty
Jarman, Holly (profile) Health Management & Policy M3523 SPH II 734-647-9225 faculty
Jennett, Ben Health Behavior & Health Equity Working Remotely staff
Jennings, Jacoby Epidemiology staff
Jennings, Zach Epidemiology 4643 SPH I 734-647-8140 staff
Jeon, Jihyoun (profile) Epidemiology M5065 SPH II 734-936-1442 faculty
Jiang, Hua Biostatistics staff
Jiang, Hui (profile) Biostatistics M4523 SPH II 734-764-6742 faculty
Jimenez-Mendoza, Evelyn Epidemiology M5158 SPH II staff
Jobe, Kiah Biostatistics M2030 SPH II staff
Johns, Lily Epidemiology staff
Johnson, Emileigh Epidemiology 5667 SPH II 734-764-5483 staff
Johnson, Meghan Biostatistics M2030 SPH II 734-647-1808 staff
Johnson, Timothy (profile) Biostatistics M4065 SPH II 734-936-1007 faculty
Jolliet, Olivier (profile) Environmental Health Sciences 6635 SPH I 734-647-0394 faculty
Jones, Andy (profile) Nutritional Sciences 3846 SPH I 734-647-1881 faculty
Jones, Deanna Biostatistics M2030-21 SPH II 734-615-6328 staff
Jones, Karen Biostatistics M2030-1 SPH II 734-763-7738 staff
Jones, Kori Health Behavior & Health Equity Working Remotely 734-764-6029 staff
Jones, Tamara Environmental Health Sciences M6150 SPH II 734-764-6213 staff
Joshi, Spruha Epidemiology 2649B, SPH I faculty
Juntila, Casey Epidemiology 5626 SPH I staff
Jurado, Edwin Dean's Office Working Remotely staff
Kaciroti, Niko (profile) Biostatistics 300 N. Ingalls 734-763-9714 faculty
Kadir, Mumta Epidemiology 4665 SPH I staff
Kaiser, Tasha Biostatistics Working Remotely staff
Kajdasz, Sarah Health Behavior & Health Equity staff
Kalbfleisch, Jack (profile) Biostatistics 3659 SPH I 734-615-7067 faculty
Kalesnikava, Viktoryia Epidemiology staff
Kamdar, Neil Biostatistics 3645.3.15 SPH I 734-763-1622 staff
Kammerzell, Juliana Nutritional Sciences 976 NIB staff
Kang, Hyun Min (profile) Biostatistics 4623 SPH I 734-647-1980 faculty
Kang, Jian (profile) Biostatistics M4055 SPH II 734-763-1607 faculty
Kaniclides, Anne Epidemiology M5052 SPH II 734-763-3428
Kaplan, George (profile) Epidemiology faculty
Kardia, Sharon (profile) EPID / ADM M5174 SPH II 734-764-4221 faculty
Karvonen-Gutierrez, Carrie (profile) Epidemiology 6618 SPH I 734-763-0571 faculty
Kasiborski, Michael Marketing & Communications 1766 SPH I 734-647-7253 staff
Katsumi, Hitomi Dean's Office SPH I 734-647-4874 staff
Katz, Mark (profile) Epidemiology faculty
Katz, Steven (profile) Health Management & Policy 300 NIB #NI7C27/0429 734-936-4787 faculty
Keene, Dawn Biostatistics M4240 SPH II 734-647-3944 staff
Kelley, Libby Epidemiology 4444 Corona Drive, Suite 236, Corpus Christi, TX
Phone 361-853-1945
Kennedy, Sheela (profile) Health Management & Policy M3047 SPH II 734-936-5344 faculty
Kidwell, Kelley (profile) Biostatistics M4164 SPH II 734-764-6724 faculty
Killaly, Catherine Health Management & Policy 3611 SPH I 734-936-5556 staff
Kim, Myra (profile) Biostatistics M3039 SPH II 734-936-0998 faculty
Kimberly, Armanda Epidemiology G841 SPH I staff
King, Elizabeth (profile) Health Behavior & Health Equity 3842 SPH I 734-763-0673 faculty
Klein, Rachel Environmental Health Sciences M6134 SPH II post-doc
Kleinsasser, Michael Biostatistics M4017 SPH II 734-615-0089 staff
Klimas, Emily Biostatistics M4242 SPH II staff
Knill, Annie Office for Student Engagement and Practice 2722 SPH I 734-647-7705 staff
Ko, Tung-Chun Epidemiology 1919 Green Road #A120 734-763-2461 staff
Kobayashi, Lindsay (profile) Epidemiology 2661 SPH I 734-763-0322 faculty
Kolenic, Giselle Biostatistics M2030 SPH II 734-615-1992 staff
Korf, Claudia Epidemiology staff
Kovacevich, Joanna Instructional Services M3055 SPH II 734-647-0226 staff
Kowalski-Dobson, Theresa Epidemiology M5232 SPH II staff
Krambrink, Amy Biostatistics M2030 SPH II 734-764-5425 staff
Krcmarik, Eva Health Behavior & Health Equity 3768 SPH I 734-647-9601 staff
Kubacki, David Biostatistics M4232 SPH II 734-647-9979 staff
Kulik, Phoebe Office of Public Health Practice M5517 SPH II 734-615-0144
Kuo, Stanley Biostatistics M2030-25 SPH II 734-736-5333 staff
Kwicklis, Madeline Epidemiology 2665 SPH I staff
Kyle, Terwillegar Biostatistics M4023 SPH II staff
Ladhania, Rahul (profile) Health Management & Policy M3525 SPH II 734-936-5547 faculty
LaFerle, Andrea Marketing & Communications 1762 SPH I 734-764-8094 staff
Laldee, Chyanne Health Behavior & Health Equity Working Remotely staff
Lam, Gretchen Biostatistics SPH II M2030 - Office 32 staff
Landi, Anna Biostatistics M2030-5 SPH II 734-936-5799 staff
Langa, Kenneth (profile) Health Management & Policy 300 NIB Rm 7E01 Box 0429 734-615-8341 faculty
