U-M SPH Faculty, Staff and Postdoctoral Fellow Directory

University of Michigan School of Public Health
1415 Washington Heights
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2029
Telephone: (734) 764-5425

Directions Locating Rooms in SPH by their Numbers (PDF)

Name Department Address Phone E-mail Address Type
379 Total
Aaronson, Susan (profile) Nutritional Sciences 1854 SPH I 734-647-0214 faculty
Abecasis, Goncalo (profile) Biostatistics 4619A SPH I 734-763-4901 faculty
Adams, Alison Health Behavior & Health Equity 3782 SPH I 734-763-0017 staff
Aker, Ameera Environmental Health Sciences 6620 SPH I Cube 18 student
Akhtar, Sumreem Instructional Services SPH I 734-763-5330 staff
Alberts, Joseph Health Behavior & Health Equity 3700 SPH I staff
Amburgey, Mary Epidemiology 6610A SPH I 734-647-5336 staff
Amico, Rivet (profile) Health Behavior & Health Equity 2814 SPH I 734-763-0051 faculty
Anderson, Olivia (profile) Nutritional Sciences 3859 SPH I 734-763-2888 faculty
Anderson, Stefani Office for Student Engagement and Practice 1702 SPH I 734-763-8264 staff
Andrus, Emily Epidemiology 2663 SPH I 734-615-9209 staff
Ashby, Valarie Biostatistics 3635 SPH I 734-763-1524 staff
Aung, Max Biostatistics 4600 SPH I staff
Babcock, Stacy Epidemiology 4669 SPH I 734-764-5435 staff
Bahrenburg, Mariya Health Behavior & Health Equity 3811 SPH I 734-763-1694 staff
Baker, Karla Office for Student Engagement and Practice 1722 SPH I 734-647-2996 staff
Ball, Sarah (profile) Nutritional Sciences 1844 SPH I 734-763-5482 faculty
Barnes, Lonnie Biostatistics 3645 3.24 SPH I 734-763-1621 staff
Bauer, Katherine (profile) Nutritional Sciences 3854 SPH I 734-763-2546 faculty
Baylin, Ana (profile) Nutritional Sciences 1858 SPH I 734-615-8478 faculty
Belhaj, Melika Health Behavior & Health Equity 3827 SPH I staff
Betz Bolang, Christine Health Behavior & Health Equity 3786 SPH I 734-764-9495 staff
Binder, Matt Computing Services 7625 SPH I 734-763-4192
Bingkai, Wang Biostatistics SPH I 4635 faculty
Blackwell, Thomas Biostatistics 4629 SPH I 734-936-0999 staff
Boonstra, Philip (profile) Biostatistics 4632 SPH I 734-615-1580 faculty
Borjgin, Sachraa Environmental Health Sciences SPH I post-doc
Borowicz, Lisa Biostatistics 1415 SPH I 734-936-3693 staff
Bowman, F. DuBois (profile) Dean's Office 1822 SPH I 734-763-2876 faculty
Bradley, Patty Computing Services 7625 SPH I 734-764-0300 staff
Bragg-Gresham, Jennifer Biostatistics 3631 SPH I 734-763-1611 staff
Brantley, Kate Health Behavior & Health Equity 3827 SPH I staff
Bridges, Dave (profile) Nutritional Sciences 1863 SPH I 734-764-1266 faculty
Brown, Aryanni Office for Student Engagement and Practice 2700 SPH I staff
Brunton, Cora Biostatistics 3622 SPH I 734-763-1547 staff
Bu, Fan Biostatistics 4636 SPH I faculty
Burke, Betsy Office of Development 1815 SPH I 734-647-7252 staff
Burr, Caitlin Epidemiology 4653 SPH I 734-763-2196 staff
Buszkiewicz, James (profile) Epidemiology 2677 SPH I faculty
Cable, Beth Office for Student Engagement and Practice 1734 SPH I 734-764-3609 staff
Cable, Dylan Biostatistics SPH I 4635 734-647-2975 faculty
Callard, Sandy Biostatistics 3645.3.21 SPH I 734-763-1614 staff
Cao, Jie Biostatistics 3645-3.21 SPH I 734-763-1612 staff
Carlson, Charlotte Environmental Health Sciences 6663 SPH I 734-936-0993 staff
