U-M SPH Faculty, Staff and Postdoctoral Fellow Directory
University of Michigan School of Public Health
1415 Washington Heights
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2029
Telephone: (734) 764-5425
Locating Rooms in SPH by their Numbers (PDF)
Off-site locations
Name | Department | Address | Phone | E-mail Address | Type |
254 Total | |||||
Abrahamse, Paul | Biostatistics | 2800 Plymouth Road NCRC Building 16 400S-20 | 734-647-6261 | pabraham@umich.edu | staff |
Abramenka-Lachheb, Victoria | Instructional Services | M3063 | sph.instruction@umich.edu | staff | |
Adkins, Tracey | Epidemiology | 734-764-7781 | tlmccoy@umich.edu | staff | |
Ali, Jeneen | Nutritional Sciences | NIB |
jkali@umich.edu | staff | |
Allen, Christy | Biostatistics | achrism@umich.edu | staff | ||
Allison, Quatrini | Biostatistics | allisonq@umich.edu | staff | ||
Ammann, Alexandra | Health Management & Policy | Working Remotely | aammann@umich.edu | staff | |
Anderson, Stacey | Biostatistics | Working Remotely | staceaan@umich.edu | staff | |
Ayanian, John (profile) | Health Management & Policy | 2800 Plymouth Rd | 734-763-5880 | ayanian@umich.edu | faculty |
Bagdasarian, Natasha | Epidemiology | nghazi@umich.edu | faculty | ||
Banfield, Kathleen | Health Behavior & Health Equity | Working Remotely | 734-763-8119 | kbanfiel@umich.edu | staff |
Barnett, Sosha | Health Behavior & Health Equity | HBHE Flint | soshab@umich.edu | staff | |
Bedi, Karan | Biostatistics | Working Remotely | bedik@umich.edu | staff | |
Bednar, Rhiannon | Epidemiology | 734-615-0144 | rbednar@umich.edu | staff | |
Behnke, Julie | Epidemiology | 4444 Corona Drive, Suite 236, Corpus Christi, TX | jbehnke@umich.edu | staff | |
Bell, Anita | Epidemiology | 734-764-2372 | afbell@umich.edu | staff | |
Bell, Julia | Health Behavior & Health Equity | Working Remotely | juliajjb@umich.edu | staff | |
Blamer, Jacob | Biostatistics | jblamer@umich.edu | staff | ||
Blankenship, Heather | Epidemiology | hblanke@umich.edu | faculty | ||
Boehm, Frederick (Fred) | Biostatistics | Working Remotely | fredboe@umich.edu | staff | |
Boley, Lesley | Environmental Health Sciences | 1415 Washington Heights | 7643188 |
boleyl@umich.edu | staff |
Brauer, Rachel | Health Behavior & Health Equity | Working Remotely | brauerra@umich.edu | staff | |
Brines, Elizabeth | Health Behavior & Health Equity | Working Remotely | ejbrines@umich.edu | staff | |
Brooks, Olivia | Epidemiology | oabrooks@umich.edu | staff | ||
Brown, Ally | Health Behavior & Health Equity | Working Remotely | brallyso@umich.edu | staff | |
Bruno, Chelsea | Health Management & Policy | bchels@umich.edu | staff | ||
Buchmueller, Thomas (profile) | Health Management & Policy | Ross School of Business 701 Tappan ER7611 1234 |
734-764-5933 | tbuch@umich.edu | faculty |
Burgard, Sarah (profile) | Epidemiology | 4142 LSA | 734-615 9538 | burgards@umich.edu | faculty |
Canari Casano, Jorge | Nutritional Sciences | 1415 Washington Heights | jorgeca@umich.edu | post-doc | |
Chang, David | Health Behavior & Health Equity | Working Remotely | dachang@umich.edu | staff | |
Chen, Chen | Epidemiology | chensph@umich.edu | post-doc | ||
Chin, Jeffrey | Health Management & Policy | jbchin@umich.edu | faculty | ||
Cho, Tsai-Chin | Epidemiology | tccho@umich.edu | staff | ||
Chrzanowski, Emma | Epidemiology | emmachrz@umich.edu | staff | ||
Chyu, Christine | Epidemiology | cchyu@umich.edu | staff | ||
