Courses Taught by Jeffrey McCullough
HMP607: Corporate Finance for Health Care Administrators
- Graduate level
- Executive Masters, Residential and Online MPH
- This is a second year course for Online students
- Fall term(s) for Executive Masters and residential students; Winter term(s) for online MPH students;
- 3 credit hour(s) for Executive Masters and residential students; 3 credit hour(s) for online MPH students;
- Instructor(s): Jeffrey McCullough (Residential/Executive Masters); Jeffrey McCullough (Online MPH);
- Prerequisites: HMP606
- Description: Corporate finance theory and applications to health care organizations. Topics include the capital expenditure decision, the capital financing decision, financial feasibility, financial planning, cash management, and financial aspects of prepayment programs. The course makes extensive use of case studies.
- Residential Syllabus for HMP607

HMP827: Advanced Seminar in Health Care Economics
- Graduate level
- Residential
- Fall term(s) for residential students;
- 3 credit hour(s) for residential students;
- Instructor(s): Jeffrey McCullough (Residential);
- Offered Every other year.
- Not offered 2024-2025
- Prerequisites: Econ 501 and Perm Instr
- Description: Analysis of the application of advanced economic theory to problems in the health services field. Focuses on several health economics issues, including topics of current policy interest as well as topics for which the application of economic theory has been more fully explored, Classes will include a general discussion of the appropriate economic theory and empirical evidence and a critical review of the relevant health economics literature. Students must read approximately 30-40 articles and write several short papers.