U-M SPH Faculty, Staff and Postdoctoral Fellow Directory
University of Michigan School of Public Health
1415 Washington Heights
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2029
Telephone: (734) 764-5425
Locating Rooms in SPH by their Numbers (PDF)
Letter: C
Name | Department | Address | Phone | E-mail Address | Type |
70 Total | |||||
Cable, Beth | Office for Student Engagement and Practice | 1734 SPH I | 734-764-3609 | cableb@umich.edu | staff |
Cable, Dylan | Biostatistics | SPH I 4635 | 734-647-2975 | dmcable@umich.edu | faculty |
Callard, Sandy | Biostatistics | 3645.3.21 SPH I | 734-763-1614 | sarm@umich.edu | staff |
Callear, Amy | Epidemiology | M5626 SPH II | 734-615-6979 | acallear@umich.edu | staff |
Campredon, Lora | Epidemiology | M5626 SPH II | 734-763-7155 | lpcamp@umich.edu | staff |
Canari Casano, Jorge | Nutritional Sciences | 1415 Washington Heights | jorgeca@umich.edu | post-doc | |
Cao, Jie | Biostatistics | 3645-3.21 SPH I | 734-763-1612 | caojie@umich.edu | staff |
Carlson, Brad | Epidemiology | M5232 SPH II | 734-763-2970 | bcarlson@umich.edu | staff |
Carlson, Charlotte | Environmental Health Sciences | 6663 SPH I | 734-936-0993 | charcarl@umich.edu | staff |
Caron, Sean | Biostatistics | M4331a SPH II | 734-615-8173 | scaron@umich.edu | staff |
Carroll, Mary Beth | Office for Student Engagement and Practice | 1730 SPH I | 734-764-9830 | maryeli@umich.edu | staff |
Casanova, Rachel | Office for Student Engagement and Practice | 1718 SPH I | 734-936-1261 | racacasa@umich.edu | staff |
Case, Erin | Epidemiology | 2657 SPH I | 734-764-2372 | erincase@umich.edu | staff |
Casher, Yang | Biostatistics | 3645.3.12 SPH I | 734-763-1622 | yangwang@umich.edu | staff |
Castro, Brittiany | Resource Planning and Management | SPH I 1840 | 734-647-3645 | brittijs@umich.edu | staff |
Catalano, John (profile) | Health Management & Policy | 3013 SPH II | johncat@umich.edu | faculty | |
Cathey, Amber | Environmental Health Sciences | 6627 SPH I | acathey@umich.edu | faculty | |
Cessna, John | Dean's Office | M3071 SPH II | 734-763-1129 | jcessna@umich.edu | staff |
Chang, David | Health Behavior & Health Equity | Working Remotely | dachang@umich.edu | staff | |
Chantelois, Kelly | Environmental Health Sciences | 6671 SPH I | 734-764-3188 | ksperr@umich.edu | staff |
Charles, Simone (profile) | Environmental Health Sciences | M6216 SPH II | 734-764-4550 | simonec@umich.edu | faculty |
Chatters, Linda (profile) | Health Behavior & Health Equity | 2818 SPH I | chatters@umich.edu | faculty | |
Chedid, Khalil | Epidemiology | M5146 SPH II | 734-647-4723 | kchedid@umich.edu | staff |
Chen, Boshu | Epidemiology | 3650 SPH I | bschen@umich.edu | staff | |
Chen, Canyi | Biostatistics | SPH II M4153 | canyic@umich.edu | post-doc | |
Chen, Chen | Epidemiology | chensph@umich.edu | post-doc | ||
Chen, Shu | Biostatistics | 3645.3.18 SPH I | 734-763-1616 | shuchen@umich.edu | staff |
Chen, Xiaoying | Biostatistics | G860 3645 SPH I | 734-763-1544 | cxiaoyin@umich.edu | staff |
Cheng, Caroline | Epidemiology | M5118 SPH II | kaiyi@umich.edu | staff | |
Cheng, Weiqiu | Biostatistics | 4613 SPH I | weiqiuc@umich.edu | post-doc | |
Chester, Cora | Health Management & Policy | 3150 SPH II | corasim@umich.edu | staff | |
Chin, Jeffrey | Health Management & Policy | jbchin@umich.edu | faculty | ||
Cho, Tsai-Chin | Epidemiology | tccho@umich.edu | staff | ||
Choi, Eunkyeong | Nutritional Sciences | M7027 SPH II | eunkchoi@umich.edu | staff | |
Choi, Seo Youn | Health Management & Policy | M3041 SPH II | choiseoy@umich.edu | staff | |
Chrzanowski, Emma | Epidemiology | emmachrz@umich.edu | staff | ||
