Ph.D. Student Profile

Maheen Humayun, MPH, BS
- Doctoral Student
MPH, Epidemiology : University of Maryland, College Park
BS, Biology, Lahore University of Management Sciences (LUMS), Pakistan
Research Interests & Projects
My research interests are around health disparities and global health. While biological
factors impact human health, the aspects of the social system in which humans are
embedded offer inequitable opportunity to healthy life. My work particularly focuses
on identifying disparities related to tuberculosis epidemic in especially vulnerable
populations including prisoners, HIV high burden settings and rural places.
While high burden countries share a disproportionate burden of TB disease, low incidence
countries have also not been able to make the final push towards elimination. The
primary goal of my work is to characterize racial/ethnic, socio-economic and place
based disparities in a TB low incidence setting. In high burden settings where HIV
epidemic overlaps with the TB epidemic, the goal of my work is to map high-risk groups
based on local epidemiological factors. To address these goals, I use molecular epidemiological
tools to determine the varying role of underlying disease mechanisms (reactivation
vs. recent transmission) in driving the TB epidemic among various socio-demographic
Selected Publications
- Amirkhani, Asmah, et al. "Patient characteristics associated with different types of prison TB: an epidemiological analysis of 921 TB cases diagnosed at an Ethiopian prison." BMC pulmonary medicine 21.1 (2021): 1-8.
- Montgomery County, Maryland, Department of Health and Human Services Office of Planning and Epidemiology. Maternal and Infant Health in Montgomery County, Maryland 2008-2017, Montgomery County, Maryland. Rockville, Maryland. 2019.
- Iqbal, M. J., Majeed, M., Humayun, M., Lightfoot, D. A., & Afzal, A. J. (2016). Proteomic profiling and the predicted interactome of host proteins in compatible and incompatible interactions between soybean and Fusarium virguliforme. Applied biochemistry and biotechnology, 180(8), 1657-1674.
- Basharat, A. R., Iman, K., Khalid, M. F., Anwar, Z., Hussain, R., Kabir, H. G., ... & Mustafa, M. (2019). SpectRUM–A MAtLAB toolbox for Proteoform Identification from Top-Down Proteomics Data. Scientific reports, 9(1), 1-14.