U-M SPH Faculty, Staff and Postdoctoral Fellow Directory
University of Michigan School of Public Health
1415 Washington Heights
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2029
Telephone: (734) 764-5425
Locating Rooms in SPH by their Numbers (PDF)
Letter: F
Name | Department | Address | Phone | E-mail Address | Type |
28 Total | |||||
Falce, Allyse | Dean's Office | 1766 SPH I | afalce@umich.edu | staff | |
Fane, Wendy | Biostatistics | M2030-11 SPH II | 734-764-4455 | wfane@umich.edu | staff |
Farr, Sarah | Health Management & Policy | 3242 SPH II | sefarr@umich.edu | post-doc | |
Fava, Melissa | Biostatistics | 3645.3.23 SPH I | mfava@umich.edu | staff | |
Fendrick, Mark (profile) | Health Management & Policy | 300 NIB #NI7C27/0429 M3240 SPH II |
734-936-4787 | amfen@umich.edu | faculty |
Fenech, Nicole | Biostatistics | M4226 SPH II | 734-615-9817 | fenechn@umich.edu | staff |
Fernandez, Jennifer | Environmental Health Sciences | 6611B SPH I | 734-763-0656 | jafernan@umich.edu | staff |
Finkel, Adam (profile) | Environmental Health Sciences | 734-202-406-0042 | adfinkel@umich.edu | faculty | |
Firestone, Monica | Epidemiology | 2665 SPH I | 734-615-9209 | monicadf@umich.edu | staff |
Fleischer, Nancy (profile) | Epidemiology | 2649C SPH I | 734-764-3644 | nancyfl@umich.edu | faculty |
Fleming, Paul (profile) | Health Behavior & Health Equity | 3814 SPH I | 734-647-2683 | pauljf@umich.edu | faculty |
Ford, Kathleen (profile) | Epidemiology | kford@umich.edu | faculty | ||
Foster-Tucker, Joshua | Epidemiology | M5134 SPH II | tuckjosh@umich.edu | staff | |
Foxman, Betsy (profile) | Epidemiology | M5108 SPH II | 734-764-5487 | bfoxman@umich.edu | faculty |
Francis, Nancy (profile) | Epidemiology | 4642 SPH I | 734-763-0274 | nhellner@umich.edu | staff |
Francois, Katherine | Epidemiology | M5533 SPH II | kmfran@umich.edu | staff | |
Franzblau, Alfred (profile) | Environmental Health Sciences | 6611A SPH I | 734-763-2758 | afranz@umich.edu | faculty |
Franzen, Susan | Health Behavior & Health Equity | 400 N. Saginaw Suite 233, Flint MI 48502 | 734-810-618-3283 | sfranzen@umich.edu | staff |
Freed, Gary (profile) | Health Management & Policy | 300 NIB #NI6E10/0456 | 734-615-0616 | gfreed@umich.edu | faculty |
Freedland, Jessica | Office for Student Engagement and Practice | SPH I 1700 | 734-763-9045 | freedlaj@umich.edu | staff |
Freiheit, Elizabeth | Biostatistics | M2523 SPH II | 734-615-1992 | elizfrei@umich.edu | staff |
Friedman, Charles (profile) | Health Management & Policy | 205 Victor Vaughan 1111 E. Catherine M3116 SPH II |
734-936-1644 | cpfried@umich.edu | faculty |
Fries, Brant (profile) | Health Management & Policy | 935 W 300 NIB/2007 | 734-936-2107 | bfries@umich.edu | faculty |
Fritsche, Lars (profile) | Biostatistics | 4636 SPH I | 734-763-2161 | larsf@umich.edu | faculty |
Frye, Brandon | Biostatistics | 3620-01 SPH I | 734-763-1627 | branfrye@umich.edu | staff |
Fucinari, Juliana | Health Behavior & Health Equity | Working Remotely | jfucinar@umich.edu | staff | |
Fuller, Tracy | Epidemiology | 1600 Huron Parkway NCRC Bldg 300-304M | 734-763-2223 | tfuller@umich.edu | staff |
Furgal, Allison | Biostatistics | M2030 SPH II | acullen@umich.edu | staff |
Alphabetical by Last Name
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z All All Faculty All Staff All Postdoctoral Fellows
By Department
Dean's Office Biostatistics Environmental Health Sciences Epidemiology Health Behavior & Health Equity Health Management & Policy Nutritional Sciences Office of Undergraduate Education