Courses Details
EHS570: Water Quality Management
- Graduate level
- Both Residential and Online MPH
- This is a second year course for Online students
- Fall term(s) for residential students; Winter term(s) for online MPH students;
- 3 credit hour(s) for residential students; 2 credit hour(s) for online MPH students;
- Instructor(s): Chuanwu Xi (Residential); Chuanwu Xi (Online MPH);
- Last offered Fall 2023
- Not offered 2024-2025
- Prerequisites: None
- Description: Principles of science and engineering used in the evaluation and control of water quality. Includes current legislation, types of pollution, sources and nature of pollution, introduction to water quality management practices, water supply and treatment, hydrologic concepts, effects of waste discharge on receiving waters, lake management, and water quality criteria and standards.
- Residential Syllabus for EHS570

Department | Program | Degree | Competency | Specific course(s) that allow assessment | EHS | Environmental Quality, Sustainability, and Health | MPH | Evaluate environmental quality and health, including environmental standards on air and water quality, and their effects on individual, community and global health | EHS582, EHS570 |