Student Organizations
University of Michigan School of Public Health students are active in all facets of student life and have opportunities to build support networks through student organizations focused on Public Health. Student organizations are an excellent way to learn new skills, pursue the issues you’re passionate about, meet other students, and get involved in the University of Michigan and Ann Arbor communities. In addition to the Public Health student organizations listed below, there are countless other organizations across the University of Michigan that students may join. For a full listing of student organizations, visit Maize Pages.
Public Health Student Assembly (PHSA)
Michigan Public Health has a student government, the Public Health Student Assembly (PHSA), which exists to coordinate and promote issues and events relevant to the School of Public Health student body, distribute resources to Michigan Public Health-affiliated student organizations, and provide representation on appropriate Public Health administrative committees. Visit their website to learn more about the Public Health Student Assembly and how to get involved!
Recognized Public Health Student Organizations
Recognized Public Health Student Organizations must have a focus on public health, be registered through Maize Pages, and have at least one School of Public Health student in a leadership position. Once recognized, student orgs qualify for School of Public Health Funding, receive regular communications from the SPH Student Life, and have access to School of Public Health resources such as room reservations and administrative support. Voluntary and Sponsored student organizations may become recognized. If you think your student org should be listed on this page, please register your student org for approval or email Mina Tobya at
Submit a Request to be a Recognized Public Health Student Organization
- Biostatistics Student Association - Plans social activities for students and faculty in the Biostatistics department to promote departmental cohesiveness.
- Black Maternal Equity Collective - This organization aims to use an interdisciplinary approach and implement advocacy measures for Black birthing people through outreach, public health, policy work, doula/midwifery labor support, and community-based interventions.
- Blueprints For Pangaea - Blueprints For Pangaea is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization providing sustainable solutions to inefficient health care resource distribution. With the support of our supplier and distributor partners, we reallocate excess, unused medical supplies from U.S. hospitals to those overseas in need.
- Bountiful Pantries - Bountiful Pantries seeks to address food insecurity in Washtenaw County through 24/7 access pantries strategically placed throughout Washtenaw County.
- CURIS - Public Health Advocacy - A student organization dedicated to understanding public health concerns and working to advocate for public health in the local community through conversations, research, and collaboration with local organizations.
- Dil Se - Dil Se aims to develop ways in which the stigma of Mental Health, especially in South Asian communities, can be combated with emphasis on advocacy and giving voice to narratives that may not be heard due to it.
- Environmental Health Student Association (EHSA) - Brings currently enrolled environmental health students together in an informal environment for both social and academic purposes, provides a platform for student/faculty/administrative interaction, and represents environmental health students within the School of Public Health.
- Epidemiology Doctoral Student Organization (EDSO) - Epidemiology Doctoral Student Organization (EDSO) provides opportunities to build social and professional connections between UM epidemiology students and faculty through activities designed to encourage skill-building, communication, and social engagement.
- Epidemiology 890 Student Organization - Support students in Epidemiology 890, Doctoral Seminar in Epidemiology, including but not limited to building a sense of professional affiliation with the field of epidemiology and provide practice in the presentation modalities of the discipline.
- Epidemiology Student Organization (ESO) - Provides academic, professional, and social support to all epidemiology students; collaborates with faculty, staff, and administration to strengthen the department; represents the student voice within the department and the school.
- Friends of Guatemala - Friends of Guatemala provides members the opportunity to participate in international community service and take part in building important relationships with students abroad through fundraising and/or weekly tutoring sessions.
- Global Health Alliance at the University of Michigan - Global Health Alliance at the University of Michigan believes in a model of mutual learning through sustainable partnership to improve health outcomes for marginalized communities around the world.
- Global Surgery Student Alliance - Global Surgery Student Alliance (GSSA) aims to educate undergraduate students about global healthcare inequities. The undergraduate U of M chapter will host events, workshops, seminars, and webinars with healthcare professionals and will also organize and facilitate resume workshops and study groups.
