U-M SPH Faculty, Staff and Postdoctoral Fellow Directory

University of Michigan School of Public Health
1415 Washington Heights
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2029
Telephone: (734) 764-5425

Directions Locating Rooms in SPH by their Numbers (PDF)

Name Department Address Phone E-mail Address Type
111 Total
Abramenka-Lachheb, Victoria Instructional Services M3063 staff
Abramenka-Lachheb, Victoria Instructional Services SPH II M3063 734-763-3095 staff
Adlhoch, Julie Resource Planning and Management M2232 SPH II 734-936-6803 staff
Akhtar, Sumreem Instructional Services SPH I 734-763-5330 staff
Anderson, Stefani Office for Student Engagement and Practice 1702 SPH I 734-763-8264 staff
Baker, Karla Office for Student Engagement and Practice 1722 SPH I 734-647-2996 staff
Binder, Matt Computing Services 7625 SPH I 734-763-4192
Boulton, Matthew (profile) EPID / ADM M5208 SPH II 734-936-1623 faculty
Bowman, F. DuBois (profile) Dean's Office 1822 SPH I 734-763-2876 faculty
Bradley, Patty Computing Services 7625 SPH I 734-764-0300 staff
Brown, Aryanni Office for Student Engagement and Practice 2700 SPH I staff
Burke, Betsy Office of Development 1815 SPH I 734-647-7252 staff
Cable, Beth Office for Student Engagement and Practice 1734 SPH I 734-764-3609 staff
Carroll, Mary Beth Office for Student Engagement and Practice 1730 SPH I 734-764-9830 staff
Casanova, Rachel Office for Student Engagement and Practice 1718 SPH I 734-936-1261 staff
Castro, Brittiany Resource Planning and Management SPH I 1840 734-647-3645 staff
Cessna, John Dean's Office M3071 SPH II 734-763-1129 staff
cohen, Julia Dean's Office 2730 SPH I staff
Conigliaro, Maya Office for Student Engagement and Practice 1719 SPH I 734-734 763 5290 staff
Cook, Destiny Marketing & Communications M1521 SPH II staff
Craft, Darryl Computing Services 7625 SPH I 734-936-1247 staff
Cranford, Leona Resource Planning and Management 1840 SPH I 734-763-5350 staff
Cunningham, Bob Marketing & Communications M1521 SPH II staff
Czarnowczan, Lauren Office of Public Health Practice 2706 SPH I 734-763-6688 staff
Diamond, Chris Marketing & Communications 1780 SPH I 734-763-8935 staff
Douglass, Lynn Office for Student Engagement and Practice 1722 SPH I 734-647-2267 staff
Dykowski, Drew Office for Student Engagement and Practice 1734 SPH I 734-763-9176 staff
Eshelman, Jennifer Office for Student Engagement and Practice SPH I 2726 734-763-7130 staff
Falce, Allyse Dean's Office 1766 SPH I staff
Freedland, Jessica Office for Student Engagement and Practice SPH I 1700 734-763-9045 staff
Garber, Catherine Marketing & Communications M1519 SPH II staff
Garber, Lisa Office for Student Engagement and Practice 2726 SPH I 734-647-0074 staff
Gilson, Maria Office of Global Public Health SPH II 734-763-8345 staff
Green, Ashley Office of Development 1800 SPH I 734-647-1672 staff
Grzyb, Eric Dean's Office M3064 SPH II staff
Gurecki, Sydney Dean's Office 1815 SPH I 734-764-8093 staff
Herold, Kirsten (profile) Dean's Office M3226 SPH II 734-763-5582 staff
Higginson-Rollins, Paige Office of Global Public Health M2011 SPH II staff
Holman, Jennifer EHS / ADM 6659 SPH I 734-763-1313 staff
Houston, Maddie Office for Student Engagement and Practice 1706 SPH I staff
Jackson, Nik Computing Services 7625 SPH I 734-763-6637 staff
James, Kaley EHS / ADM 1415 Washington Heights
Jurado, Edwin Dean's Office Working Remotely staff
Kardia, Sharon (profile) EPID / ADM M5174 SPH II 734-764-4221 faculty
Kasiborski, Michael Marketing & Communications 1766 SPH I 734-647-7253 staff
Katsumi, Hitomi Dean's Office SPH I 734-647-4874 staff
Knill, Annie Office for Student Engagement and Practice 2722 SPH I 734-647-7705 staff
Kovacevich, Joanna Instructional Services M3055 SPH II 734-647-0226 staff
Kulik, Phoebe Office of Public Health Practice M5517 SPH II 734-615-0144
LaFerle, Andrea Marketing & Communications 1762 SPH I 734-764-8094 staff
Laubepin, Frederique Instructional Services M3073 SPH II 734-936-1248 staff
Laurin, Steve Computing Services 7625 SPH I 734-936-1247 staff
Ley, Cristina Office for Student Engagement and Practice SPH I 1700 staff
Lillie, Brian Marketing & Communications 1770 SPH I 734-647-9836 staff
Lisabeth, Lynda (profile) EPID / ADM 1827 SPH I 734-936-9649 faculty
Loury, Kelly Dean's Office 734-763-2876 staff
