Faculty Profile

Nancy Janz

Nancy K. Janz, PhD

  • Professor Emerita, Health Behavior and Health Equity

Dr. Janz has considerable experience in the examination of psychosocial factors that influence preventive health behavior including screening in breast and colorectal cancer. She has written about the use of behavioral theory in understanding adherence to cancer screening. In addition, a major area of her scholarly work has involved the impact of chronic disease and its treatment on health-related quality of life. She has examined the impact of treatment on quality of life in a number of chronic diseases including heart disease, pelvic floor disorders and glaucoma. She has extended her work to breast cancer with research efforts examining the role of decision-making and treatment choices on quality of life, and evaluation of a theory-driven intervention for breast cancer survivors. She also works with the Cancer Surveillance and Outcomes Research Team (CanSORT), where her role in several NIH-funded projects has been to better understand the information and support needs of women with breast cancer as well as racial/ethnic differences in breast cancer and its treatment on quality of life over time.

  • PhD, Health Behavior & Health Education, University of Michigan, 1986
  • MS, Nursing, University of Michigan, 1972
  • BS, Nursing, University of Michigan, 1969

Janz, N.K., Hawley, S.T., Mujahid, M.S., Griggs, J.J., Alderman, A., Graff, J.J., Jagsi, R. Katz, S.J. (2011). Correlates of Worry about Recurrence in a Multi-Ethnic Population-Based Sample of Women with Breast Cancer. Cancer 1827-1836.

Janz, N.K., Mujahid, M.S., Hawley, S.T., Griggs, J.J., Alderman, A., Hamilton, A.S., Graff, J., Katz, S.J. (2009). Racial/Ethnic differences in Quality of Life after diagnosis of breast cancer. Journal of Cancer Survivorship 212-22.

Clark, N.M., Janz, N.K., Dodge, J.A., Lin, X., Trabert, B.L., Kaciroti, N., Mosca, L., Wheeler, J.R., Keteyian, S. (2009). Heart disease management by women: Does intervention format matter? Health Education and Behavior 394-409.

Janz, N.K., Musch, D.C., Gillespie, B.W., Wren, P.A., Niziol, L.M., for the Collaborative Initial Glaucoma Treatment Study (CIGTS) (2009). Evaluating clinical change and visual function concerns in drivers and non-drivers with glaucoma Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science (IOVS) 1718-25.

Janz, N.K., Mujahid, M.S., Hawley, S.T., Griggs, J.J., Hamilton, A.S., Katz, S.J. (2008). Racial/Ethnic Differences in Adequacy of Information and Support for Women With Breast Cancer. Cancer 1058-67.

Email: nkjanz@umich.edu
Office: 734-764-9494
Fax: 734-763-7379

Address: 2802 SPH I
1415 Washington Heights
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109-2029