Carroll, Mary Beth Office for Student Engagement and Practice 1730 SPH I 734-764-9830 staff
Casanova, Rachel Office for Student Engagement and Practice 1718 SPH I 734-936-1261 staff
Case, Erin Epidemiology 2657 SPH I 734-764-2372 staff
Casher, Yang Biostatistics 3645.3.12 SPH I 734-763-1622 staff
Castro, Brittiany Resource Planning and Management SPH I 1840 734-647-3645 staff
Cathey, Amber Environmental Health Sciences 6627 SPH I faculty
Chantelois, Kelly Environmental Health Sciences 6671 SPH I 734-764-3188 staff
Chatters, Linda (profile) Health Behavior & Health Equity 2818 SPH I faculty
Chen, Boshu Epidemiology 3650 SPH I staff
Chen, Shu Biostatistics 3645.3.18 SPH I 734-763-1616 staff
Chen, Xiaoying Biostatistics G860 3645 SPH I 734-763-1544 staff
Cheng, Weiqiu Biostatistics 4613 SPH I post-doc
Cifor, Laura Epidemiology 4665.06 SPH I 734-615-9170 staff
Clarke, Philippa (profile) Epidemiology 2661 SPH I
3340 ISR
Cogdell, Bridget Health Behavior & Health Equity 3774A SPH I 734-763-9938 staff
cohen, Julia Dean's Office 2730 SPH I staff
Colacino, Justin (profile) EHS / NUTR 6651 SPH I 734-647-4347 faculty
Cole, Kristyne Epidemiology 4640 SPH I staff
Cole, Suzanne (profile) Nutritional Sciences 3863 SPH I 734-763-6793 faculty
Conigliaro, Maya Office for Student Engagement and Practice 1719 SPH I 734-734 763 5290 staff
Connell, Cathleen (profile) Health Behavior & Health Equity 3802 SPH I faculty
Cook, Steven Epidemiology 2675 SPH I 734-764-3644 faculty
Coombe, Chris (profile) Health Behavior & Health Equity 2786 SPH I 734-763-9236 staff
Cormany, Jaclynn Health Behavior & Health Equity 3762 SPH I 734-615-2564 staff
Costa, Anthony Biostatistics 3661 SPH I 734-763-0499 staff
Craft, Darryl Computing Services 7625 SPH I 734-936-1247 staff
Cranford, Leona Resource Planning and Management 1840 SPH I 734-763-5350 staff
Crawford, Jenny Health Behavior & Health Equity 3790 SPH I 734-764-9494 staff
Cuff, Linton Biostatistics 3645.3.21 SPH I 734-763-1612 staff
Czarnowczan, Lauren Office of Public Health Practice 2706 SPH I 734-763-6688 staff
Dahlerus, Claudia Biostatistics 3632 SPH I 734-764-2764 staff
Dailey, Paul (Bud) Health Behavior & Health Equity Working Remotely
3835 SPH I
Dalaly, Mariam (Mimi) Biostatistics 3620-02 SPH I 734-763-1627 staff
Dallaire, Amanda Health Behavior & Health Equity 3778 SPH I 734-936-1626 faculty
Daniels, Joyce Environmental Health Sciences SPH I, Room 6631 734-763-1171 staff
Das, Sayantan Biostatistics 4605 SPH I student
de Majo, Ricardo Health Behavior & Health Equity 2770 SPH I 734-763-0017 staff
Delacroix, Emerson Health Behavior & Health Equity 3800 SPH I #3-10AB 734-764-2014 staff
Deng, Yuhao Biostatistics 4605-18 SPH I post-doc
Dhurvas, Mythili Biostatistics 3665 SPH I 734-763-1604 staff
Diamond, Chris Marketing & Communications 1780 SPH I 734-763-8935 staff
Dobski, Christine Biostatistics 4619 SPH I
M4240 SPH II
734-763-0424 staff
Douglass, Lynn Office for Student Engagement and Practice 1722 SPH I 734-647-2267 staff
Du, Juan Biostatistics 3650-03 SPH I 734-763-1547 staff
Durgy, Carole Nutritional Sciences 3866 SPH I 734-647-2819 staff
Dushetty, Sreeharsha Biostatistics 4605 SPH I staff
Dvonch, Tim (profile) Environmental Health Sciences 6646 SPH I 734-615-3484 faculty
