Ph.D. Student Profile

Abas Shkembi, MS
- Doctoral Candidate
- Cognate: Environmental Health Sciences
- BS Statistics, University of Michigan Ann Arbor (2020)
- MS Environmental Health Science, Subplan: Industrial Hygiene, University of Michigan (2023)
Research Interests & Projects
- Environmental justice
- Occupational and environmental epidemiology
- Spatial epidemiology
- Urban health
Selected Publications
Shkembi A, Le AB, Neitzel RL (2023). Associations between poorer mental health with work-related
effort, reward, and overcommitment among a sample of formal US solid waste workers.
Safety & Health at Work.
Shkembi A, Smith LM, Neitzel RL (2022). Linking environmental injustices in Detroit, MI to
institutional racial segregation through historical federal redlining. J Expo Sci Environ Epidemiol.
Shkembi A, Smith LM, Bregg S, Neitzel RL (2022). Evaluating occupational noise exposure as a contributor to injury risk among miners. Ann Work Exp Health. 66(9): 1151-1161.
Roberts B, Shkembi A, Smith LM, Neitzel RL (2022). Beware the Grizzlyman: A comparison of job and industry-based noise exposure estimates using manual coding and the NIOSH NIOCCS System. J Occ & Env Hygiene. 19(7): 437-447.
Shkembi A and Neitzel R.L. (2022), Noise as a risk factor for COVID-19 transmission: Comment
on Zhang: “Estimation of differential occupational risk of COVID-19 by comparing risk
factors with case data by occupational group”. Am J Ind Med.
Shkembi A, Nambunmee K, Jindaphong S, Parra-Giordano D, Yohannessen K, Ruiz-Rudolph P, Neitzel
RL, Arain A (2021). Work Task Association with Lead Urine and Blood Concentrations
in Informal Electronic Waste Recyclers in Thailand and Chile. Inter J Env Res & Public Health. 18(20): 10580.