Clark, Jordyn | Health Management & Policy | 2800 Plymouth Rd, Bldg 16, Fl 4, cubicle 400S-16 | 734-764-2784 | jordynbc@umich.edu | staff |
Clayson, Michelle | Nutritional Sciences | 300 NIB | mclayson@umich.edu | staff | |
Coeling, Molly | Health Management & Policy | Working Remotely | mcoeling@umich.edu | staff | |
Contreras, Jesse | Epidemiology | jdcon@umich.edu | post-doc | ||
Cox, Melinda | Epidemiology | 4444 Corona Drive, Suite 236, Corpus Christi, TX | melindac@umich.edu | staff | |
Dailey, Paul (Bud) | Health Behavior & Health Equity | Working Remotely 3835 SPH I |
pldailey@umich.edu | staff | |
Damek Valvano, Weronika | Epidemiology | wvalvano@umich.edu | staff | ||
Damm, Mary Beth | Health Behavior & Health Equity | Working Remotely | damm@umich.edu | staff | |
Daugherty, Morgan | Health Behavior & Health Equity | Working Remotely | mdaughe@umich.edu | staff | |
De La Rosa, Lisset | Nutritional Sciences | NIB | ldelaros@umich.edu | staff | |
Debro, Kyle | Health Behavior & Health Equity | Working Remotely | debro@umich.edu | staff | |
DeLong, Zachery | Biostatistics | zacheryd@umich.edu | staff | ||
Deng, Lili | Health Behavior & Health Equity | Working Remotely | lideng@umich.edu | staff | |
Dokshina, Dasha | Epidemiology | 734-615-0690 | dokshina@umich.edu | staff | |
Drake, Daniel | Biostatistics | Working Remotely | 734-678-644-8198 | dfdrake@umich.edu | staff |
Duncker, William | Epidemiology | 4444 Corona Drive, Suite 236, Corpus Christi, TX | 361-853-1945 |
wduncker@umich.edu | staff |
Dunietz, Galit (profile) | Nutritional Sciences | C728B Med Inn Building, Ann Arbor MI 48109-5845 | 647-9241 |
gldt@umich.edu | faculty |
Dusic, Emerson | Epidemiology | edusic@umich.edu | staff | ||
Eklund, Stephen A (profile) | Epidemiology | 734-647-0199 | saeklund@umich.edu | faculty | |
Emelander, Ryleigh | Epidemiology | emelandr@umich.edu | staff | ||
Fendrick, Mark (profile) | Health Management & Policy | 300 NIB #NI7C27/0429 M3240 SPH II |
734-936-4787 | amfen@umich.edu | faculty |
Franzen, Susan | Health Behavior & Health Equity | 400 N. Saginaw Suite 233, Flint MI 48502 | 734-810-618-3283 | sfranzen@umich.edu | staff |
Freed, Gary (profile) | Health Management & Policy | 300 NIB #NI6E10/0456 | 734-615-0616 | gfreed@umich.edu | faculty |
Friedman, Charles (profile) | Health Management & Policy | 205 Victor Vaughan 1111 E. Catherine M3116 SPH II |
734-936-1644 | cpfried@umich.edu | faculty |
Fries, Brant (profile) | Health Management & Policy | 935 W 300 NIB/2007 | 734-936-2107 | bfries@umich.edu | faculty |
Fucinari, Juliana | Health Behavior & Health Equity | Working Remotely | jfucinar@umich.edu | staff | |
Fuller, Tracy | Epidemiology | 1600 Huron Parkway NCRC Bldg 300-304M | 734-763-2223 | tfuller@umich.edu | staff |
Galecki, Andrzej (profile) | Biostatistics | 300 N Ingalls | 734-936-2138 | agalecki@umich.edu | faculty |
Garcia, Elizabeth | Epidemiology | 4444 Corona Drive, Suite 236, Corpus Christi, TX | 734-361-853-1945 | egarci@umich.edu | staff |
George, Jaclyn (Jackie) | Biostatistics | Working Remotely | jaclynrg@umich.edu | staff | |
Godonou, Elie-Tino | Epidemiology | 764-2340 |
elietino@umich.edu | staff | |
Gonzalez, Elizabeth | Health Behavior & Health Equity | Working Remotely | elizagn@umich.edu | staff | |
Goold, Susan (profile) | Health Management & Policy | 300 North Ingalls Bldg 7C27 NIB |
734-936-5222 | sgoold@umich.edu | faculty |
Gordon, Linda | Epidemiology | ligordon@umich.edu | faculty | ||