Dykowski, Drew Office for Student Engagement and Practice 1734 SPH I 734-763-9176 staff
Eckard, Ashley Biostatistics 3645 3.8 SPH I 734-763-1626 staff
Eisenberg, Alexa Health Behavior & Health Equity 3826 SPH I post-doc
Eshelman, Jennifer Office for Student Engagement and Practice SPH I 2726 734-763-7130 staff
Falce, Allyse Dean's Office 1766 SPH I staff
Fava, Melissa Biostatistics 3645.3.23 SPH I staff
Fernandez, Jennifer Environmental Health Sciences 6611B SPH I 734-763-0656 staff
Firestone, Monica Epidemiology 2665 SPH I 734-615-9209 staff
Fleischer, Nancy (profile) Epidemiology 2649C SPH I 734-764-3644 faculty
Fleming, Paul (profile) Health Behavior & Health Equity 3814 SPH I 734-647-2683 faculty
Francis, Nancy (profile) Epidemiology 4642 SPH I 734-763-0274 staff
Franzblau, Alfred (profile) Environmental Health Sciences 6611A SPH I 734-763-2758 faculty
Freedland, Jessica Office for Student Engagement and Practice SPH I 1700 734-763-9045 staff
Fritsche, Lars (profile) Biostatistics 4633 SPH I 734-763-2161 faculty
Frye, Brandon Biostatistics 3620-01 SPH I 734-763-1627 staff
Gamarel, Kristi (profile) Health Behavior & Health Equity 2822 SPH I 734-647-3178 faculty
Garber, Lisa Office for Student Engagement and Practice 2726 SPH I 734-647-0074 staff
Garcia, Ashley Biostatistics 3645 3.21 SPH I 734-763-1615 staff
Garner, Jennifer (profile) Nutritional Sciences SPH I faculty
Gaynanova, Irina Biostatistics SPH I 4602 faculty
Geronimus, Arline T (profile) Health Behavior & Health Equity 2854 SPH I 734-936-0929 faculty
Gilbert, Julie Epidemiology 4665 SPH I staff
Gong, Catherine Health Behavior & Health Equity 3700 SPH I staff
Gordon, Aubree (profile) Epidemiology 5622 SPH I 734-763-3580 faculty
Gorowski, Terri Epidemiology 4665.07 SPH I 734-764-7407 staff
Grabijas, Caitlin Biostatistics 3620-02 SPH I 734-763-7289 staff
Gramza, Keegan Nutritional Sciences 1851C SPH I staff
Green, Ashley Office of Development 1800 SPH I 734-647-1672 staff
Gremel, Garrett (Wolf) Biostatistics 3645-3.10 SPH I 734-763-6619 staff
Grodzinski, Alison Health Behavior & Health Equity 3734 SPH I staff
Gu, Haoyu Biostatistics 3645.3.15 SPH I 734-763-1622 staff
Gunden, Joseph Biostatistics 3645 3.20 SPH I 734-763-1615 staff
Gurecki, Sydney Dean's Office 1815 SPH I 734-764-8093 staff
Hadley-Dottery, Veronica Epidemiology 4655 SPH I 734-764-7373 staff
Hagar, Justin Biostatistics 3671 SPH I 734-763-0499 staff
Han, Sang Woong Biostatistics 3631 SPH I 734-763-1611 staff
Handal, Alexis (profile) Epidemiology 6622 SPH I 734-647-3957 faculty
Harlow, Sioban (profile) Epidemiology 6610B SPH I 734-763-5173 faculty
Harper, Gary (profile) Health Behavior & Health Equity 2830 SPH I 734-647-9778 faculty
Harris, Craig (profile) EHS / NUTR 6667 SPH I 734-936-3397 faculty
Harris, Sean (profile) Environmental Health Sciences 6645 SPH I 734-764-3188 faculty
Harris, Storee Epidemiology 4665 SPH I staff
Hartman, Nicholas Biostatistics SPH I 3659 faculty
Hayashi, Michael (profile) Epidemiology 5515 SPH I faculty
He, Kevin (Zhi) (profile) Biostatistics 3663 SPH I 734-764-2279 faculty
Hedgeman, Elizabeth Biostatistics 3645.3.24 SPH I 734-763-1609 student
Heinze, Justin (profile) Health Behavior & Health Equity 3710 SPH I 734-615-4992 faculty
Henderson, Nicholas Biostatistics 4610 SPH I 734-764-6585 staff