LaRocca, Mindy Nutritional Sciences 1855 SPH I 734-647-3084 staff
Larson, Mandi Biostatistics M4210 SPH II 734-764-5450 staff
Larson, Peter Epidemiology faculty
Laubepin, Frederique Instructional Services M3073 SPH II 734-936-1248 staff
Laurencelle, Desiree Health Behavior & Health Equity 3762A SPH I 734-764-2973 staff
Laurin, Steve Computing Services 7625 SPH I 734-936-1247 staff
Le, Kai Health Behavior & Health Equity Working Remotely staff
Le, Thuy (profile) Health Management & Policy 5039 SPH II faculty
Lee, Jumanne Health Behavior & Health Equity Working Remotely 734-615-0492 staff
Lee, Sang-Jin Environmental Health Sciences 6168 SPH I staff
Lee, Seong-ho Biostatistics 4048E SPH I post-doc
LeFaive, Jonathon Biostatistics M4174 SPH II staff
Leichtman, Alan Biostatistics 3651 SPH I 734-763-1607 staff
Leis, Aleda (profile) Epidemiology 6630 SPH I 734-647-0495 faculty
Lepkowski, James M (profile) Biostatistics Institute for Social Research Rm 310 734-936-0021 faculty
Leslie, Janet Biostatistics 3645 SPH I
3626 SPH I
734-763-1554 staff
Lesniak, Nicholas Biostatistics staff
Lester-Pelham, Shannon Biostatistics staff
Leung, Cindy (profile) Nutritional Sciences 3866 SPH I faculty
Levin-Sparenberg, Elizabeth (profile) Epidemiology faculty
Levy, Helen (profile) Health Management & Policy Survey Research Center
309 ISR 1248

Ley, Cristina Office for Student Engagement and Practice SPH I 1700 staff
Li, Gen (profile) Biostatistics M4533 SPH II 734-763-2942 faculty
Li, Jinju Biostatistics SPH I 4605-15 staff
Li, Kendrick Biostatistics Working Remotely staff
Li, Wei (Kevin) Biostatistics M4174 SPH II 734-615-9148 staff
Li, Xizhao (Jenny) Biostatistics 3645 3.2 SPH I 734-763-1628 staff
Li, Yan Biostatistics SPH II M4048F post-doc
Li, Yanming Biostatistics G860 SPH I 734-764-4629 staff
Li, Yi (profile) Biostatistics M2102 SPH II 734-647-5766 faculty
Li, Yun (profile) Biostatistics M4073 SPH II 734-936-9846 faculty
Li, Zhongze (George) Biostatistics M2030 734-764-5425 staff
Liang, Jersey (profile) Health Management & Policy M3234 SPH II 734-936-1303 faculty
Liang, Wen Biostatistics M2030-28 SPH II 734-936-1011 staff
Lichtenstein, Richard (profile) Health Management & Policy faculty
Lillie, Brian Marketing & Communications 1770 SPH I 734-647-9836 staff
Lin, Yuqing Biostatistics 3645-3.20 SPH I 734-763-1615 staff
Lindsay, Becca Health Behavior & Health Equity Working Remotely
2815 SPH I
Lisabeth, Lynda (profile) EPID / ADM 1827 SPH I 734-936-9649 faculty
Little, Roderick (profile) Biostatistics M4071 SPH II 734-936-1003 faculty
Liu, Dajiang Biostatistics 4626 SPH I 734-763-5468 staff
Liu, Lu Biostatistics 4613 SPH I post-doc
Loch Caruso, Rita (profile) Environmental Health Sciences M6108 SPH II 734-936-1256 faculty
Locke, Adam Biostatistics M4041 SPH II 734-647-4671 staff
Locke, Morgan Health Behavior & Health Equity staff
Long, Mingya Biostatistics SPH II M4317D post-doc
Lopez, William (profile) Health Behavior & Health Equity 3822 SPH I 734-647-1421 faculty
Loria, Alyssa Health Behavior & Health Equity 3823 SPH I 734-763-2679 staff
Loury, Kelly Dean's Office 734-763-2876 staff
Lubetkin, Andrea Resource Planning and Management 1758 SPH I 734-763-1036 staff
Luo, Yali Environmental Health Sciences 6659 SPH I staff
Luzius, Kim Office for Student Engagement and Practice M3065 SPH II 734-763-5687 staff
Ma, Claire Health Management & Policy post-doc
Mack, Desmond Office of Undergraduate Education 2714 SPH I 734-647-4997 staff
Mackie, Nikki Biostatistics M4210 SPH II staff
Maffioli, Elisa (profile) Health Management & Policy M3116 SPH II faculty
Magnuson, Brian Biostatistics NCRC Building 520 Room 1347 734-615-2092 staff
Maharjan, Gaurab Health Behavior & Health Equity Working Remotely staff
Maier, Hannah Epidemiology 5622 SPH I staff
Maki-Spadafore, Erin Epidemiology 4641 SPH I 734-764-5454 staff
Maly, Marianna Health Behavior & Health Equity 2800 Plymouth Rd Bldg 16 3rd Floor 734-647-7154 faculty
Mancuso, Peter (profile) Nutritional Sciences 1846 SPH I 734-615-5158 faculty
Manz, Kate Environmental Health Sciences M6242 SPH II 734-647-2977 faculty
Marceau, Megan Biostatistics M2030 SPH II 734-764-5425 staff
Marinec, Nicolle Health Behavior & Health Equity Off Site staff
Markel, Howard (profile) Health Management & Policy 100 Simpson Memorial Institute
102 Observatory 0725
734-647-6914 faculty
Marquez, Juan Luis Epidemiology faculty
Martin, Chantal Health Management & Policy NCRC 2800, Bldg 16, Fl 4 734-764-2784 staff
Martin, Emily (profile) Epidemiology M5132 SPH II 734-647-4723 faculty
