Courses Details
BIOSTAT512: Analyzing Longitudinal and Clustered Data Using Statistical Software
- Graduate level
- Residential
- Winter term(s) for residential students;
- 3 credit hour(s) for residential students;
- Instructor(s): Missy Plegue, Giselle Elise Kolenic, (Residential);
- Prerequisites: BIOSTAT 501 or 521
- Description: Longitudinal data sets occur often in a Public Health setting. This course will introduce students to methods for analyzing both clustered and longitudinal data using the statistical software packages SAS and Stata. Models for both continuous and discrete (e.g., binary, count) outcomes will be discussed and illustrated. The course will have one session of lecture and one session of lab per week. The course will be driven primarily by using both software packages to analyze real data sets.
- Syllabus for BIOSTAT512