- HBHEDoc - Our mission is to support the academic experience and professional success of the University of Michigan HBHE doctoral students through a forum that provides opportunities to dialogue, exchange resources and information, and enhance social interactions among the students of the organization.
- Health Behavior & Health Equity Student Association (HBHESA) - Brings together students within the department to engage in academic, community service, and social events, and fosters student-faculty relationships.
- Health Policy Student Association (HPSA) - HPSA strives to cultivate spaces for students to critically engage with health policy, foster interdisciplinary collaboration across health sciences disciplines, and foster dedicated stewards of health policy with strong professional, research, and advocacy skills. HPSA is an AcademyHealth student chapter and an Interprofessional Education (IPE) Organization.
- HMP Class Representatives - The Class Representatives work with HMP faculty, staff and alumni to represent student interests at meetings as well as plan department-wide student events.
- Interprofessonial Health Student Organization (IHSO) - IHSO is committed to professional development, advocacy, and community that serves to improve inter-disciplinary collaboration between healthcare students at the University of Michigan.
- Iota Omega Epsilon - Iota Omega Epsilon is a co-ed professional fraternity at the University of Michigan operating at the intersection of business and STEM-focused on shaping the leaders of tomorrow.
- La Salud - For students interested in addressing Latino/a public health issues in the community.
- Lunar Doula Support Network - LDSN supports and complements the work of the Lunar Doula Collective, who provides emotional, physical, and informational support to those undergoing miscarriage, stillbirth, or pregnancy termination in Southeast Michigan.
- M-HEAL Project MESA - Project MESA aims to alleviate the risks of rural exam environments by introducing a portable gynecological exam table.
- Maternal and Child Health Student Association (MCHSA) - MCHSA brings together undergraduate and graduate students who are passionate about sexual and reproductive health. We raise awareness in the School of Public Health community on these topics through educational and professional development workshops that embody the principles of reproductive justice.
- Medical Arabic at the University of Michigan - Medical Arabic at the University of Michigan aims to help future and current healthcare providers and physicians develop the basic spoken Arabic language skills needed to communicate effectively with Arabic speaking patients. In addition to language development, Medical Arabic at the University of Michigan is also dedicated to helping participants provide culturally competent and sensitive health care by hosting lecture series and journal clubs focused on the Arab American experience.
- MENA Public Health (MENAPH) - MENAPH aims to be the premier national student organization recognized for integrating advocacy, research, and scholarship in developing effective solutions to global public health problems relevant to Middle East and North African communities.
- Michigan Health Aid - We are dedicated to improving the health of local communities through preventative medicine, health education, and leadership development. We host free health clinics in the communities surrounding Ann Arbor. We also have two health education programs, one for kids at an after school program and another for high school students.
- Michigan Healthcare Business Club - We work with healthcare organizations and clinics to provide consulting services for them. Additionally, we operate a fund to invest in biotech, pharma, med tech, and healthcare coverage companies. Lastly, we brainstorm and develop ideas that have the potential to be introduced into the healthcare industry.
- Michigan Healthcare Executive Student Association (MHESA) - The mission of MHESA is to supplement learning outside the classroom by providing professional development, social, and philanthropic activities in order to create well roundedhealth care leaders.
- Muslim Students in Public Health - In Muslims Students in Public Health our focus is to create an inclusive organization that focuses on professional development, community service and building bridges with our cultures. We are hoping to connect people from different backgrounds as well as those who share our commonalities. Our meetings will focus on networking, volunteering, advocacy and alumni engagement.
- Nutritional Sciences Student Organization (NSSA) - NSSA is the student organization that represents graduate students in the Nutritional Sciences Department in the School of Public Health. As we represent a graduate program, we are focused on offering opportunities for professional development as well as hosting events to encourage networking and discussion of news and current events related to nutrition. We also aim to provide a variety of social opportunities for our members in order to facilitate collaboration and community engagement.