Lubetkin, Andrea Resource Planning and Management 1758 SPH I 734-763-1036 staff
Luzius, Kim Office for Student Engagement and Practice M3065 SPH II 734-763-5687 staff
Mack, Desmond Office of Undergraduate Education 2714 SPH I 734-647-4997 staff
McConville, Jillian Office of Undergraduate Education 2718 SPH I 734-936-1258 staff
Meeker, John (profile) EHS / ADM 1835 SPH I 734-764-7184 faculty
Miles, Nate Office of Development 1828 SPH I 734-615-4362 staff
Molatt, Zachary Instructional Services SPH I 2700
Molnar, Steve Office for Student Engagement and Practice 1719 SPH I 734-615-4308 staff
Monger, ANarris Office of Public Health Practice 2706 SPH I staff
Moore, Dustin Dean's Office M3064 SPH II staff
Narula, Meaghan Office for Student Engagement and Practice 2718 SPH I staff
Nelson, Erin Marketing & Communications 1770 SPH I 734-7346474683 staff
Olivero, Julie Resource Planning and Management SPH I staff
Orleman, Lauren Dean's Office 1819 SPH I 734-763-1363 staff
Parisi, Lisa Dean's Office SPH I 1700 staff
Pearsall, April Resource Planning and Management 2234 SPH II 734-260-9173 staff
Peoples, Whitney Dean's Office 1803 SPH I 734-647-4019 student
Pu, Joyce Office for Student Engagement and Practice 1722 SPH I
Ralph, Brian Resource Planning and Management 1819 SPH I 734-763-5351 staff
Reilly, Anne Marketing & Communications 1780 SPH I 734-764-1552 staff
Renda, Ari Office for Student Engagement and Practice 1710 SPH I 734-763-3918 staff
Rey, Carmen EHS / ADM 6647 SPH I 734-647-1435 staff
Richardson, Sade Office of Public Health Practice 2710 SPH I 734-763-6526 staff
Rizzo, Joe Office for Student Engagement and Practice SPH II M1519 734-764-8312 staff
Roche-Hevia, Carlos Computing Services 7625 SPH I 734-936-1247 staff
Russell, Sam Resource Planning and Management 734-647-0903 staff
Sarigiannis, Amy Office of Global Public Health M2208 SPH II 734-647-0124 staff
Schweigert, Alexandra Office of Development 1815 SPH I 734-763-5228 staff
Sharp, Tim Instructional Services M3064 SPH II 734-763-7567 staff
Silva, Shannon Resource Planning and Management SPH I 1840 734-763-3202 staff
Smart, Cely Dean's Office 734-764-8748 staff
Smith, Richard Computing Services 7625 SPH I 734-936-1247 staff
Struhar, Debbie Resource Planning and Management G667 SPH I - Mailroom 734-763-5411 staff
Sullivant, Michael Office of Development 1818 SPH I 734-764-8093 staff
Szekeres, Kiran Office of Global Public Health M2001 SPH II. 734-763-6220 staff
Tarantino, Lacey Dean's Office M3064 SPH II staff
Thatcher, Lindsey Office for Student Engagement and Practice staff
Thornton, Tatum Instructional Services M3064 SPH II staff
Tobya, Mina Office for Student Engagement and Practice 1734 SPH I staff
Tolinski, Edward Resource Planning and Management 734-615-3980 staff
Trammer, Jackie Marketing & Communications M1519 SPH II 734-763-9745 staff
Trocchio, Lara Resource Planning and Management 1830 SPH I 734-936-1254 staff
Tuitman, Tonya Marketing & Communications SPH I 1780 staff
Vinales, Paula Office for Student Engagement and Practice 2730 SPH I 734-763-6070 staff
Vineburg, Isaac Marketing & Communications 1780 SPH I staff
Vojtkofsky, Whitney Marketing & Communications 1780 SPH I staff
Wagener, Tony Office of Development 1811 SPH I 734-764-5416 staff
White, Ebony Office for Student Engagement and Practice B868 SPH I 734-647-5068 staff
White, Neika Office for Student Engagement and Practice 1702 SPH I 734-763-3792 staff
White, Patricia EHS / ADM 6651 SPH I staff
Youatt, Emily (profile) Office for Student Engagement and Practice 2722 SPH I 734-764-8775 faculty
Yuting, Hsu Marketing & Communications SPH I staff
Zafer, Mateen Dean's Office 1714 SPH I 734-764-0786 staff
Zalucki, Tyler Resource Planning and Management G667 SPH I 734-680-5081 staff
Zamarron, Cristina Marketing & Communications M1519 SPH II 734-647-1423 staff

Alphabetical by Last Name

A     B     C     D     E     F     G     H     I     J     K     L     M     N     O     P     Q     R     S     T     U     V     W     X     Y     Z     All      All Faculty      All Staff      All Postdoctoral Fellows

By Department

Dean's Office      Biostatistics      Environmental Health Sciences      Epidemiology      Health Behavior & Health Equity      Health Management & Policy      Nutritional Sciences      Office of Undergraduate Education

By Location

SPH I      SPH II      Off-site