Martin-Schwarze, Adam Biostatistics M2030-17 SPH II 734-615-4603 staff
Maschio, Andrea Biostatistics M4172 SPH II 734-615-4872 staff
Mashburn, Wendy Biostatistics M4234 SPH II 734-647-1018 staff
Matzinger, Shawna Nutritional Sciences 1862 SPH I 734-(734) 764-4688 staff
McAdory-Kim, Sara Epidemiology 5218 SPH II 734-647-5897 staff
McCain, Sarah Health Behavior & Health Equity 2810 SPH I 734-763-2881 staff
McCamant, Holly Biostatistics M4234 SPH II 734-936-2662 staff
McConnell, Dan (profile) Epidemiology 6630 SPH I
1919 Green Rd #A120
McConville, Jillian Office of Undergraduate Education 2718 SPH I 734-936-1258 staff
McCullough, Jeffrey (profile) Health Management & Policy M3110 SPH II faculty
McCullough, Kerry Epidemiology 6650 SPH I 734-763-0964
McCune, Trevin Biostatistics SPH II M4242 staff
McGehee, Meredith Epidemiology 6610 SPH I 734-647-0819 staff
McLean, Kate Epidemiology post-doc
McMahon, Laurence (profile) Health Management & Policy N17C27 NIB/0429 734-936-5216 faculty
Meeker, John (profile) EHS / ADM 1835 SPH I 734-764-7184 faculty
Megan, Slowey Biostatistics 3645-3.13 SPH I 734-763-1621 staff
Mehdipanah, Roshanak (profile) Health Behavior & Health Equity 3707 SPH I 734-763-1788 faculty
Mehta, Divya Epidemiology M5417 SPH II 734-647-1120 staff
Melis, Isabelle Environmental Health Sciences 7529 SPH II staff
Mendez, David (profile) Health Management & Policy 3611A SPH I 734-647-0218 faculty
Meng, Xuran Biostatistics SPH II M2224 post-doc
Mesa, Hannah Health Behavior & Health Equity 3818 SPH I
Messana, Joe Biostatistics 3643 SPH I 734-763-1536 staff
Messer, Kassandra Biostatistics M4232 SPH II 734-615-9706 staff
Messman, Elizabeth (Libby) Health Behavior & Health Equity 3700 SPH I post-doc
Mezuk, Briana (profile) Epidemiology 2649B SPH I 734-615-9204 faculty
Michaels, Kevin Health Behavior & Health Equity Working Remotely staff
Michaels, Miriam Biostatistics staff
Miles, Nate Office of Development 1828 SPH I 734-615-4362 staff
Miller, Alison (profile) Health Behavior & Health Equity 3718 SPH I 734-615-7459 faculty
Miller, Brent Health Behavior & Health Equity Working Remotely staff
Miller, Cedric Environmental Health Sciences Remote 734-763-4043 staff
Mireles, Christina Health Behavior & Health Equity Working Remotely staff
Mirzadjahromi, Nazila Biostatistics staff
Mistry, Ritesh (profile) Health Behavior & Health Equity 3806 SPH I 734-936-1318 faculty
Modell, Stephen Epidemiology staff
Molatt, Zachary Instructional Services SPH I 2700
Molnar, Steve Office for Student Engagement and Practice 1719 SPH I 734-615-4308 staff
Mondul, Alison (profile) Epidemiology 3635 SPH I 734-764-3834 faculty
Monger, ANarris Office of Public Health Practice 2706 SPH I staff
Monro, Dior' Health Behavior & Health Equity 2-18BC SPH I staff
Monto, Arnold (profile) Epidemiology M5156 SPH II 734-764-5453 faculty
Monty, Shawna Health Behavior & Health Equity Working Remotely
3703 SPH I
Moore, Dustin Dean's Office M3064 SPH II staff
Moore, Shantel Health Behavior & Health Equity 3800 (3-10C) SPH I 734-647-6155 staff
Morgan, Gloria Biostatistics staff
Morgan, Jillian Epidemiology M5216 SPH II 734-936-1590 staff
Morgan, Rachel Environmental Health Sciences SPH I post-doc
Morgenstern, Hal (profile) Epidemiology M5164 SPH II 734-764-5214 faculty
Morgenstern, Lewis (profile) Epidemiology 1920 TC 734-936-075 faculty
Morrison, Jean (profile) Biostatistics M4148 SPH II 734-764-5450 faculty
Mosack, David Biostatistics staff
Mostafa, Zeinab Nutritional Sciences NIB staff
Mugala, Faith Health Management & Policy staff
Mukerjee, Richa Health Behavior & Health Equity Working Remotely staff
Munro, Karelynn Health Behavior & Health Equity Working Remotely 734-660-2153 staff
Murphy, Heather Health Behavior & Health Equity Working Remotely staff
Murphy, Janie Epidemiology 4444 Corona Drive, Suite 236, Corpus Christi, TX 734-361-853-1945 staff
Murphy, Mac Health Behavior & Health Equity Working Remotely staff
Murray, Susan (profile) Biostatistics M4515 SPH II 734-936-1013 faculty
Nadeem, Aresha Health Behavior & Health Equity Working Remotely staff
Nadella, Chandrakanth Biostatistics M2030-12 SPH II 734-647-1810 staff
Nahra, Tammie Biostatistics 3628 SPH I 734-764-2685 staff
Naik, Tanvi Biostatistics Working Remotely 734-647-821-0553 staff
Nanavati, Hely Epidemiology post-doc
Nance, April Biostatistics M4174 SPH II staff
Narula, Meaghan Office for Student Engagement and Practice 2718 SPH I staff
Neblett, Enrique (profile) Health Behavior & Health Equity 2766 SPH I 734-647-5237 faculty
Nedjari, Fatma Biostatistics M4224 SPH II 734-615-9812 staff