Hendy, Katie Health Behavior & Health Equity 2806 SPH I post-doc
Heung, Mike Biostatistics 3631 SPH I 734-763-1611 staff
Holman, Jennifer EHS / ADM 6659 SPH I 734-763-1313 staff
Hood, Michelle Epidemiology 6610 SPH I 734-647-0819 staff
Hou, Siyu Biostatistics 4613 SPH I post-doc
Houston, Maddie Office for Student Engagement and Practice 1706 SPH I staff
Howe, Kate Health Behavior & Health Equity 3815 SPH I staff
Howell, Catherine Epidemiology 4665.06 SPH I 734-764-7780 staff
Hudson, Darrell (profile) Health Behavior & Health Equity 3790 SPH I 734-763-7031 faculty
Iglesias Rios, Lisbeth (profile) Epidemiology 6634 SPH I faculty
Israel, Barbara A (profile) Health Behavior & Health Equity 2794 SPH I 734-647-3184 faculty
Jackson, Nik Computing Services 7625 SPH I 734-763-6637 staff
Jacobson, Peter (profile) Health Management & Policy 3611A SPH I 734-936-0928 faculty
Jadwin-Cakmak, Laura Health Behavior & Health Equity 2855 SPH I 734-763-2884 staff
Janevic, Mary (profile) Health Behavior & Health Equity 2811 SPH I 734-647-3194 faculty
Jansen, Erica (profile) Nutritional Sciences 3863 SPH I 734-764-9335 faculty
Jennings, Zach Epidemiology 4643 SPH I 734-647-8140 staff
Jolliet, Olivier (profile) Environmental Health Sciences 6635 SPH I 734-647-0394 faculty
Jones, Andy (profile) Nutritional Sciences 3846 SPH I 734-647-1881 faculty
Joshi, Spruha Epidemiology 2649B, SPH I faculty
Juntila, Casey Epidemiology 5626 SPH I staff
Kadir, Mumta Epidemiology 4665 SPH I staff
Kalbfleisch, Jack (profile) Biostatistics 3659 SPH I 734-615-7067 faculty
Kamdar, Neil Biostatistics 3645.3.15 SPH I 734-763-1622 staff
Kang, Hyun Min (profile) Biostatistics 4623 SPH I 734-647-1980 faculty
Karvonen-Gutierrez, Carrie (profile) Epidemiology 6618 SPH I 734-763-0571 faculty
Kasiborski, Michael Marketing & Communications 1766 SPH I 734-647-7253 staff
Katsumi, Hitomi Dean's Office SPH I 734-647-4874 staff
Killaly, Catherine Health Management & Policy 3611 SPH I 734-936-5556 staff
Kimberly, Armanda Epidemiology G841 SPH I staff
King, Elizabeth (profile) Health Behavior & Health Equity 3842 SPH I 734-763-0673 faculty
Knill, Annie Office for Student Engagement and Practice 2722 SPH I 734-647-7705 staff
Kobayashi, Lindsay (profile) Epidemiology 2661 SPH I 734-763-0322 faculty
Krcmarik, Eva Health Behavior & Health Equity 3768 SPH I 734-647-9601 staff
Kwicklis, Madeline Epidemiology 2665 SPH I staff
LaFerle, Andrea Marketing & Communications 1762 SPH I 734-764-8094 staff
LaRocca, Mindy Nutritional Sciences 1855 SPH I 734-647-3084 staff
Laurencelle, Desiree Health Behavior & Health Equity 3762A SPH I 734-764-2973 staff
Laurin, Steve Computing Services 7625 SPH I 734-936-1247 staff
Lee, Sang-Jin Environmental Health Sciences 6168 SPH I staff
Lee, Seong-ho Biostatistics 4048E SPH I post-doc
Leichtman, Alan Biostatistics 3651 SPH I 734-763-1607 staff
Leis, Aleda (profile) Epidemiology 6630 SPH I 734-647-0495 faculty
Leslie, Janet Biostatistics 3645 SPH I
3626 SPH I
734-763-1554 staff
Leung, Cindy (profile) Nutritional Sciences 3866 SPH I faculty
Ley, Cristina Office for Student Engagement and Practice SPH I 1700 staff
Li, Jinju Biostatistics SPH I 4605-15 staff
Li, Xizhao (Jenny) Biostatistics 3645 3.2 SPH I 734-763-1628 staff
Li, Yanming Biostatistics G860 SPH I 734-764-4629 staff
Lillie, Brian Marketing & Communications 1770 SPH I 734-647-9836 staff
