I AM FPHLP 2019: Cabria Ridgnal
Cabria Ridgnal was part of the 2019 FPHLP cohort. She is a Junior majoring in Public
Health with a concentration in Health Systems Management at Dillard University. This
summer, Cabria interned at Unified HIV Health and Beyond in Ypsilanti as a Prevention
Cabria was eager to participate in FPHLP to gain field experience and learn more about public health after switching her major from pre-medicine and chemistry. Highlights of her FPHLP experience included getting to travel, gaining contacts from within several aspects of public health, meeting life-long friends, and being more outgoing and confident within the body of knowledge she knew.
Cabria’s greatest challenge was research as it was very new to her and the concepts were so broad that it was hard to grasp. From this challenge, she learned to keep asking questions and brainstorming. Cabria also learned that collaborative efforts are a major part of public health and it is often how we come up with solutions. Cabria says that eventually, action will be put forth to create change.
Cabria returned to Dillard University in the fall and has been networking to gain more contacts. She is now working for Odyssey House Louisiana as an iPrevent Peer Prevention Specialist doing community health work and outreach with people between the ages of 13 and 24.
As far as future plans go, Cabria wants to go with the flow of life, and she does
plan on getting her MPH or MHA. One thing she has learned from FPHLP is that you never
know where life will take you, so just continue to put in quality work, keep changing
the status quo and touching lives, and the rest will follow.
Cabria’s advice for someone considering applying to FPHLP is to finish the application as soon as possible and to remember that you are worthy of the opportunity. Cabria also says that you will learn so much in such a short time span but you will always remember FPHLP knowledge. Lastly, she says that you are on the right track so just take the leap of faith.