Faculty Profile

Micah Aaron

Micah Aaron, PhD, MPH

  • Assistant Professor, Health Management and Policy
Professor Aaron is a health services researcher whose work represents the culmination of a robust training in statistics and study design and a formative professional experience at a large health system provider. She studies the impact of (1) delivery system actions on health care spending and quality indicators, (2) provider consolidation on clinical care integration and (3) health care policy on delivery system actions.

Her most recent and ongoing work measures the extent of variation in quality performance across delivery systems and identifies organizational characteristics and processes that are predictive of better or worse care quality. 
Her multi-disciplinary research has been funded by grants from the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality and the National Cancer Institute, and published in health services research journals, including Health Services Research and JAMA.

  • PhD, Health Policy (Concentration: Evaluation Science and Statistics), Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 2022
  • MPH, Epidemiology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 2015
  • BS, Kinesiology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 2013

Health Care Quality, Care Integration, Health Policy, Provider Consolidation, Organizational Behavior

Research Projects:
Effects of Provider Integration on the Diagnostic Evaluation of Breast Complaints in Medicare Patients
Health System Variation in Evidence-Based and Patient-Centered Care
Health System Characteristics and Their Relationship to Quality

Aaron M, Kerrissey, M, Novikov, Z, et al. The association between care integration and care quality. Health Serv Res. 2023 DOI: 10.1111/1475-6773.14214

Aaron MB, Sinaiko AD. Patient spending and out-of-pocket prices for branded drugs among the commercially-insuredin Massachusetts, 2015-2017. JAMA NetwOpen. 2021;4(3):e213252.

Aaron MB, Nelson BW, Kaltsas E, Brown RW, Thomas LJ, Patel MR. Impact of goal-setting and problem solving strategies on asthma outcomes: findings from an asthma self-management intervention for African American women. Health Education and Behavior. 2017;44(1):103–112.

Goble DJ, Aaron MB, Warschausky S, Kaufman JN, HurvitzEA. The influence of spatial working memory on ipsilateral remembered proprioceptive matching in adults with cerebral palsy. Experimental Brain Research. 2012;223(2):259-261.

Email: micaaron@umich.edu
1415 Washington Heights
Ann Arbor, MI 48109

For media inquiries: sph.media@umich.edu

Areas of Expertise: Health Care