Needham, Belinda (profile) Epidemiology 4659 SPH I 734-764-4535 faculty
Neeley, Seth Epidemiology M1519 SPH II 734-936-1570 staff
Neggie, Patrick Health Behavior & Health Equity Working Remotely staff
Neitzel, Richard (profile) Environmental Health Sciences 6611D SPH I 734-763-2870 faculty
Nelson, Erin Marketing & Communications 1770 SPH I 734-7346474683 staff
Neubauer, Leah Health Behavior & Health Equity 3830 SPH I faculty
Newman, Sean Health Behavior & Health Equity Working Remotely staff
Nguyen, Thuy (profile) Health Management & Policy M3234 SPH II 734-647-1825 faculty
Nguyen, Vy Environmental Health Sciences 1415 Washington Heights staff
Nichols, Emily Epidemiology G841 SPH I 734-647-4723 staff
Nielsen, Daniel Biostatistics M2030-30 SPH II 734-232-9980 staff
Ning, Chao Biostatistics 4613-1 SPH I post-doc
Nitta, Jocelyn Epidemiology M5118 SPH II staff
Nkemere, Linda Health Behavior & Health Equity staff
Norton, Edward (profile) Health Management & Policy M3108 SPH II 734-615-5738 faculty
O'Neill, Marie (profile) EHS / EPID 6623 SPH I 734-615-5135 faculty
Oberly, Brian Nutritional Sciences 976 NIB staff
Odueso, Ebun Health Behavior & Health Equity Working Remotely staff
Oesterle, SusanLynne Health Management & Policy 2800 Plymouth Rd Bldg 16 Fl 4 Rm 455S 734-647-9688 staff
Olivero, Julie Resource Planning and Management SPH I staff
Olsen, Jessica Epidemiology 4649 SPH I 734-764-5436 staff
Olsson, Sabrina Biostatistics M4218 SPH II 734-615-7980 staff
Omenn, Gilbert Environmental Health Sciences SPH faculty
Orleman, Lauren Dean's Office 1819 SPH I 734-763-1363 staff
Osei-Onomah, Shirley-Ann Biostatistics staff
Oyster, Eleise Environmental Health Sciences 6529 SPH II staff
Ozor Commer, Chidimma Biostatistics M4317A SPH II staff
Paalanen, Noah Epidemiology M5017 SPH II staff
Paberzs, Adam Health Behavior & Health Equity Working Remotely staff
Padilla, Robin Biostatistics 3645.3.13 SPH I 734-763-1624 staff
Palma, Amanda Nutritional Sciences 1851 C SPH I staff
Parisi, Lisa Dean's Office SPH I 1700 staff
Park, Jinsung Nutritional Sciences 1415 Washington Heights post-doc
Park, Junyoung Biostatistics SPH I 4612 post-doc
Park, Sung Kyun (profile) Epidemiology M5541 SPH II 734-936-1719 faculty
Parrotte, Casey Biostatistics 3620-02 SPH I 734-763-1617 staff
Patel, Akash Epidemiology 2679 SPH I 734-764-3644 staff
Patel, Minal (profile) Health Behavior & Health Equity 3810 SPH I 734-763-0087 faculty
Pathania, Shivalika Biostatistics post-doc
Patil, Snehal Biostatistics Working Remotely 734-414-217-3747 staff
Patterson, Akilah Health Behavior & Health Equity 2014 Pop Stud Cntr - ISR 734-763-2378 staff
Patterson, Janay Epidemiology M5142 SPH II 734-764-2340 staff
Payne-Sturges, Devon Environmental Health Sciences 6108 SPH I faculty
Pearce, C Leigh (profile) Epidemiology 3632 SPH I 734-764-3835 faculty
Pearsall, April Resource Planning and Management 2234 SPH II 734-260-9173 staff
Pedde, Meredith Epidemiology M5525 SPH II 734-615-9201 faculty
Pedroza, Jesica Nutritional Sciences 3862 SPH I staff
Peitzmeier, Sarah (profile) Health Behavior & Health Equity 3347 400 NIB faculty
Peoples, Whitney Dean's Office 1803 SPH I 734-647-4019 student
Perera, Bambarendage (Pini) (profile) Environmental Health Sciences M6150 SPH II staff
Perera, Chamila Biostatistics Working Remotely staff
Person, Dominique Epidemiology 4646 SPH I 734-615-7192 staff
Peruzzi, Michele (profile) Biostatistics SPH II M4531 faculty
Peterson, Karen (profile) Nutritional Sciences 1867 SPH I 734-647-1923 faculty
Petroff, Rebekah Environmental Health Sciences 6645 SPH I staff
Peyser, Patricia A (profile) Epidemiology M5517 SPH II 734-763-4077 faculty
Piatt, Gretchen (profile) Health Behavior & Health Equity 227 Victor Vaughan Building
Piette, John (profile) Health Behavior & Health Equity 2802 SPH I 734-763-1457 faculty
Pilli, Subra Biostatistics staff
Pinjic, Belmin Biostatistics M2030 734-764-5425 staff
Plagens, Allison Epidemiology 4648 SPH I staff
Pleiness, Jacob Biostatistics 4635 SPH I 734-936-4812 staff
Pletta, David Epidemiology staff
Polderdyke, Nancy Nutritional Sciences 1851B SPH I 734-764-2594 staff
Power, Laura (profile) Epidemiology M5224 SPH II 734-647-5306 faculty
Prabhu-Sankar, Swaraaj Biostatistics 4602 SPH I staff
Prakash, Chethan Epidemiology 734-763-2991 staff
Price, Katrina Biostatistics 3645 SPH I 734-763-3645 staff
Priestley, Jill Epidemiology 1919 Green Road #A120 734-763-2461 staff
Prosser, Lisa (profile) Health Management & Policy NCRC Building 16, G038E 734-615-3508 faculty
Pu, Joyce Office for Student Engagement and Practice 1722 SPH I