Gray, Jody | Epidemiology | Working Remotely | jodygray@umich.edu | staff | |
Griggs, Jennifer (profile) | Health Management & Policy | 2800 Plymouth Rd. NCRC Bldg. 16 Room 116W |
734-647-8478 | jengrigg@umich.edu | faculty |
Gross, Colin | Biostatistics | Working Remotely | grosscol@umich.edu | staff | |
Grubb, Greggory | Environmental Health Sciences | ggrubb@umich.edu | staff | ||
Gutierrez, Cristina | Biostatistics | cristig@umich.edu | staff | ||
Guttrich, Charlotte | Health Behavior & Health Equity | Working Remotely | guttrich@umich.edu | staff | |
Halabicky, Olivia | Nutritional Sciences | 1415 Washington Heights | oliviamh@umich.edu | post-doc | |
Hartwig, Teresa | Health Behavior & Health Equity | Working Remotely | thartwig@umich.edu | staff | |
Hayward, Rodney (profile) | Health Management & Policy | 6312 Med Sci I/0604 | 734-936-5222 | rhayward@umich.edu | faculty |
Hegeman, Garnett | Epidemiology | ghegeman@umich.edu | staff | ||
Heisler, Michele (profile) | Health Behavior & Health Equity | 2215 Fuller Road Room D19411A | 734-845-3504 | mheisler@umich.edu | faculty |
Henry, Haley | Health Behavior & Health Equity | Working Remotely | halhenry@umich.edu | staff | |
Herkimer, Carol | Epidemiology | 1919 Green Road #A120 | 734-763-2461 | calbring@umich.edu | staff |
Herzog, Noelle | Biostatistics | Working Remotely | noellel@umich.edu | staff | |
Hicks, Wyatt | Epidemiology | 734-763-9821 | wjhicks@umich.edu | staff | |
Higgins, Millicent (profile) | Epidemiology | 252 Indian River Place | 734-761-9608 | higginsm@umich.edu | faculty |
Hill-Burns, Erin | Biostatistics | ehillbur@umich.edu | staff | ||
Hinnant, Kennedy | Health Behavior & Health Equity | Working Remotely | khinnant@umich.edu | staff | |
Hopson, Jennifer | Health Behavior & Health Equity | Working Remotely | 734-936-8645 | jenbarn@umich.edu | staff |
Howell, Joel (profile) | Health Management & Policy | 6312 Med Sci I/0604 | 734-647-4844 | jhowell@umich.edu | faculty |
Hudson, Elisabeth (profile) | Nutritional Sciences | Domino's Farms, Lobby H, Suite 2100 | 734-232-6871 | elhudson@umich.edu | faculty |
Huffman, Maria Elisa | Epidemiology | 4444 Corona Drive, Suite 236, Corpus Christi, TX | 734-361-853-1945 | elisalvs@umich.edu | staff |
Iorga, Stephanie | Epidemiology | siorga@umich.edu | staff | ||
Itani, Wadad | Health Behavior & Health Equity | wadad@umich.edu | staff | ||
Jahnke, Jordan | Biostatistics | M2030 | jahnkejo@umich.edu | staff | |
James, Kaley | EHS / ADM | 1415 Washington Heights | 7643188 |
kaleyj@umich.edu | staff |
Jennett, Ben | Health Behavior & Health Equity | Working Remotely | bjennet@umich.edu | staff | |
Jennings, Jacoby | Epidemiology | jacobyjj@umich.edu | staff | ||
Jiang, Hua | Biostatistics | jhua@umich.edu | staff | ||
Johns, Lily | Epidemiology | lilyjj@umich.edu | staff | ||
Jones, Kori | Health Behavior & Health Equity | Working Remotely | 734-764-6029 | kcotter@umich.edu | staff |
Jurado, Edwin | Dean's Office | Working Remotely | ejurado@umich.edu | staff | |
Kaciroti, Niko (profile) | Biostatistics | 300 N. Ingalls | 734-763-9714 | nicola@umich.edu | faculty |
Kaiser, Tasha | Biostatistics | Working Remotely | kaisert@umich.edu | staff | |
Kajdasz, Sarah | Health Behavior & Health Equity | skajdasz@umich.edu | staff | ||
Kalesnikava, Viktoryia | Epidemiology | kalesnik@umich.edu | staff | ||
Kammerzell, Juliana | Nutritional Sciences | 976 NIB | jkammerz@umich.edu | staff | |
Katz, Mark (profile) | Epidemiology | katzmark@umich.edu | faculty | ||