- Partners in Health Engage at the University of Michigan - PIH Engage at the University of Michigan has three primary goals: to raise awareness about health equity and public health as fundamental human rights among the university’s community; to lobby members of Congress to expand political support and financial resource allocation for policies supporting and improving healthcare for the most underserved populations globally; and, through fundraising and community service, to help actualize the public health projects Partners in Health and its sister organizations operate in partnership with local communities around the globe.
- Prison Birth Project - The Prison Birth Project is a volunteer network that helps ensure incarcerated women are offered education, doula support, and respect during their pregnancy, birth, and postpartum process. We aim to empower mothers to be advocates for themselves, their children and their communities, and engage in the betterment of reproductive health and personal solicitude.
- Project RISHI at UM - Project RISHI at UM is a chapter of a national non-profit organization that supports the sustainable development of rural Indian villages of which public health is a strong focus area. Just recently, we completed the construction of women's toilet facilities in the village of Seithur, Tamil Nadu to help end the practice of open defecation.
- Public Health Association (PHA) - We meet to discuss what public health is, what graduate school options are, how admissions work, and career paths.
- Public Health Genetics Journal Club (PHGJC) - PHGJC is a student organization aimed at enriching knowledge and understanding of the current public health genetics landscape. The club meets monthly to discuss current, relevant, and compelling journal articles.
- Public Health Student Assembly (PHSA) - Exists to coordinate and promote issues and events relevant to the School of Public Health student body, distribute School of Public Health resources to School of Public Health-affiliated student organizations, and provide representation on appropriate School of Public Health administrative committees.
- Public Health Students of African Descent (PHSAD) - Committed to creating and fostering a sense of community and collective responsibility primarily among African American students at School of Public Health at the University of Michigan. The organization strives to maintain diversity by having members with backgrounds in each of the academic disciplines as well as from other schools within the university.
- Public Health Sustainability Initiative (PHSI) - PHSI is established with the goals of encouraging the use of alternative transportation, working to reduce waste and increase recycling, improving energy conservation, and raising awareness of environmental sustainability.
- Roe v. Rape at the University of Michigan - We support survivors of sexual violence by advocating for policy change on campus and in our community, as well as educating the public to combat rape culture.
- Sexual and Gender Diversity in Public Health (SGDPH) - An organization for LGBTQI+ and allies at the University of Michigan School of Public Health.
- South Asian American Health Initiative - SAAHI, South Asian American Health Initiative, aims to combat stigma, improve health literacy, and ameliorate health inequities within the South Asian community through research, community education, and service.
- SPhD: SPhD seeks to support all UM SPH doctoral students in growing intellectually and professionally by enhancing communication between students, faculty, and administration and leveraging opportunities to enhance the student experience.
- Statistics in the Community (STATCOM) - Provides free statistical consulting and data analysis to non-profit and government agencies in the area. A great opportunity for students to give back to the community and get hands-on experience.
- Student Advocates for Nutrition (SAN) - SAN’s aim is to provide an interdisciplinary framework for students interested in food, nutrition, and wellness to engage in educational, outreach, and social activities within the University and surrounding communities. SAN's Facebook page
- Students Engaged in Global Health (SEGH) - Promotes the idea that public health is global health, aims to raise awareness about global health topics, and strives to create interdepartmental opportunities for UM students to further their knowledge, network, and experiences in the field of global health. SEGH's Facebook page.
- Students for Disability Rights Inclusivity Visibility and Equity (DRIVE) - DRIVE exists to be a source of community for Disabled students and a space for allies to engage with the Disability community. Our goal is to identify sources of inaccessibility and work towards improving access and representation of disability, across the spectrum of ability status.
- Students for Reproductive Rights and Justice - Students for Reproductive Rights and Justice, or SRRJ, advocates for reproductive rights and justice, sexual health, and feminism through tabling, larger events, and making our voices known to state and national legislators.
- Team Awareness Combatting Overdose at the University of Michigan - TACO Inc. is a peer-to-peer, national 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to combating accidental drug overdoses among young adults through non-judgemental, data-backed education and subsidized harm reduction materials such as fentanyl test strips and nasal Naloxone.