Quinn, Mariana Epidemiology M5417 SPH II 734-615-0144 staff
Quinn, Martha Health Behavior & Health Equity 2859 SPH I 734-936-0480 staff
Racinski, Dylan Biostatistics Working Remotely staff
Raghunathan, Trivellore (profile) Biostatistics M4073 SPH II
1356 ISR
734-647-4619 faculty
Rahman, Sadia Epidemiology M5604 SPH II staff
Raji, Dolapo Epidemiology 734-764-2340 staff
Ralph, Brian Resource Planning and Management 1819 SPH I 734-763-5351 staff
Ramirez del Rio, Eileen Epidemiology staff
Ramos, Patti (profile) Nutritional Sciences Nutritional Science, SPH I faculty
Randolph, Elizabeth Biostatistics 3645-3.20 SPH I staff
Ratliff, Scott Epidemiology 2673 SPH I 734-647-8304 staff
Rauk, Leigh Health Behavior & Health Equity Working Remotely post-doc
Ray, Debu Biostatistics 3645 3.10 SPH I staff
Reames, Griffin Biostatistics 3663 SPH I 734-763-1603 staff
Reeves, Sarah (profile) Epidemiology 300 N Ingalls, Room 6D19 faculty
Reilly, Anne Marketing & Communications 1780 SPH I 734-764-1552 staff
Reimann, Susan Biostatistics 3665 SPH I 734-763-6611 staff
Reisner, Sereno (Sari) Epidemiology 2649A.1 SPH I 734-647-3737 faculty
Renda, Ari Office for Student Engagement and Practice 1710 SPH I 734-763-3918 staff
Rendon, Marcela Biostatistics staff
Resnicow, Ken (profile) Health Behavior & Health Equity 3867 SPH I 734-647-0212 faculty
Rey, Carmen EHS / ADM 6647 SPH I 734-647-1435 staff
Rice, John (profile) Biostatistics M4509 SPH II faculty
Rice, Tim Biostatistics 3645.3.7 SPH I 734-763-3837 staff
Richards, Julia (profile) Epidemiology 229 WK Kellogg Eye Center
1000 Wall St
734-668-6631 faculty
Richardson, Rudy (profile) Environmental Health Sciences M6065 SPH II 734-936-0769 faculty
Richardson, Sade Office of Public Health Practice 2710 SPH I 734-763-6526 staff
Rickard, Alexander (profile) Epidemiology 5646 SPH I 734-615-8491
615-9064 (lab)
Riley, Hurley Health Behavior & Health Equity 300 NIB 1003SW staff
Rios, Bella Epidemiology staff
Rivas, Alejandro Health Behavior & Health Equity Working Remotely staff
Rizzo, Joe Office for Student Engagement and Practice SPH II M1519 734-764-8312 staff
Robert, Lorraine Health Behavior & Health Equity 3782 SPH I 734-764-5171 staff
Roberts, Claire Nutritional Sciences 2863 SPH I staff
Roberts, Scott (profile) Health Behavior & Health Equity 2834 SPH I 734-936-9854 faculty
Robins, Thomas (profile) Environmental Health Sciences M6007 SPH II 734-936-0757 faculty
Roche-Hevia, Carlos Computing Services 7625 SPH I 734-936-1247 staff
Rodriguez, Adrian Health Behavior & Health Equity Working Remotely 734-763-9236 staff
Rodriguez-Putnam, Alejandro Epidemiology staff
Rogers, Baylee Health Behavior & Health Equity 2815 SPH I 734-763-8569 staff
Rork, Kristi Epidemiology 4655 SPH I 734-936-2587 staff
Rosenberg, Noah Biostatistics 2017 Palmer Commons 734-615-9556 staff
Ross, Ryan Biostatistics 4612 SPH I staff
Roys, Erik Biostatistics 3645.3.10 SPH I 734-763-1616 staff
Rubyan, Michael (profile) Health Management & Policy M3517 SPH II 734-936-6331
Ruiz, Rosaline Health Behavior & Health Equity Working Remotely staff
Ruiz-Narvaez, Edward (profile) Nutritional Sciences 1860 SPH I 734-647-0623 faculty
Rupp, Laney Health Behavior & Health Equity 3730 SPH I 734-647-6469 staff
Rusch, Amy Health Management & Policy M3025 SPH II staff
Russell, Sam Resource Planning and Management 734-647-0903 staff
Ryu, Soomin Epidemiology post-doc
Sais, Emma Epidemiology 4444 Corona Drive, Suite 236, Corpus Christi, TX 734-361-853-1945 staff
Sakrejda, Krzysztof Epidemiology 4665 SPH I staff
Salzman, Elizabeth Epidemiology 5620 SPH I staff
Sanders, Wade Epidemiology 1919 Green St. #A120 734-763-2461 staff
Santos Diaz, Isabel Nutritional Sciences SPH I post-doc
Saran, Rajiv Biostatistics 3623 SPH I 734-763-1521 staff
Sardone, Jennifer Biostatistics 3645 3.7 SPH I 734-936-5711 staff
Sarigiannis, Amy Office of Global Public Health M2208 SPH II 734-647-0124 staff
Sarma, Aruna (profile) Epidemiology 1500 E Med Ctr Dr 734-763-7514 faculty
Sartor, Maureen (profile) Biostatistics 2044 Palmer Commons 734-763-8013 faculty
Schaubel, Douglas (profile) Biostatistics M4039 SPH II 734-615-9825 faculty
Schipper, Matthew (profile) Biostatistics M2242 SPH II 734-232-1076 faculty
Schottenfeld, David (profile) Epidemiology faculty
Schouman, Laura Nutritional Sciences
Schreiner, Laura Health Behavior & Health Equity Working Remotely staff
Schropp, Michael Biostatistics M2030 SPH II 734-764-5425 staff
Schulz, Amy (profile) Health Behavior & Health Equity 2822 SPH I 734-647-0221 faculty