Lin, Yuqing Biostatistics 3645-3.20 SPH I 734-763-1615 staff
Lindsay, Becca Health Behavior & Health Equity Working Remotely
2815 SPH I
Lisabeth, Lynda (profile) EPID / ADM 1827 SPH I 734-936-9649 faculty
Liu, Dajiang Biostatistics 4626 SPH I 734-763-5468 staff
Liu, Lu Biostatistics 4613 SPH I post-doc
Lopez, William (profile) Health Behavior & Health Equity 3822 SPH I 734-647-1421 faculty
Loria, Alyssa Health Behavior & Health Equity 3823 SPH I 734-763-2679 staff
Lubetkin, Andrea Resource Planning and Management 1758 SPH I 734-763-1036 staff
Luo, Yali Environmental Health Sciences 6659 SPH I staff
Mack, Desmond Office of Undergraduate Education 2714 SPH I 734-647-4997 staff
Maier, Hannah Epidemiology 5622 SPH I staff
Maki-Spadafore, Erin Epidemiology 4641 SPH I 734-764-5454 staff
Mancuso, Peter (profile) Nutritional Sciences 1846 SPH I 734-615-5158 faculty
Matzinger, Shawna Nutritional Sciences 1862 SPH I 734-(734) 764-4688 staff
McCain, Sarah Health Behavior & Health Equity 2810 SPH I 734-763-2881 staff
McConnell, Dan (profile) Epidemiology 6630 SPH I
1919 Green Rd #A120
McConville, Jillian Office of Undergraduate Education 2718 SPH I 734-936-1258 staff
McCullough, Kerry Epidemiology 6650 SPH I 734-763-0964
McGehee, Meredith Epidemiology 6610 SPH I 734-647-0819 staff
Meeker, John (profile) EHS / ADM 1835 SPH I 734-764-7184 faculty
Megan, Slowey Biostatistics 3645-3.13 SPH I 734-763-1621 staff
Mehdipanah, Roshanak (profile) Health Behavior & Health Equity 3707 SPH I 734-763-1788 faculty
Mendez, David (profile) Health Management & Policy 3611A SPH I 734-647-0218 faculty
Mesa, Hannah Health Behavior & Health Equity 3818 SPH I
Messana, Joe Biostatistics 3643 SPH I 734-763-1536 staff
Messman, Elizabeth (Libby) Health Behavior & Health Equity 3700 SPH I post-doc
Mezuk, Briana (profile) Epidemiology 2649B SPH I 734-615-9204 faculty
Miles, Nate Office of Development 1828 SPH I 734-615-4362 staff
Miller, Alison (profile) Health Behavior & Health Equity 3718 SPH I 734-615-7459 faculty
Mistry, Ritesh (profile) Health Behavior & Health Equity 3806 SPH I 734-936-1318 faculty
Molatt, Zachary Instructional Services SPH I 2700
Molnar, Steve Office for Student Engagement and Practice 1719 SPH I 734-615-4308 staff
Mondul, Alison (profile) Epidemiology 3635 SPH I 734-764-3834 faculty
Monger, ANarris Office of Public Health Practice 2706 SPH I staff
Monro, Dior' Health Behavior & Health Equity 2-18BC SPH I staff
Monty, Shawna Health Behavior & Health Equity Working Remotely
3703 SPH I
Moore, Shantel Health Behavior & Health Equity 3800 (3-10C) SPH I 734-647-6155 staff
Morgan, Rachel Environmental Health Sciences SPH I post-doc
Nahra, Tammie Biostatistics 3628 SPH I 734-764-2685 staff
Narula, Meaghan Office for Student Engagement and Practice 2718 SPH I staff
Neblett, Enrique (profile) Health Behavior & Health Equity 2766 SPH I 734-647-5237 faculty
Needham, Belinda (profile) Epidemiology 4659 SPH I 734-764-4535 faculty
Neitzel, Richard (profile) Environmental Health Sciences 6611D SPH I 734-763-2870 faculty
Nelson, Erin Marketing & Communications 1770 SPH I 734-7346474683 staff
Neubauer, Leah Health Behavior & Health Equity 3830 SPH I faculty
Nichols, Emily Epidemiology G841 SPH I 734-647-4723 staff
Ning, Chao Biostatistics 4613-1 SPH I post-doc