Katz, Steven (profile) | Health Management & Policy | 300 NIB #NI7C27/0429 | 734-936-4787 | skatz@umich.edu | faculty |
Kelley, Libby | Epidemiology | 4444 Corona Drive, Suite 236, Corpus Christi, TX | Phone 361-853-1945 |
lmkelley@umich.edu | staff |
Ko, Tung-Chun | Epidemiology | 1919 Green Road #A120 | 734-763-2461 | tcko@umich.edu | staff |
Korf, Claudia | Epidemiology | cskorf@umich.edu | staff | ||
Laldee, Chyanne | Health Behavior & Health Equity | Working Remotely | chylalde@umich.edu | staff | |
Langa, Kenneth (profile) | Health Management & Policy | 300 NIB Rm 7E01 Box 0429 | 734-615-8341 | klanga@umich.edu | faculty |
Larson, Peter | Epidemiology | anfangen@umich.edu | faculty | ||
Le, Kai | Health Behavior & Health Equity | Working Remotely | kylahl@umich.edu | staff | |
Lee, Jumanne | Health Behavior & Health Equity | Working Remotely | 734-615-0492 | jumannle@umich.edu | staff |
Lepkowski, James M (profile) | Biostatistics | Institute for Social Research Rm 310 | 734-936-0021 | jimlep@umich.edu | faculty |
Lesniak, Nicholas | Biostatistics | nlesniak@umich.edu | staff | ||
Lester-Pelham, Shannon | Biostatistics | shlester@umich.edu | staff | ||
Levin-Sparenberg, Elizabeth (profile) | Epidemiology | lizlevin@umich.edu | faculty | ||
Levy, Helen (profile) | Health Management & Policy | Survey Research Center 309 ISR 1248 |
936-4506 |
hlevy@umich.edu | faculty |
Li, Kendrick | Biostatistics | Working Remotely | qijunli@umich.edu | staff | |
Li, Zhongze (George) | Biostatistics | M2030 | 734-764-5425 | zholi@umich.edu | staff |
Lindsay, Becca | Health Behavior & Health Equity | Working Remotely 2815 SPH I |
reblin@umich.edu | staff | |
Locke, Morgan | Health Behavior & Health Equity | molocke@umich.edu | staff | ||
Loury, Kelly | Dean's Office | 734-763-2876 | kloury@umich.edu | staff | |
Ma, Claire | Health Management & Policy | macla@umich.edu | post-doc | ||
Magnuson, Brian | Biostatistics | NCRC Building 520 Room 1347 | 734-615-2092 | bmagnuso@umich.edu | staff |
Maharjan, Gaurab | Health Behavior & Health Equity | Working Remotely | gmaharja@umich.edu | staff | |
Maly, Marianna | Health Behavior & Health Equity | 2800 Plymouth Rd Bldg 16 3rd Floor | 734-647-7154 | mmanikas@umich.edu | faculty |
Marinec, Nicolle | Health Behavior & Health Equity | Off Site | stecn@umich.edu | staff | |
Markel, Howard (profile) | Health Management & Policy | 100 Simpson Memorial Institute 102 Observatory 0725 |
734-647-6914 | howard@umich.edu | faculty |
Marquez, Juan Luis | Epidemiology | marquezj@umich.edu | faculty | ||
Martin, Chantal | Health Management & Policy | NCRC 2800, Bldg 16, Fl 4 | 734-764-2784 | chke@umich.edu | staff |
McLean, Kate | Epidemiology | kdmclean@umich.edu | post-doc | ||
McMahon, Laurence (profile) | Health Management & Policy | N17C27 NIB/0429 | 734-936-5216 | lmcmahon@umich.edu | faculty |
Michaels, Kevin | Health Behavior & Health Equity | Working Remotely | kemichae@umich.edu | staff | |
Michaels, Miriam | Biostatistics | mmiriam@umich.edu | staff | ||
Miller, Brent | Health Behavior & Health Equity | Working Remotely | mbrent@umich.edu | staff | |
Miller, Cedric | Environmental Health Sciences | Remote | 734-763-4043 | ckdmill@umich.edu | staff |
Mireles, Christina | Health Behavior & Health Equity | Working Remotely | mirelesc@umich.edu | staff | |
Mirzadjahromi, Nazila | Biostatistics | mirzadjn@umich.edu | staff | ||
Modell, Stephen | Epidemiology | mod@umich.edu | staff | ||