Schwabe-Nuttall, Susan Health Management & Policy TBD staff
Schweigert, Alexandra Office of Development 1815 SPH I 734-763-5228 staff
Scott, Catharine Biostatistics M2509 SPH II 734-615-7688 staff
Scott, Laura (profile) Biostatistics M4134 SPH II 734-763-0006 faculty
Seeley, Alli Epidemiology 3644 SPH I staff
Seiger, Carolyn Health Behavior & Health Equity Working Remotely staff
Sen, Ananda (profile) Biostatistics M2539 SPH II 734-998-7120
ext. 344
Seo, Young (profile) Nutritional Sciences 3850 SPH I 734-763-0745 faculty
Shahinian, Vahakn Biostatistics 3631 SPH I 734-763-1611 staff
Shamraj, Ruth Biostatistics 3639 SPH I 734-763-1535 staff
Sharp, Tim Instructional Services M3064 SPH II 734-763-7567 staff
Shearon (Hulbert), Tempie Biostatistics 3639 SPH I 734-763-1535 staff
Shen, Chen Biostatistics Working Remotely staff
Shepherd, Michael (profile) Health Management & Policy 3509 SPH II faculty
Sheskey, Sarah Health Behavior & Health Equity Working Remotely staff
Shi, Xu (profile) Biostatistics M4525 SPH II 734-763-5965 staff
Shingledecker, Chris Epidemiology 4665.07 SPH I 734-764-7407 staff
Shotwell, Abigail Epidemiology 5626 SPH I staff
Siavoshani, Zahra-Noor Epidemiology staff
Siddhantam, Satya Biostatistics staff
Silva, Shannon Resource Planning and Management SPH I 1840 734-763-3202 staff
Sim, Xueling Biostatistics M4045 SPH II 734-936-1002 staff
Simjanovki, Gabe Epidemiology 5642, SPH I staff
Simon, Alex Health Behavior & Health Equity Working Remotely staff
Simon, Jeremiah Biostatistics 3645-3.9 SPH I 734-647-9430 staff
Simon, Taylor Biostatistics M2030 SPH II staff
Simone, Singh (profile) Health Management & Policy M3533 SPH II 734-936-1194 faculty
Singh, Raman Health Management & Policy staff
Skaza, Jonathan Biostatistics M4048F SPH II 734-936-4018 staff
Sleeman, Kathryn Biostatistics 3663 SPH I 734-763-1554 staff
Slocum, Elizabeth Epidemiology faculty
Slutzker, Peter Health Behavior & Health Equity 2850 SPH I staff
Smart, Cely Dean's Office 734-764-8748 staff
Smith, Albert Biostatistics 4633 SPH I 734-763-5468 staff
Smith, Jennifer (profile) Epidemiology 2631 SPH I 734-615-9455
Smith, Lauren Environmental Health Sciences M6020 SPH II 734-764-4658 staff
Smith, Mackenzie Epidemiology 4647 SPH I 734-764-8095 staff
Smith, Matthew Epidemiology M5134 SPH II 734-764-2340 staff
Smith, Richard Computing Services 7625 SPH I 734-936-1247 staff
Smith, Shawna (profile) Health Management & Policy M3164 SPH II 734-764-5432 faculty
Smyka, Catherine Biostatistics SPH I 3645 staff
Sokhal, Jasbinder Biostatistics 3643 SPH I 734-764-2674 staff
Song, Jiyeon Biostatistics M2224 SPH II staff
Song, Peter (profile) Biostatistics M4140 SPH II 734-764-9328 faculty
Sonneville, Kendrin (profile) Nutritional Sciences 3855 SPH I 734-763-8789 faculty
Sosa Moreno, Andrea Epidemiology M5053, SPH II post-doc
Spears, Brianna Health Behavior & Health Equity Working Remotely staff
Spino, Cathie (profile) Biostatistics M2079 SPH II 734-615-5469 faculty
Steffes, Kate Epidemiology M5117 SPH II staff
Stein, Sara Health Behavior & Health Equity 3807 SPH I faculty
Stephenson, J Health Behavior & Health Equity Working Remotely staff
Stewart, Ardele Health Behavior & Health Equity 3703A SPH I 734-763-1989 staff
Stout, Jessica Nutritional Sciences
Straughn, Jeremy Biostatistics 4619 SPH I 734-763-0424
Strecher, Vic (profile) Health Behavior & Health Equity 2807 SPH I 734-764-9494 faculty
Stringham, Heather Biostatistics M4122 SPH II 734-647-9467 staff
Struhar, Debbie Resource Planning and Management G667 SPH I - Mailroom 734-763-5411 staff
Sujimongkol, Chin Biostatistics M2214 SPH II post-doc
Sullivan, Stephen Health Behavior & Health Equity 2851 SPH I
Working Remotely
734-763-0741 staff
Sullivant, Michael Office of Development 1818 SPH I 734-764-8093 staff
Sun, Yating Biostatistics 3650 3.3 SPH I 734-763-1600 staff
Suresh, Krithika (profile) Biostatistics
UH B2 C490
Svoboda, Laurie (profile) Environmental Health Sciences M6232 SPH II 734-764-2032 faculty
Swain, Michael Epidemiology faculty
Swalwell, Kathy Health Behavior & Health Equity NCRC 734-222-7671 staff
Sylvester, Sharvetta Biostatistics M2030-10 SPH II 734-764-4006 staff
Szekeres, Kiran Office of Global Public Health M2001 SPH II. 734-763-6220 staff
Szemak, Karen Biostatistics staff
Szymarek, Rachel Health Management & Policy 2800 Plymouth Rd Bldg 16 Fl 4 734-615-9635 staff
Taelman, Katherine Health Behavior & Health Equity 3706 SPH I staff
Taggart, Adam Epidemiology M5533 SPH II staff
Tang, Huaijing (Janny) Biostatistics 3645 SPH I staff
Tang, Jie Biostatistics 3645 3.13 SPH I 734-763-1621 staff
