Courses Details
HMP804: Doctoral Seminar in Health Services and Systems Research II
- Graduate level
- Residential
- Fall term(s) for residential students;
- 1 credit hour(s) for residential students;
- Instructor(s): Holly Jarman, Scott Greer, (Residential);
- Prerequisites: None
- Description: HMP804/Medical Sociology and Organizational Theory Module consists of six 2.5-hour weekly sessions, and it will be conducted as a seminar. Before each session, all students are expected to complete the required reading assignments in preparation for a lively and informed discussion in class. In addition, each student is expected to submit a study log, which should include one's reactions, reflections, and questions for discussion. At each session, there will be a division of labor among students in summarizing the assigned readings and leading a discussion of them. The discussion will center on conceptual, analytical, and applied issues, whereas the instructor will serve as the moderator and a sounding board.
- Learning Objectives: Students will gain an initial understanding of the sociological and organizational approaches in health services research and public health. In particular, the students will be exposed selected sociological paradigms, analytical methods, and how they are applied to the analysis of population health, health care, and related policy issues.
- Syllabus for HMP804

Department | Program | Degree | Competency | Specific course(s) that allow assessment | HMP | Health Services Organization and Policy | PhD | Critically evaluate the prior literature in health services organization and policy, including motivation, theory, data quality, methods, results, conclusions, and policy recommendations | HMP802, HMP803, HMP804, HMP805, HMP806, HMP835 | HMP | Health Services Organization and Policy | PhD | Develop research questions grounded in theory to expand knowledge about health services organization and policy | HMP802, HMP803, HMP804, HMP805, HMP806, HMP835 |