U-M SPH Faculty, Staff and Postdoctoral Fellow Directory

University of Michigan School of Public Health
1415 Washington Heights
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2029
Telephone: (734) 764-5425

Directions Locating Rooms in SPH by their Numbers (PDF)

Name Department Address Phone E-mail Address Type
41 Total
Dahlerus, Claudia Biostatistics 3632 SPH I 734-764-2764 staff
Dailey, Paul (Bud) Health Behavior & Health Equity Working Remotely
3835 SPH I
Dalaly, Mariam (Mimi) Biostatistics 3620-02 SPH I 734-763-1627 staff
Dallaire, Amanda Health Behavior & Health Equity 3778 SPH I 734-936-1626 faculty
Daltuva, Judith Environmental Health Sciences M6234 SPH II 734-936-0756 staff
Damek Valvano, Weronika Epidemiology staff
Damm, Mary Beth Health Behavior & Health Equity Working Remotely staff
Daniels, Charlita Health Management & Policy M3541 SPH II 734-647-1925 staff
Daniels, Joyce Environmental Health Sciences SPH I, Room 6631 734-763-1171 staff
Das, Sayantan Biostatistics 4605 SPH I student
Daugherty, Morgan Health Behavior & Health Equity Working Remotely staff
David, Ifeolu (profile) Epidemiology M5071, SPH II faculty
De La Rosa, Lisset Nutritional Sciences NIB staff
de Majo, Ricardo Health Behavior & Health Equity 2770 SPH I 734-763-0017 staff
Debbie, Novak-Haas Biostatistics M4011 SPH II staff
Debro, Kyle Health Behavior & Health Equity Working Remotely staff
Delacroix, Emerson Health Behavior & Health Equity 3800 SPH I #3-10AB 734-764-2014 staff
DeLong, Zachery Biostatistics staff
Dempsey, Walter (profile) Biostatistics M4057 SPH II 734-615-9825 faculty
Deng, Lili Health Behavior & Health Equity Working Remotely staff
Deng, Yuhao Biostatistics 4605-18 SPH I post-doc
Detzler, Lauren Biostatistics M2030-26 SPH II 734-615-0420 staff
Dhurvas, Mythili Biostatistics 3665 SPH I 734-763-1604 staff
Diamond, Chris Marketing & Communications 1780 SPH I 734-763-8935 staff
DiFranco, Donna Biostatistics M2030 SPH II 734-764-5425 staff
Dobski, Christine Biostatistics 4619 SPH I
M4240 SPH II
734-763-0424 staff
Dokshina, Dasha Epidemiology 734-615-0690 staff
Dolinoy, Dana (profile) EHS / NUTR M6017 SPH II 734-647-3155 faculty
Dou, John Epidemiology M5242 SPH II 734-763-2071 staff
Douglass, Lynn Office for Student Engagement and Practice 1722 SPH I 734-647-2267 staff
Drake, Daniel Biostatistics Working Remotely 734-678-644-8198 staff
Du, Juan Biostatistics 3650-03 SPH I 734-763-1547 staff
Dudley, Amanda Epidemiology M5158 SPH II 734-647-0854 staff
Duncker, William Epidemiology 4444 Corona Drive, Suite 236, Corpus Christi, TX
Dunietz, Galit (profile) Nutritional Sciences C728B Med Inn Building, Ann Arbor MI 48109-5845
Durgy, Carole Nutritional Sciences 3866 SPH I 734-647-2819 staff
Dushetty, Sreeharsha Biostatistics 4605 SPH I staff
Dusic, Emerson Epidemiology staff
Dvonch, Tim (profile) Environmental Health Sciences 6646 SPH I 734-615-3484 faculty
Dykowski, Drew Office for Student Engagement and Practice 1734 SPH I 734-763-9176 staff
Dymont, Austin Environmental Health Sciences M6168 SPH II staff

Alphabetical by Last Name

A     B     C     D     E     F     G     H     I     J     K     L     M     N     O     P     Q     R     S     T     U     V     W     X     Y     Z     All      All Faculty      All Staff      All Postdoctoral Fellows

By Department

Dean's Office      Biostatistics      Environmental Health Sciences      Epidemiology      Health Behavior & Health Equity      Health Management & Policy      Nutritional Sciences      Office of Undergraduate Education

By Location

SPH I      SPH II      Off-site