Tapaswi, Anagha Environmental Health Sciences M6206 SPH II 734-764-5425 staff
Tarantino, Lacey Dean's Office M3064 SPH II staff
Taylor, Amy Health Management & Policy M3172 SPH II 734-764-5433 staff
Taylor, Eric Biostatistics M2030-29 734-615-0597 staff
Taylor, Jeremy (profile) Biostatistics M4507 SPH II 734-936-3287
Taylor, Kaitlin Health Management & Policy M3150 SPH II 734-936-1217 staff
Teboe, Sherry Biostatistics 2101 Commonwealth Suite D
Room 1513
734-936-0836 staff
Thatcher, Lindsey Office for Student Engagement and Practice staff
The, Stephanie Biostatistics Working Remotely staff
Thelen-Perry, Steven Biostatistics M2030 SPH II 734-764-5425 staff
Thieleman, Shelby Biostatistics M2030 SPH II staff
Thomas, Lara Epidemiology M5126 SPH II 734-764-2340 faculty
Thompson, Stephanie Health Behavior & Health Equity Working Remotely staff
Thornton, Tatum Instructional Services M3064 SPH II staff
Thulin, Elyse (profile) Health Behavior & Health Equity working Remotely
Tilea, Anca Biostatistics 3645.3.20 SPH I 734-763-1615 staff
Tobya, Mina Office for Student Engagement and Practice 1734 SPH I staff
Tolinski, Edward Resource Planning and Management 734-615-3980 staff
Tong, Lan Biostatistics 3645 3.19 SPH I 734-763-1615 staff
Torres, Emily Health Behavior & Health Equity Working Remotely 734-647-8295 staff
Trammer, Jackie Marketing & Communications M1519 SPH II 734-763-9745 staff
Trocchio, Lara Resource Planning and Management 1830 SPH I 734-936-1254 staff
Trumbull, Elissa Epidemiology 4651 SPH I 734-764-7120 staff
Truscon, Rachel Epidemiology 5667 SPH I 734-764-5483 staff
Tryban, Marianne Nutritional Sciences 1844 SPH I 734-764-4688 staff
Tsodikov, Alexander (profile) Biostatistics M4142 SPH II 734-615-6416 faculty
Tsoi, Lam C. (Alex) Biostatistics M4317C SPH II 734-764-7069 staff
Tu, Yihsuan Biostatistics M2030 staff
Tuitman, Tonya Marketing & Communications SPH I 1780 staff
Tutino, Rebecca Epidemiology M5055 SPH II staff
Ubong, Ini Abasi Health Behavior & Health Equity 2822 SPH I 734-763-6412 staff
Valera, Genesis Epidemiology staff
Vanderwerff, Brett Biostatistics 4635 SPH I 734-936-4812 staff
Varela, Elder Nutritional Sciences post-doc
Veinot, Tiffany (profile) Health Behavior & Health Equity 4429 North Quad
Ann Arbor MI 48109-1285
734-615-8281 faculty
Villamor, Eduardo (profile) Epidemiology M5057 SPH II 734-615-2198 faculty
Vinales, Paula Office for Student Engagement and Practice 2730 SPH I 734-763-6070 staff
Vineburg, Isaac Marketing & Communications 1780 SPH I staff
Voichoski, Erin Health Behavior & Health Equity Working Remotely staff
Vojtkofsky, Whitney Marketing & Communications 1780 SPH I staff
Vyletel, Brenda Health Behavior & Health Equity Working Remotely staff
Wagener, Tony Office of Development 1811 SPH I 734-764-5416 staff
Wagner, Abram (profile) Epidemiology M5234 SPH II 734-763-2330 faculty
Walding, Alison Health Behavior & Health Equity Working Remotely 734-764-2955 staff
Walker, Erika Epidemiology staff
Walker, Jackie Epidemiology M5134 SPH II staff
Wallace, Kaneesha Biostatistics M2030 SPH II staff
Walters, Lisa Biostatistics M2030-19 SPH II 734-936-2008 staff
Wan, Hui Biostatistics SPH I 4613 post-doc
Wandell, Regina Epidemiology 734-764-2340 staff
Wang, Hao Environmental Health Sciences M6521 SPH II 734-615-7005 faculty
Wang, Jade Biostatistics M4317C SPH II post-doc
Wang, Linyan Environmental Health Sciences 6611 SPH I staff
Wang, Lu (profile) Biostatistics M4132 SPH II 734-647-6935 faculty
Wang, Miao Biostatistics 3645 3.14 SPH I 734-763-1621 staff
Wang, Naisyin Biostatistics 445E West Hall 734-763-2052 staff
Wang, Wen Biostatistics Working Remotely faculty
Wang, Xi Biostatistics 3645 SPH I 734-764-2683 staff
Wang, Xin (profile) Epidemiology 6630 SPH I 734-615-2198 faculty
Warden, Gail (profile) Health Management & Policy M3218 SPH II 734-764-1920 faculty
Warner, Julia Biostatistics M2030-15 SPH II 734-764-7374 staff
Warner, Ken (profile) Health Management & Policy M3517 SPH II
Watkins, Deborah (profile) Environmental Health Sciences 6611C SPH I staff
Weatherwax, Kevin Biostatistics staff
Weeks, Heidi Nutritional Sciences 976 NIB staff
Weiss, Karen Health Behavior & Health Equity HBHE Flint staff
Welch, Kathy (profile) Biostatistics M3039 SPH II
3514 Rackham (CSCAR)
Welch, Ryan Biostatistics M4537 SPH II 734-763-1657 staff
Wen, William (profile) Biostatistics M4517 SPH II 734-764-6743 faculty
Wendzinski, Joseph Epidemiology 5647 SPH I 734-763-2970 staff
Wennstrom, Stacy Health Behavior & Health Equity 3831 SPH I 734-763-2726 staff