Chu, Zijin | Epidemiology | M5626 SPH II | 734-763-3580 | zijinc@umich.edu | staff |
Chyu, Christine | Epidemiology | cchyu@umich.edu | staff | ||
Cifor, Laura | Epidemiology | 4665.06 SPH I | 734-615-9170 | lcifor@umich.edu | staff |
Clark, Jordyn | Health Management & Policy | 2800 Plymouth Rd, Bldg 16, Fl 4, cubicle 400S-16 | 734-764-2784 | jordynbc@umich.edu | staff |
Clarke, Philippa (profile) | Epidemiology | 2661 SPH I 3340 ISR |
734-763-0322 647-9611 |
pjclarke@umich.edu | faculty |
Clayson, Michelle | Nutritional Sciences | 300 NIB | mclayson@umich.edu | staff | |
Cockell, Scarlet | Epidemiology | M5226, SPH II | 734-615-5899 | cockell@umich.edu | staff |
Coeling, Molly | Health Management & Policy | Working Remotely | mcoeling@umich.edu | staff | |
Cogdell, Bridget | Health Behavior & Health Equity | 3774A SPH I | 734-763-9938 | cogdell@umich.edu | staff |
cohen, Julia | Dean's Office | 2730 SPH I | cmjulia@umich.edu | staff | |
Colacino, Justin (profile) | EHS / NUTR | 6651 SPH I | 734-647-4347 | colacino@umich.edu | faculty |
Colbert, Joseph | Biostatistics | M2030-06 SPH II | 734-615-9813 | jcolbert@umich.edu | faculty |
Cole, Kristyne | Epidemiology | 4640 SPH I | colet@umich.edu | staff | |
Cole, Suzanne (profile) | Nutritional Sciences | 3863 SPH I | 734-763-6793 | smcole@umich.edu | faculty |
Collard, Mason | Environmental Health Sciences | 7529 SPH II | collard@umich.edu | staff | |
Comstock, Matthew (profile) | Health Management & Policy | M3055 SPH II | comstock@umich.edu | faculty | |
Conigliaro, Maya | Office for Student Engagement and Practice | 1719 SPH I | 734-734 763 5290 | mconig@umich.edu | staff |
Connell, Cathleen (profile) | Health Behavior & Health Equity | 3802 SPH I | cathleen@umich.edu | faculty | |
Contreras, Jesse | Epidemiology | jdcon@umich.edu | post-doc | ||
Cook, Destiny | Marketing & Communications | M1521 SPH II | descook@umich.edu | staff | |
Cook, Steven | Epidemiology | 2675 SPH I | 734-764-3644 | cookstev@umich.edu | faculty |
Coombe, Chris (profile) | Health Behavior & Health Equity | 2786 SPH I | 734-763-9236 | ccoombe@umich.edu | staff |
Cormany, Jaclynn | Health Behavior & Health Equity | 3762 SPH I | 734-615-2564 | jcormany@umich.edu | staff |
Costa, Anthony | Biostatistics | 3661 SPH I | 734-763-0499 | ajcosta@umich.edu | staff |
Cox, Melinda | Epidemiology | 4444 Corona Drive, Suite 236, Corpus Christi, TX | melindac@umich.edu | staff | |
Craft, Darryl | Computing Services | 7625 SPH I | 734-936-1247 | sph.help@umich.edu | staff |
Cranford, Leona | Resource Planning and Management | 1840 SPH I | 734-763-5350 | leonaa@umich.edu | staff |
Crawford, Jenny | Health Behavior & Health Equity | 3790 SPH I | 734-764-9494 | jcrawfo@umich.edu | staff |
Creary, Melissa (profile) | Health Management & Policy | M3126 SPH II | 734-615-3720 | mcreary@umich.edu | faculty |
Cronenwett, Anna | Epidemiology | M5112 SPH II | 734-764-5462 | weaverd@umich.edu | staff |
Crowder, Abigail | Epidemiology | M5112 SPH II | 734-615-9209 | crowdabi@umich.edu | staff |
Cuff, Linton | Biostatistics | 3645.3.21 SPH I | 734-763-1612 | lintoncu@umich.edu | staff |
Cunningham, Bob | Marketing & Communications | M1521 SPH II | bobcham@umich.edu | staff | |
Czarnowczan, Lauren | Office of Public Health Practice | 2706 SPH I | 734-763-6688 | laczarno@umich.edu | staff |
Alphabetical by Last Name
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z All All Faculty All Staff All Postdoctoral Fellows
By Department
Dean's Office Biostatistics Environmental Health Sciences Epidemiology Health Behavior & Health Equity Health Management & Policy Nutritional Sciences Office of Undergraduate Education