U-M SPH Faculty, Staff and Postdoctoral Fellow Directory
University of Michigan School of Public Health
1415 Washington Heights
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2029
Telephone: (734) 764-5425
Locating Rooms in SPH by their Numbers (PDF)
Letter: J
Name | Department | Address | Phone | E-mail Address | Type |
29 Total | |||||
Jackson, Nik | Computing Services | 7625 SPH I | 734-763-6637 | nikdjack@umich.edu | staff |
Jacobson, Peter (profile) | Health Management & Policy | 3611A SPH I | 734-936-0928 | pdj@umich.edu | faculty |
Jadwin-Cakmak, Laura | Health Behavior & Health Equity | 2855 SPH I | 734-763-2884 | ljadwin@umich.edu | staff |
Jahnke, Jordan | Biostatistics | M2030 | jahnkejo@umich.edu | staff | |
James, Kaley | EHS / ADM | 1415 Washington Heights | 7643188 |
kaleyj@umich.edu | staff |
Janevic, Mary (profile) | Health Behavior & Health Equity | 2811 SPH I | 734-647-3194 | mjanevic@umich.edu | faculty |
Jansen, Erica (profile) | Nutritional Sciences | 3863 SPH I | 734-764-9335 | janerica@umich.edu | faculty |
Jarman, Holly (profile) | Health Management & Policy | M3523 SPH II | 734-647-9225 | hjarman@umich.edu | faculty |
Jennett, Ben | Health Behavior & Health Equity | Working Remotely | bjennet@umich.edu | staff | |
Jennings, Jacoby | Epidemiology | jacobyjj@umich.edu | staff | ||
Jennings, Zach | Epidemiology | 4643 SPH I | 734-647-8140 | zachjenn@umich.edu | staff |
Jeon, Jihyoun (profile) | Epidemiology | M5065 SPH II | 734-936-1442 | jihjeon@umich.edu | faculty |
Jiang, Hua | Biostatistics | jhua@umich.edu | staff | ||
Jiang, Hui (profile) | Biostatistics | M4523 SPH II | 734-764-6742 | jianghui@umich.edu | faculty |
Jimenez-Mendoza, Evelyn | Epidemiology | M5158 SPH II | evelynjm@umich.edu | staff | |
Jobe, Kiah | Biostatistics | M2030 SPH II | kjobe@umich.edu | staff | |
Johns, Lily | Epidemiology | lilyjj@umich.edu | staff | ||
Johnson, Emileigh | Epidemiology | 5667 SPH II | 734-764-5483 | emileigh@umich.edu | staff |
Johnson, Meghan | Biostatistics | M2030 SPH II | 734-647-1808 | johmegha@umich.edu | staff |
Johnson, Timothy (profile) | Biostatistics | M4065 SPH II | 734-936-1007 | tdjtdj@umich.edu | faculty |
Jolliet, Olivier (profile) | Environmental Health Sciences | 6635 SPH I | 734-647-0394 | ojolliet@umich.edu | faculty |
Jones, Andy (profile) | Nutritional Sciences | 3846 SPH I | 734-647-1881 | jonesand@umich.edu | faculty |
Jones, Deanna | Biostatistics | M2030-21 SPH II | 734-615-6328 | defrye@umich.edu | staff |
Jones, Karen | Biostatistics | M2030-1 SPH II | 734-763-7738 | ksjone@umich.edu | staff |
Jones, Kori | Health Behavior & Health Equity | Working Remotely | 734-764-6029 | kcotter@umich.edu | staff |
Jones, Tamara | Environmental Health Sciences | M6150 SPH II | 734-764-6213 | trmeier@umich.edu | staff |
Joshi, Spruha | Epidemiology | 2649B, SPH I | spruha@umich.edu | faculty | |
Juntila, Casey | Epidemiology | 5626 SPH I | cjuntila@umich.edu | staff | |
Jurado, Edwin | Dean's Office | Working Remotely | ejurado@umich.edu | staff |
Alphabetical by Last Name
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z All All Faculty All Staff All Postdoctoral Fellows
By Department
Dean's Office Biostatistics Environmental Health Sciences Epidemiology Health Behavior & Health Equity Health Management & Policy Nutritional Sciences Office of Undergraduate Education