Monty, Shawna | Health Behavior & Health Equity | Working Remotely 3703 SPH I |
smonty@umich.edu | staff | |
Morgan, Gloria | Biostatistics | gjen@umich.edu | staff | ||
Morgenstern, Lewis (profile) | Epidemiology | 1920 TC | 734-936-075 | lmorgens@umich.edu | faculty |
Mosack, David | Biostatistics | mosack@umich.edu | staff | ||
Mostafa, Zeinab | Nutritional Sciences | NIB | mzeinab@umich.edu | staff | |
Mugala, Faith | Health Management & Policy | fsm@umich.edu | staff | ||
Mukerjee, Richa | Health Behavior & Health Equity | Working Remotely | richamuk@umich.edu | staff | |
Munro, Karelynn | Health Behavior & Health Equity | Working Remotely | 734-660-2153 | karelynm@umich.edu | staff |
Murphy, Heather | Health Behavior & Health Equity | Working Remotely | hmurph@umich.edu | staff | |
Murphy, Janie | Epidemiology | 4444 Corona Drive, Suite 236, Corpus Christi, TX | 734-361-853-1945 | smjanie@umich.edu | staff |
Murphy, Mac | Health Behavior & Health Equity | Working Remotely | murphmic@umich.edu | staff | |
Nadeem, Aresha | Health Behavior & Health Equity | Working Remotely | aresha@umich.edu | staff | |
Naik, Tanvi | Biostatistics | Working Remotely | 734-647-821-0553 | tanvin@umich.edu | staff |
Nanavati, Hely | Epidemiology | hdnana@umich.edu | post-doc | ||
Neggie, Patrick | Health Behavior & Health Equity | Working Remotely | patmn@umich.edu | staff | |
Newman, Sean | Health Behavior & Health Equity | Working Remotely | scnewman@umich.edu | staff | |
Nguyen, Vy | Environmental Health Sciences | 1415 Washington Heights | nguyenv@umich.edu | staff | |
Nkemere, Linda | Health Behavior & Health Equity | lnkemere@umich.edu | staff | ||
Oberly, Brian | Nutritional Sciences | 976 NIB | boberly@umich.edu | staff | |
Odueso, Ebun | Health Behavior & Health Equity | Working Remotely | ezodueso@umich.edu | staff | |
Oesterle, SusanLynne | Health Management & Policy | 2800 Plymouth Rd Bldg 16 Fl 4 Rm 455S | 734-647-9688 | sloester@umich.edu | staff |
Omenn, Gilbert | Environmental Health Sciences | SPH | gomenn@umich.edu | faculty | |
Osei-Onomah, Shirley-Ann | Biostatistics | soseiono@umich.edu | staff | ||
Paberzs, Adam | Health Behavior & Health Equity | Working Remotely | adampabe@umich.edu | staff | |
Park, Jinsung | Nutritional Sciences | 1415 Washington Heights | jinsungp@umich.edu | post-doc | |
Pathania, Shivalika | Biostatistics | pathania@umich.edu | post-doc | ||
Patil, Snehal | Biostatistics | Working Remotely | 734-414-217-3747 | snehal@umich.edu | staff |
Patterson, Akilah | Health Behavior & Health Equity | 2014 Pop Stud Cntr - ISR | 734-763-2378 | akilahp@umich.edu | staff |
Peitzmeier, Sarah (profile) | Health Behavior & Health Equity | 3347 400 NIB | speitzme@umich.edu | faculty | |
Perera, Chamila | Biostatistics | Working Remotely | chperera@umich.edu | staff | |
Piatt, Gretchen (profile) | Health Behavior & Health Equity | 227 Victor Vaughan Building | 764-2287 |
piattg@umich.edu | faculty |
Pilli, Subra | Biostatistics | subra@umich.edu | staff | ||
Pinjic, Belmin | Biostatistics | M2030 | 734-764-5425 | belmin@umich.edu | staff |
Pletta, David | Epidemiology | dpletta@umich.edu | staff | ||
Prakash, Chethan | Epidemiology | 734-763-2991 | chethanp@umich.edu | staff | |
Priestley, Jill | Epidemiology | 1919 Green Road #A120 | 734-763-2461 | jillanns@umich.edu | staff |
Prosser, Lisa (profile) | Health Management & Policy | NCRC Building 16, G038E | 734-615-3508 | lisapros@umich.edu | faculty |