West, Brady (profile) Biostatistics ISR-SRC 460 Thompson
Westrick, Ashly (profile) Epidemiology 2675 SPH I 734-763-0322 faculty
Wetzel, Megan Epidemiology 4644 SPH I staff
Wheeler, Adam Health Behavior & Health Equity Working Remotely staff
Wheeler, Jack (profile) Health Management & Policy faculty
White, Ebony Office for Student Engagement and Practice B868 SPH I 734-647-5068 staff
White, Neika Office for Student Engagement and Practice 1702 SPH I 734-763-3792 staff
White, Patricia EHS / ADM 6651 SPH I staff
White, Peggy Biostatistics M4110 SPH II 734-936-1004 staff
Whitson, Sydney Biostatistics M2030 SPH II 734-764-4455 staff
Whittington, Blair Epidemiology 2665 SPH I 734-764-3644 staff
Wiebe, Douglas (profile) Epidemiology M5015, SPH II 734-936-6325 faculty
Wieland, Garrett Epidemiology 4444 Corona Drive, Suite 236, Corpus Christi, TX staff
Williams, Hallie Health Behavior & Health Equity 3811 SPH I 734-763-8688 staff
Williams, Jennie Biostatistics 3645-3.19 SPH I 734-763-1615 staff
Wilson, Mark L (profile) Epidemiology M5507 SPH II
2006 SPH I
Wing, Mary Kate Biostatistics M4174 SPH II 734-615-8381 staff
Wisniewski, Karen Biostatistics 3645.3.16 SPH I 734-763-1621 staff
Wolk, Seth (profile) Health Management & Policy Working Remotely
Wu, Jianfeng Environmental Health Sciences M6232 SPH II 734-936-1676 staff
Wu, Zhenke (profile) Biostatistics 4626 SPH I 734-764-7067 faculty
Wyatt, Erin Health Behavior & Health Equity Working Remotely staff
Wyatt, Rachel Health Behavior & Health Equity 3700 SPH I staff
Wylie, Robin Epidemiology 6638 SPH I 734-615-9575 staff
Xi, Chuanwu (profile) Environmental Health Sciences 6631 SPH I 734-615-7594 faculty
Xia, Tian Environmental Health Sciences M6075 SPH II staff
Xiao, Yiting Environmental Health Sciences 1415 Washington Heights 6143 SPH II staff
Xu, Tao Biostatistics 734-763-1547 staff
Yaldo, Alex Biostatistics Working Remotely staff
Yang, Jingjing Biostatistics 4600 SPH I staff
Yang, Penghui Biostatistics SPH I 4613-6 post-doc
Yang, Zhenhua (profile) Epidemiology M5124 SPH II 734-763-4296 faculty
Yarbrough, Rachel Environmental Health Sciences 6655 SPH I 734-764-3018 staff
Ye, Wen (profile) Biostatistics M2515 SPH II 734-615-9051 faculty
Yin, Xianyong Biostatistics M4152 SPH II staff
Yon, Sarah Health Behavior & Health Equity NCRC 734-763-0412 staff
York, Jessica Health Management & Policy 3148 SPH II 734-936-1304 staff
Youatt, Emily (profile) Office for Student Engagement and Practice 2722 SPH I 734-764-8775 faculty
Young, Cecilia Environmental Health Sciences 6643 SPH I 734-764-0523 staff
Young, Reagan Biostatistics M2030 SPH II 734-764-5425 staff
Yu, Menggang Biostatistics SPH II M4172 faculty
Yu, Myeonghun Biostatistics post-doc
Yu, Xianshi Biostatistics Working Remotely post-doc
Yuting, Hsu Marketing & Communications SPH I staff
Zafer, Mateen Dean's Office 1714 SPH I 734-764-0786 staff
Zalucki, Tyler Resource Planning and Management G667 SPH I 734-680-5081 staff
Zamarron, Cristina Marketing & Communications M1519 SPH II 734-647-1423 staff
Zawistowski, Matthew (profile) Biostatistics M4025 SPH II staff
Zellers, Edward (profile) Environmental Health Sciences M6543 SPH II 734-936-0766 faculty
Zelner, Jon (profile) Epidemiology 2667 SPH I 734-647-9755 faculty
Zemmel, Dany Epidemiology 2-6C SPH I staff
Zeng, Donglin Biostatistics SPH II M4126 faculty
Zeoli, April (profile) Health Management & Policy 3164 SPH II faculty
Zettell, Erin Nutritional Sciences 1844 SPH I staff
Zhang, Min (profile) Biostatistics M4126 SPH II 734-763-9385 faculty
Zhang, Minling Biostatistics 3645 SPH I 734-763-6611 staff
Zhang, Victoria Epidemiology 6646, SPH I staff
Zhang, Wei Biostatistics 3645.3.4 SPH I 734-763-1600 staff
Zhao, Lili (profile) Biostatistics M4509 SPH II 734-763-6398 staff
Zheng, Zheshi Biostatistics M4153 SPH II post-doc
Zhong, Chuwen Epidemiology staff
Zhou, Xiang (profile) Biostatistics M4166 SPH II 734-764-5722 faculty
Zhu, Peiyao Epidemiology 2633 SPH I staff
Zikmund-Fisher, Brian (profile) Health Behavior & Health Equity 3834 SPH I 734-936-9179 faculty
Zimmerman, Marc (profile) Health Behavior & Health Equity 3702 SPH I 734-647-0224 faculty
Zimmermann, Lauren Biostatistics 46258 SPH I staff
Zoellner, Sebastian (profile) Biostatistics 4627 SPH I 734-647-9465 faculty

Alphabetical by Last Name

A     B     C     D     E     F     G     H     I     J     K     L     M     N     O     P     Q     R     S     T     U     V     W     X     Y     Z     All      All Faculty      All Staff      All Postdoctoral Fellows

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