Faculty Profile

Stuart Batterman, PhD
- Professor, Environmental Health Sciences
- Professor, Global Public Health
- Professor, Water Resources and Environmental Engineering, College of Engineering
Dr. Batterman's research and teaching interests address environmental impact assessment, human exposure and health risk assessment, and environmental management. His research addresses both theoretical work and applied laboratory and field studies. He is particularly interested in improving exposure measures that can be used in risk assessments and epidemiological studies; measuring toxic compounds including volatile organic compounds (VOCs) found as pollutants in drinking water, ambient and indoor air, and statistical and modeling methods that can be used to interpret and extend available measurements. His research is applied to contemporary problems including ambient and indoor air quality, environmental epidemiology, policy analysis, environmental engineering, environmental justice, and life cycle analysis. His international projects include training and research programs in the environmental sciences and engineering in Africa (especially South Africa) and Europe (especially Portugal, Russia and Finland). He directs the Hazardous Substances Academic Training Program and the Pilot Project Research Program in the NIOSH-supported Education and Resource Center. Professor, Faculty of Science and Technology, University of Coimbra, Portugal
- PhD, Water Resources and Environmental Engineering (Civil Engineering), Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1986
- MS, Water Resources and Environmental Engineering (Civil Engineering), Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1981
- BS, Environmental Sciences, Rutgers University, 1979
My current research addresses a range of topics in occupational, indoor and environmental settings that include: Exposure assessment (especially for volatile organic compounds or VOCs); emerging contaminants in occupational and environmental settings (e.g., brominated flame retardants); biological monitoring; air quality monitoring; indoor air quality (e.g., assessment and management); air pollution control engineering (e.g., vapor and particle air filtration); and environmental epidemiology. Other research experience and interests include: characterization of VOCs in air, soils and fuels, environmental impact assessment, health impact assessment, risk assessment, environmental statistics, uncertainty analysis; VOC measurement techniques (including Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, adsorbent collection/thermal desorption); disinfection by-products in drinking water; hazardous waste/medical waste management; environmental justice; sustainable systems; urban scale air pollutant modeling; environmental impacts of energy production; life cycle analysis.
Ambient, Indoor, Personal and Breath Concentrations of Volatile Organic Air Toxics
among Populations in Industrial and Urban Settings
Sponsor: American Chemical Council (ACC)
Ambient Air Pollution and Adverse Birth Outcomes: A Linked Analysis
Sponsor: State of Michigan - MDCH
Health, Pollution and Economic Development in South Durban
Sponsor: NIH/Fogarty - Heed
Sustainable Concrete Infrastructure Materials and Systems
Sponsor: NSF
Health Status and Risk Factors Associated with Adverse Health Outcomes among the South
Durban Community
Sponsor: University of Natal, Durban Metropolitian Health Authority
The University of Michigan Education and Research Center - HSAT Core
Sponsor: CDC/NIOSH
Distribution and Effects of Emerging Contaminant on Great Lakes Ecosystem Health
Sponsor: Great Lakes Seed Grant - OVPR
Goutman, S.A., J. Boss, A. Patterson, B. Mukherjee, S.A. Batterman and E.L. Feldman (2019), "High plasma concentrations of organic pollutants negatively impact survival in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis," Journal of Neurology Neurosurgery and Psychiatry, February 2019, 0: 1-6 DOI: 10.1136/jnnp-2018-319785
Batterman, S.A., S. McGinnis, A.E. DeDolph and E.C. Richter (2019). "Evaluation of Changes in Lead Levels in Drinking Water Due to Replacement of Water Mains:A Comprehensive Study in Chicago, Illinois." Environmental Science and Technology, accepted July 2019
Laskaris, Z., C. Milando, S.A. Batterman, B. Mukherjee, N. Basu, M.S. O'Neill, T. Robins and J. Fobil (2019). "Derivation of time-activity data using wearable cameras and measures of personal inhalation exposure among workers at an informal electronic-waste recovery site. Annals of Work Exposures and Health, 1-13. doi: 10.1093/annweh/wxz056
Martenies, S.E., C.W. Milando and S.A. Batterman (2018). "Air pollutant strategies to reduce adverse health impacts and health inequalities: a quantitative assessment for Detroit, Michigan," Air Quality, Atmosphere and Health, Air Quality, Atmosphere and Health, 1-14, Feb. 2018, doi:https://doi.org/10.1007/s11869-017-0543-3
Bastos, B., P. Marques, S.A. Batterman, Fausto Freire (2018). "Life-cycle assessment of commuting alternatives in Lisbon: addressing particulate matter impacts on health," International Journal of Sustainable Transportation, May, 2018, DOI:10.1080/15568318.2018.1501519
Martenies, S.E. and S.A. Batterman (2018). "Effectiveness and Health Benefits of Enhanced
Filters in Schools and Homes for Children with Asthma", Environmental Science and
Technology, 2018 Sep 18;52(18):10767-10776. PMID: 30141330
Batterman, S.A., F.C. Su, A. Wald, F. Watkins, C. Godwin and Geoffrey Thun (2017).
"Ventilation Rates in Recently Constructed US School Classrooms," Indoor Air, 5: 880-890.
doi: 10.1111/ina.12384
Batterman, S.A., S. Chernyak and F.C. Su (2016). "Measurement and Comparison of Organic Compound Concentrations in Plasma, Whole Blood and Dried Blood Spot Samples," Frontiers in Genetics (Toxicogenomics), 7:64. doi: 10.3389/fgene.2016.00064. PMC4838759
Batterman, S.A., L. Xu, F. Chen, F. Chen and X. Zhong (2016). "Characteristics of PM2.5 Concentrations across Beijing during 2013-2015," Atmospheric Environment, 145, 104-114, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.atmosenv.2016.08.060
Batterman, S.A., L. Du, C. Godwin, Z. Rowe and Jo-Yu Chin (2015). "Air exchange rates and migration of VOCs in basements and residences," Indoor Air, 25, 6, 598-609
Email: stuartb@umich.edu
Office: 734-763-2417
Fax: 734-936-7283
Address: M6075 SPH II
1415 Washington Heights
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109-2029
For media inquiries: sph.media@umich.edu
Areas of Expertise: Air Quality, Environmental Health, Environmental Justice, Global Public Health, Occupational Health, Urban Health, Water Quality