- The Undergraduate Journal of Public Health - Our mission is to provide a platform for undergraduate students at UMich and other universities to publish articles on public health topics such as healthcare access, health disparities, social justice, and epidemiology.
- United 2 Heal - United 2 Heal (U2H) is an undergraduate-run nonprofit humanitarian organization at the University of Michigan that helps eliminate global health disparities by collecting, sorting, and shipping surplus medical supplies to countries in need.
- University of Michigan Industrial Hygiene Student Association (UMIHSA) - This organization is a student group for those interested in industrial hygiene and occupational safety. They are a recognized local student section of the American Industrial Hygiene Association (AIHA) and collaborate closely with the Michigan Industrial Hygiene Society (MIHS), which is the local AIHA section.
- VAW Global Health Alliances - Volunteers Around the World (VAW) provides a unique combination of global and local efforts equips members with valuable hands-on experience in healthcare and community service, fostering a deeper understanding of diverse health challenges and solutions.
- Weight Inclusive Initiative - WII is committed to creating and supporting change toward a more inclusive university. Specific purposes include organizing events and opportunities for advocacy and education, collaborating with other student organizations and DEI groups, assisting with creating a welcoming and inclusive environment for people of all body sizes, and providing educational materials based on lived experience and scientific evidence.
- Womxn in Health Leadership (WiHL) - Promotes the professional success of women entering health fields. Programs are focused around mentorship, networking, and skill development , and continually educate groups on gender and inequality in the health fields.
Student Organization Handbook
View the Student Organization Handbook
This handbook covers helpful information for student organization leaders to navigate the School of Public Health and the University of Michigan campus. Learn about event planning and promotion, funding opportunities, best practices and policies, and more!
Student Organizations of Interest
The following organizations align with Public Health interests:
- Future Black Healthcare Professionals at U of M - Members of the organization aim to increase diversity in healthcare related fields in both the campus and local community. FBHP plans to engage in fundraising, volunteering, mentorship, and interdisciplinary projects focusing on diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives in healthcare. Two main components of the organization is to participate in community outreach/service activities as well as DEI/Health Disparity Projects within Michigan Medicine.
- Global Brigades - Global Brigades is the world’s largest student-led global health and sustainable development organization. The Global Brigades chapter at the University of Michigan has four of the eight brigades; Dental, Medical, Business, and Public Health.
- Graduate Society of Black Engineers and Scientists - The Graduate Society of Black Engineers and Scientists (GSBES) serves as an academic and social network for Black graduate students within the University of Michigan's STEM community.
- Heal-Move-Shift - Heal-Move-Shift comprises a team of passionate innovators, all of whom recognize the utmost responsibility they take on when working with students. Facilitating topics on drug education, nutrition, identity, and self-confidence are not only impactful but also extremely sensitive among certain individuals. Because of this, we train our facilitators to work with students and employees in schools to impart the most impactful conversations, share the most necessary stories, and connect with students with the most wellness-based goals.
- Michigan Movement - Michigan Movement's purpose is to provide aid to the homeless and impoverished populations in the local community, principally through the distribution of material goods.
- University of Michigan Sustainable Food Program (UMSFP) - UMSFP plans, sponsors, and publicizes events that strengthen the sustainable food system both on campus and within the wider Washtenaw County community. These events serve as leadership opportunities for the students planning them, platforms for the students and community members featured at them, and collaborative spaces that encourage greater interconnectedness among local food focused groups.
- WeListen - WeListen is a grassroots, campus-based organization working to bridge the American political divide. Through biweekly discussion sessions on topics ranging from gun control to free speech, we facilitate small-group conversations (not debates!) between people with divergent political viewpoints.
- Women's Organization on Rights to Health (WORTH) - Through consciousness-raising and activism, WORTH's mission is for members to empower one another and confront prevalent issues in women’s health, subsequently enacting change at various levels. WORTH approaches these issues through smaller focus groups by partnering with organizations that cater to the needs of women’s health.
Additional university-wide student organizations can be found at UM’s Maize Pages.