U-M SPH Faculty, Staff and Postdoctoral Fellow Directory

University of Michigan School of Public Health
1415 Washington Heights
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2029
Telephone: (734) 764-5425

Directions Locating Rooms in SPH by their Numbers (PDF)

Name Department Address Phone E-mail Address Type
44 Total
Paalanen, Noah Epidemiology M5017 SPH II staff
Paberzs, Adam Health Behavior & Health Equity Working Remotely staff
Padilla, Robin Biostatistics 3645.3.13 SPH I 734-763-1624 staff
Palma, Amanda Nutritional Sciences 1851 C SPH I staff
Parisi, Lisa Dean's Office SPH I 1700 staff
Park, Jinsung Nutritional Sciences 1415 Washington Heights post-doc
Park, Junyoung Biostatistics SPH I 4612 post-doc
Park, Sung Kyun (profile) Epidemiology M5541 SPH II 734-936-1719 faculty
Parrotte, Casey Biostatistics 3620-02 SPH I 734-763-1617 staff
Patel, Akash Epidemiology 2679 SPH I 734-764-3644 staff
Patel, Minal (profile) Health Behavior & Health Equity 3810 SPH I 734-763-0087 faculty
Pathania, Shivalika Biostatistics post-doc
Patil, Snehal Biostatistics Working Remotely 734-414-217-3747 staff
Patterson, Akilah Health Behavior & Health Equity 2014 Pop Stud Cntr - ISR 734-763-2378 staff
Patterson, Janay Epidemiology M5142 SPH II 734-764-2340 staff
Payne-Sturges, Devon Environmental Health Sciences 6108 SPH I faculty
Pearce, C Leigh (profile) Epidemiology 3632 SPH I 734-764-3835 faculty
Pearsall, April Resource Planning and Management 2234 SPH II 734-260-9173 staff
Pedde, Meredith Epidemiology M5525 SPH II 734-615-9201 faculty
Pedroza, Jesica Nutritional Sciences 3862 SPH I staff
Peitzmeier, Sarah (profile) Health Behavior & Health Equity 3347 400 NIB faculty
Peoples, Whitney Dean's Office 1803 SPH I 734-647-4019 student
Perera, Bambarendage (Pini) (profile) Environmental Health Sciences M6150 SPH II staff
Perera, Chamila Biostatistics Working Remotely staff
Person, Dominique Epidemiology 4646 SPH I 734-615-7192 staff
Peruzzi, Michele (profile) Biostatistics SPH II M4531 faculty
Peterson, Karen (profile) Nutritional Sciences 1867 SPH I 734-647-1923 faculty
Petroff, Rebekah Environmental Health Sciences 6645 SPH I staff
Peyser, Patricia A (profile) Epidemiology M5517 SPH II 734-763-4077 faculty
Piatt, Gretchen (profile) Health Behavior & Health Equity 227 Victor Vaughan Building
Piette, John (profile) Health Behavior & Health Equity 2802 SPH I 734-763-1457 faculty
Pilli, Subra Biostatistics staff
Pinjic, Belmin Biostatistics M2030 734-764-5425 staff
Plagens, Allison Epidemiology 4648 SPH I staff
Pleiness, Jacob Biostatistics 4635 SPH I 734-936-4812 staff
Pletta, David Epidemiology staff
Polderdyke, Nancy Nutritional Sciences 1851B SPH I 734-764-2594 staff
Power, Laura (profile) Epidemiology M5224 SPH II 734-647-5306 faculty
Prabhu-Sankar, Swaraaj Biostatistics 4602 SPH I staff
Prakash, Chethan Epidemiology 734-763-2991 staff
Price, Katrina Biostatistics 3645 SPH I 734-763-3645 staff
Priestley, Jill Epidemiology 1919 Green Road #A120 734-763-2461 staff
Prosser, Lisa (profile) Health Management & Policy NCRC Building 16, G038E 734-615-3508 faculty
Pu, Joyce Office for Student Engagement and Practice 1722 SPH I

Alphabetical by Last Name

A     B     C     D     E     F     G     H     I     J     K     L     M     N     O     P     Q     R     S     T     U     V     W     X     Y     Z     All      All Faculty      All Staff      All Postdoctoral Fellows

By Department

Dean's Office      Biostatistics      Environmental Health Sciences      Epidemiology      Health Behavior & Health Equity      Health Management & Policy      Nutritional Sciences      Office of Undergraduate Education

By Location

SPH I      SPH II      Off-site