O'Neill, Marie (profile) EHS / EPID 6623 SPH I 734-615-5135 faculty
Olivero, Julie Resource Planning and Management SPH I staff
Olsen, Jessica Epidemiology 4649 SPH I 734-764-5436 staff
Orleman, Lauren Dean's Office 1819 SPH I 734-763-1363 staff
Padilla, Robin Biostatistics 3645.3.13 SPH I 734-763-1624 staff
Palma, Amanda Nutritional Sciences 1851 C SPH I staff
Parisi, Lisa Dean's Office SPH I 1700 staff
Park, Junyoung Biostatistics SPH I 4612 post-doc
Parrotte, Casey Biostatistics 3620-02 SPH I 734-763-1617 staff
Patel, Akash Epidemiology 2679 SPH I 734-764-3644 staff
Patel, Minal (profile) Health Behavior & Health Equity 3810 SPH I 734-763-0087 faculty
Payne-Sturges, Devon Environmental Health Sciences 6108 SPH I faculty
Pearce, C Leigh (profile) Epidemiology 3632 SPH I 734-764-3835 faculty
Pedroza, Jesica Nutritional Sciences 3862 SPH I staff
Peoples, Whitney Dean's Office 1803 SPH I 734-647-4019 student
Person, Dominique Epidemiology 4646 SPH I 734-615-7192 staff
Peterson, Karen (profile) Nutritional Sciences 1867 SPH I 734-647-1923 faculty
Petroff, Rebekah Environmental Health Sciences 6645 SPH I staff
Piette, John (profile) Health Behavior & Health Equity 2802 SPH I 734-763-1457 faculty
Plagens, Allison Epidemiology 4648 SPH I staff
Pleiness, Jacob Biostatistics 4635 SPH I 734-936-4812 staff
Polderdyke, Nancy Nutritional Sciences 1851B SPH I 734-764-2594 staff
Prabhu-Sankar, Swaraaj Biostatistics 4602 SPH I staff
Price, Katrina Biostatistics 3645 SPH I 734-763-3645 staff
Pu, Joyce Office for Student Engagement and Practice 1722 SPH I
Quinn, Martha Health Behavior & Health Equity 2859 SPH I 734-936-0480 staff
Ralph, Brian Resource Planning and Management 1819 SPH I 734-763-5351 staff
Ramos, Patti (profile) Nutritional Sciences Nutritional Science, SPH I faculty
Randolph, Elizabeth Biostatistics 3645-3.20 SPH I staff
Ratliff, Scott Epidemiology 2673 SPH I 734-647-8304 staff
Ray, Debu Biostatistics 3645 3.10 SPH I staff
Reames, Griffin Biostatistics 3663 SPH I 734-763-1603 staff
Reilly, Anne Marketing & Communications 1780 SPH I 734-764-1552 staff
Reimann, Susan Biostatistics 3665 SPH I 734-763-6611 staff
Reisner, Sereno (Sari) Epidemiology 2649A.1 SPH I 734-647-3737 faculty
Renda, Ari Office for Student Engagement and Practice 1710 SPH I 734-763-3918 staff
Resnicow, Ken (profile) Health Behavior & Health Equity 3867 SPH I 734-647-0212 faculty
Rey, Carmen EHS / ADM 6647 SPH I 734-647-1435 staff
Rice, Tim Biostatistics 3645.3.7 SPH I 734-763-3837 staff
Richardson, Sade Office of Public Health Practice 2710 SPH I 734-763-6526 staff
Rickard, Alexander (profile) Epidemiology 5646 SPH I 734-615-8491
615-9064 (lab)
Robert, Lorraine Health Behavior & Health Equity 3782 SPH I 734-764-5171 staff
Roberts, Claire Nutritional Sciences 2863 SPH I staff
Roberts, Scott (profile) Health Behavior & Health Equity 2834 SPH I 734-936-9854 faculty
Roche-Hevia, Carlos Computing Services 7625 SPH I 734-936-1247 staff
Rogers, Baylee Health Behavior & Health Equity 2815 SPH I 734-763-8569 staff
Rork, Kristi Epidemiology 4655 SPH I 734-936-2587 staff
Ross, Ryan Biostatistics 4612 SPH I staff
Roys, Erik Biostatistics 3645.3.10 SPH I 734-763-1616 staff
Ruiz-Narvaez, Edward (profile) Nutritional Sciences 1860 SPH I 734-647-0623 faculty