Racinski, Dylan | Biostatistics | Working Remotely | dracinsk@umich.edu | staff | |
Raji, Dolapo | Epidemiology | 734-764-2340 | rdollyp@umich.edu | staff | |
Ramirez del Rio, Eileen | Epidemiology | eilram@umich.edu | staff | ||
Rauk, Leigh | Health Behavior & Health Equity | Working Remotely | lmrauk@umich.edu | post-doc | |
Reeves, Sarah (profile) | Epidemiology | 300 N Ingalls, Room 6D19 | sleasure@umich.edu | faculty | |
Rendon, Marcela | Biostatistics | marcelar@umich.edu | staff | ||
Richards, Julia (profile) | Epidemiology | 229 WK Kellogg Eye Center 1000 Wall St |
734-668-6631 | richj@umich.edu | faculty |
Riley, Hurley | Health Behavior & Health Equity | 300 NIB 1003SW | rileyhur@umich.edu | staff | |
Rios, Bella | Epidemiology | ierios@umich.edu | staff | ||
Rivas, Alejandro | Health Behavior & Health Equity | Working Remotely | alrivas@umich.edu | staff | |
Rodriguez, Adrian | Health Behavior & Health Equity | Working Remotely | 734-763-9236 | adrianro@umich.edu | staff |
Rodriguez-Putnam, Alejandro | Epidemiology | arputnam@umich.edu | staff | ||
Rosenberg, Noah | Biostatistics | 2017 Palmer Commons | 734-615-9556 | rnoah@umich.edu | staff |
Ruiz, Rosaline | Health Behavior & Health Equity | Working Remotely | rosruiz@umich.edu | staff | |
Russell, Sam | Resource Planning and Management | 734-647-0903 | samdruss@umich.edu | staff | |
Ryu, Soomin | Epidemiology | soominr@umich.edu | post-doc | ||
Sais, Emma | Epidemiology | 4444 Corona Drive, Suite 236, Corpus Christi, TX | 734-361-853-1945 | emsais@umich.edu | staff |
Sanders, Wade | Epidemiology | 1919 Green St. #A120 | 734-763-2461 | wadesand@umich.edu | staff |
Sarma, Aruna (profile) | Epidemiology | 1500 E Med Ctr Dr | 734-763-7514 | asarma@umich.edu | faculty |
Sartor, Maureen (profile) | Biostatistics | 2044 Palmer Commons | 734-763-8013 | sartorma@umich.edu | faculty |
Schottenfeld, David (profile) | Epidemiology | daschott@umich.edu | faculty | ||
Schouman, Laura | Nutritional Sciences | NIB |
laura sc@umich.edu | staff | |
Schreiner, Laura | Health Behavior & Health Equity | Working Remotely | lschrein@umich.edu | staff | |
Schwabe-Nuttall, Susan | Health Management & Policy | TBD | nuttalls@umich.edu | staff | |
Seiger, Carolyn | Health Behavior & Health Equity | Working Remotely | cseiger@umich.edu | staff | |
Shen, Chen | Biostatistics | Working Remotely | sphchen@umich.edu | staff | |
Sheskey, Sarah | Health Behavior & Health Equity | Working Remotely | ssheskey@umich.edu | staff | |
Siavoshani, Zahra-Noor | Epidemiology | zsiavosh@umich.edu | staff | ||
Siddhantam, Satya | Biostatistics | sssidd@umich.edu | staff | ||
Simon, Alex | Health Behavior & Health Equity | Working Remotely | lexsimon@umich.edu | staff | |
Singh, Raman | Health Management & Policy | singrama@umich.edu | staff | ||
Slocum, Elizabeth | Epidemiology | emslocum@umich.edu | faculty | ||
Smart, Cely | Dean's Office | 734-764-8748 | smartca@umich.edu | staff | |
Spears, Brianna | Health Behavior & Health Equity | Working Remotely | bvspears@umich.edu | staff | |
Stephenson, J | Health Behavior & Health Equity | Working Remotely | jessiste@umich.edu | staff | |
Stout, Jessica | Nutritional Sciences | NIB |
jrstout@umich.edu | staff | |
Suresh, Krithika (profile) | Biostatistics | UH B2 C490 |
ksuresh@umich.edu | faculty | |
Swain, Michael | Epidemiology | swainmj@umich.edu | faculty | ||
Swalwell, Kathy | Health Behavior & Health Equity | NCRC | 734-222-7671 | calais@umich.edu | staff |