Rupp, Laney Health Behavior & Health Equity 3730 SPH I 734-647-6469 staff
Sakrejda, Krzysztof Epidemiology 4665 SPH I staff
Salzman, Elizabeth Epidemiology 5620 SPH I staff
Santos Diaz, Isabel Nutritional Sciences SPH I post-doc
Saran, Rajiv Biostatistics 3623 SPH I 734-763-1521 staff
Sardone, Jennifer Biostatistics 3645 3.7 SPH I 734-936-5711 staff
Schulz, Amy (profile) Health Behavior & Health Equity 2822 SPH I 734-647-0221 faculty
Schweigert, Alexandra Office of Development 1815 SPH I 734-763-5228 staff
Seeley, Alli Epidemiology 3644 SPH I staff
Seo, Young (profile) Nutritional Sciences 3850 SPH I 734-763-0745 faculty
Shahinian, Vahakn Biostatistics 3631 SPH I 734-763-1611 staff
Shamraj, Ruth Biostatistics 3639 SPH I 734-763-1535 staff
Shearon (Hulbert), Tempie Biostatistics 3639 SPH I 734-763-1535 staff
Shingledecker, Chris Epidemiology 4665.07 SPH I 734-764-7407 staff
Shotwell, Abigail Epidemiology 5626 SPH I staff
Silva, Shannon Resource Planning and Management SPH I 1840 734-763-3202 staff
Simjanovki, Gabe Epidemiology 5642, SPH I staff
Simon, Jeremiah Biostatistics 3645-3.9 SPH I 734-647-9430 staff
Sleeman, Kathryn Biostatistics 3663 SPH I 734-763-1554 staff
Slutzker, Peter Health Behavior & Health Equity 2850 SPH I staff
Smith, Albert Biostatistics 4633 SPH I 734-763-5468 staff
Smith, Jennifer (profile) Epidemiology 2631 SPH I 734-615-9455
Smith, Mackenzie Epidemiology 4647 SPH I 734-764-8095 staff
Smith, Richard Computing Services 7625 SPH I 734-936-1247 staff
Smyka, Catherine Biostatistics SPH I 3645 staff
Sokhal, Jasbinder Biostatistics 3643 SPH I 734-764-2674 staff
Sonneville, Kendrin (profile) Nutritional Sciences 3855 SPH I 734-763-8789 faculty
Stein, Sara Health Behavior & Health Equity 3807 SPH I faculty
Stewart, Ardele Health Behavior & Health Equity 3703A SPH I 734-763-1989 staff
Straughn, Jeremy Biostatistics 4619 SPH I 734-763-0424
Strecher, Vic (profile) Health Behavior & Health Equity 2807 SPH I 734-764-9494 faculty
Struhar, Debbie Resource Planning and Management G667 SPH I - Mailroom 734-763-5411 staff
Sullivan, Stephen Health Behavior & Health Equity 2851 SPH I
Working Remotely
734-763-0741 staff
Sullivant, Michael Office of Development 1818 SPH I 734-764-8093 staff
Sun, Yating Biostatistics 3650 3.3 SPH I 734-763-1600 staff
Taelman, Katherine Health Behavior & Health Equity 3706 SPH I staff
Tang, Huaijing (Janny) Biostatistics 3645 SPH I staff
Tang, Jie Biostatistics 3645 3.13 SPH I 734-763-1621 staff
Tilea, Anca Biostatistics 3645.3.20 SPH I 734-763-1615 staff
Tobya, Mina Office for Student Engagement and Practice 1734 SPH I staff
Tong, Lan Biostatistics 3645 3.19 SPH I 734-763-1615 staff
Trocchio, Lara Resource Planning and Management 1830 SPH I 734-936-1254 staff
Trumbull, Elissa Epidemiology 4651 SPH I 734-764-7120 staff
Truscon, Rachel Epidemiology 5667 SPH I 734-764-5483 staff
Tryban, Marianne Nutritional Sciences 1844 SPH I 734-764-4688 staff
Tuitman, Tonya Marketing & Communications SPH I 1780 staff
Ubong, Ini Abasi Health Behavior & Health Equity 2822 SPH I 734-763-6412 staff
Vanderwerff, Brett Biostatistics 4635 SPH I 734-936-4812 staff
Vinales, Paula Office for Student Engagement and Practice 2730 SPH I 734-763-6070 staff
Vineburg, Isaac Marketing & Communications 1780 SPH I staff
Vojtkofsky, Whitney Marketing & Communications 1780 SPH I staff
Wagener, Tony Office of Development 1811 SPH I 734-764-5416 staff
Wan, Hui Biostatistics SPH I 4613 post-doc
Wang, Linyan Environmental Health Sciences 6611 SPH I staff
Wang, Miao Biostatistics 3645 3.14 SPH I 734-763-1621 staff
Wang, Xi Biostatistics 3645 SPH I 734-764-2683 staff
Wang, Xin (profile) Epidemiology 6630 SPH I 734-615-2198 faculty
Watkins, Deborah (profile) Environmental Health Sciences 6611C SPH I staff
Wendzinski, Joseph Epidemiology 5647 SPH I 734-763-2970 staff
Wennstrom, Stacy Health Behavior & Health Equity 3831 SPH I 734-763-2726 staff
Westrick, Ashly (profile) Epidemiology 2675 SPH I 734-763-0322 faculty
Wetzel, Megan Epidemiology 4644 SPH I staff
White, Ebony Office for Student Engagement and Practice B868 SPH I 734-647-5068 staff
White, Neika Office for Student Engagement and Practice 1702 SPH I 734-763-3792 staff
White, Patricia EHS / ADM 6651 SPH I staff
Whittington, Blair Epidemiology 2665 SPH I 734-764-3644 staff
Williams, Hallie Health Behavior & Health Equity 3811 SPH I 734-763-8688 staff
Williams, Jennie Biostatistics 3645-3.19 SPH I 734-763-1615 staff
Wilson, Mark L (profile) Epidemiology M5507 SPH II
2006 SPH I
Wisniewski, Karen Biostatistics 3645.3.16 SPH I 734-763-1621 staff
Wu, Zhenke (profile) Biostatistics 4626 SPH I 734-764-7067 faculty
Wyatt, Rachel Health Behavior & Health Equity 3700 SPH I staff
Wylie, Robin Epidemiology 6638 SPH I 734-615-9575 staff
Xi, Chuanwu (profile) Environmental Health Sciences 6631 SPH I 734-615-7594 faculty
Yang, Jingjing Biostatistics 4600 SPH I staff
Yang, Penghui Biostatistics SPH I 4613-6 post-doc
Yarbrough, Rachel Environmental Health Sciences 6655 SPH I 734-764-3018 staff
Youatt, Emily (profile) Office for Student Engagement and Practice 2722 SPH I 734-764-8775 faculty
Young, Cecilia Environmental Health Sciences 6643 SPH I 734-764-0523 staff
Yuting, Hsu Marketing & Communications SPH I staff
Zafer, Mateen Dean's Office 1714 SPH I 734-764-0786 staff
Zalucki, Tyler Resource Planning and Management G667 SPH I 734-680-5081 staff
Zelner, Jon (profile) Epidemiology 2667 SPH I 734-647-9755 faculty
Zemmel, Dany Epidemiology 2-6C SPH I staff
Zettell, Erin Nutritional Sciences 1844 SPH I staff
Zhang, Minling Biostatistics 3645 SPH I 734-763-6611 staff
Zhang, Victoria Epidemiology 6646, SPH I staff
Zhang, Wei Biostatistics 3645.3.4 SPH I 734-763-1600 staff
Zhu, Peiyao Epidemiology 2633 SPH I staff
Zikmund-Fisher, Brian (profile) Health Behavior & Health Equity 3834 SPH I 734-936-9179 faculty
Zimmerman, Marc (profile) Health Behavior & Health Equity 3702 SPH I 734-647-0224 faculty
Zimmermann, Lauren Biostatistics 46258 SPH I staff
Zoellner, Sebastian (profile) Biostatistics 4627 SPH I 734-647-9465 faculty

Alphabetical by Last Name

A     B     C     D     E     F     G     H     I     J     K     L     M     N     O     P     Q     R     S     T     U     V     W     X     Y     Z     All      All Faculty      All Staff      All Postdoctoral Fellows

By Department

Dean's Office      Biostatistics      Environmental Health Sciences      Epidemiology      Health Behavior & Health Equity      Health Management & Policy      Nutritional Sciences      Office of Undergraduate Education

By Location

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