Szemak, Karen | Biostatistics | szemak@umich.edu | staff | ||
Szymarek, Rachel | Health Management & Policy | 2800 Plymouth Rd Bldg 16 Fl 4 | 734-615-9635 | szymarek@umich.edu | staff |
Taylor, Eric | Biostatistics | M2030-29 | 734-615-0597 | edt@umich.edu | staff |
Teboe, Sherry | Biostatistics | 2101 Commonwealth Suite D Room 1513 |
734-936-0836 | steboe@umich.edu | staff |
Thatcher, Lindsey | Office for Student Engagement and Practice | lindst@umich.edu | staff | ||
The, Stephanie | Biostatistics | Working Remotely | tstephie@umich.edu | staff | |
Thompson, Stephanie | Health Behavior & Health Equity | Working Remotely | smsouthw@umich.edu | staff | |
Thulin, Elyse (profile) | Health Behavior & Health Equity | working Remotely IFIP |
ethulin@umich.edu | faculty | |
Tolinski, Edward | Resource Planning and Management | 734-615-3980 | edwtolin@umich.edu | staff | |
Torres, Emily | Health Behavior & Health Equity | Working Remotely | 734-647-8295 | eetorres@umich.edu | staff |
Tu, Yihsuan | Biostatistics | M2030 | yhtu@umich.edu | staff | |
Valera, Genesis | Epidemiology | gvalera@umich.edu | staff | ||
Varela, Elder | Nutritional Sciences | egvarela@umich.edu | post-doc | ||
Veinot, Tiffany (profile) | Health Behavior & Health Equity | 4429 North Quad Ann Arbor MI 48109-1285 |
734-615-8281 | tveinot@umich.edu | faculty |
Voichoski, Erin | Health Behavior & Health Equity | Working Remotely | evoicho@umich.edu | staff | |
Vyletel, Brenda | Health Behavior & Health Equity | Working Remotely | bvyletel@umich.edu | staff | |
Walding, Alison | Health Behavior & Health Equity | Working Remotely | 734-764-2955 | walison@umich.edu | staff |
Walker, Erika | Epidemiology | erikawal@umich.edu | staff | ||
Wandell, Regina | Epidemiology | 734-764-2340 | rlehmann@umich.edu | staff | |
Wang, Naisyin | Biostatistics | 445E West Hall | 734-763-2052 | nwangaa@umich.edu | staff |
Wang, Wen | Biostatistics | Working Remotely | wangwen@umich.edu | faculty | |
Weatherwax, Kevin | Biostatistics | kweath@umich.edu | staff | ||
Weeks, Heidi | Nutritional Sciences | 976 NIB | hweeks@umich.edu | staff | |
Weiss, Karen | Health Behavior & Health Equity | HBHE Flint | kmweiss@umich.edu | staff | |
West, Brady (profile) | Biostatistics | ISR-SRC 460 Thompson | 7346474615 |
bwest@umich.edu | faculty |
Wheeler, Adam | Health Behavior & Health Equity | Working Remotely | ajwhee@umich.edu | staff | |
Wieland, Garrett | Epidemiology | 4444 Corona Drive, Suite 236, Corpus Christi, TX | wieland@umich.edu | staff | |
Wolk, Seth (profile) | Health Management & Policy | Working Remotely | 734-709-1945 |
swwolk@umich.edu | faculty |
Wyatt, Erin | Health Behavior & Health Equity | Working Remotely | erinwyat@umich.edu | staff | |
Xu, Tao | Biostatistics | 734-763-1547 | taoxu@umich.edu | staff | |
Yaldo, Alex | Biostatistics | Working Remotely | yaldo@umich.edu | staff | |
Yon, Sarah | Health Behavior & Health Equity | NCRC | 734-763-0412 | shlim@umich.edu | staff |
Yu, Myeonghun | Biostatistics | audgns@umich.edu | post-doc | ||
Yu, Xianshi | Biostatistics | Working Remotely | xsyu@umich.edu | post-doc | |
Zhong, Chuwen | Epidemiology | zcwyolo@umich.edu | staff |
Alphabetical by Last Name
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z All All Faculty All Staff All Postdoctoral Fellows
By Department
Dean's Office Biostatistics Environmental Health Sciences Epidemiology Health Behavior & Health Equity Health Management & Policy Nutritional Sciences Office of Undergraduate Education