Faculty Profile

Jihyoun Jeon, PhD, MS
- Associate Research Scientist, Epidemiology
Dr. Jeon is interested in developing models based on biological and clinical mechanisms and statistical methods to evaluate the impact of risk factors on various cancers and improve cancer outcomes. These modeling efforts aim to address important practical public health and clinical questions, such as the efficacy of screening to reduce cancer incidence/mortality and assist public health policymakers in their decision process. Particularly, Dr. Jeon's current research focuses on understanding the underlying mechanisms of the natural history of cancer and developing innovative methodologies and computational tools to accurately predict the risk of lung cancer and colorectal cancer by taking into account personal histories of environmental exposures and biological and genetic factors. Dr. Jeon has been a key investigator of the Cancer Intervention and Surveillance Modeling Network Lung Working Group (CISNET LWG) since 2008, working on developing and managing CISNET's Smoking History Generator (SHG) and its data sources. Dr. Jeon has also expanded her modeling expertise to tobacco regulatory science. Dr. Jeon is co-Lead of the Center for the Assessment of Tobacco Regulations (CAsToR) - Data Analysis and Dissemination Core funded by FDA-NIH TCORS 2.0 and has established the center infrastructure to process multiple cross-sectional and longitudinal datasets to support numerous center projects. Dr. Jeon has extensive experience with population data analysis, simulation modeling, and statistical analysis to explore various public health problems on tobacco and its related diseases.
- PhD, University of Washington, USA, 2007
- MS, University of Washington, USA, 2005
- MS, Ewha Womans University, South Korea, 1998
- BS, Ewha Womans University, South Korea, 1996
Research Interests:
Cancer risk prediction modeling, cancer prevention/intervention, simulation modeling,
tobacco regulatory science, lung cancer, COPD, colorectal cancer.
Research Projects:
Jeon's research on evaluating the impact of tobacco control policies and screening
on lung cancer risk. Current projects extend existing CISNET LWG models to assess
the impacts of future tobacco control interventions in the ever-changing tobacco market
landscape, improvements in lung cancer screening and other emerging early detection
strategies, innovations in lung cancer treatment, and their synergistic interactions,
on lung cancer rates and overall mortality in the US and globally.
As co-Lead of TCORS 2.0-CAsToR's Data Analysis and Dissemination (DAD) Core, Jeon has been overseeing the DAD Core's operation and managing its data processing and harmonization activities.
Jeon's research on personalized screening for lung cancer by accounting for coexisting chronic conditions. This project expands previously validated CISNET LWG cancer screening simulation models to compare screened to non-screened populations for benefits and harms of screening including deaths averted from lung cancer and gains in life expectancy, accounting for patient risk profiles and screening interval.
Jeon's research on the prediction of colorectal cancer (CRC) risk using epidemiological and genetic factors. Jeon has developed a risk prediction model incorporating multiple known or suspected risk factors for CRC and showed that the model has the potential for devising individualized prevention strategies, maximizing the reduction of CRC occurrences given limited resources.
Meza R, Jeon J, Toumazis I, ten Haaf K, Cao P, Bastani M, Han SS, Blom EF, Jo-nas DE, Feuer EJ, Plevritis SK, de Koning HJ, and Kong CY. Evaluation of the Bene-fits and Harms of Lung Cancer Screening With Low-Dose Computed Tomography. Modeling Study for the US Preventive Services Task Force. JAMA. 325(10):988-997 (2021). PMCID: PMC9208912
Chang JT, Meza R, Levy DT, Arenberg D, and Jeon J. COPD Risk Prediction Ac-counting for Time-varying Smoking Exposures. Prediction of COPD risk accounting for time-varying smoking exposures. PLoS One. 16(3): e0248535 (2021). PMCID: PMC7946316
Brouwer AF, Jeon J, Cook SF, Usidame O, Hirschtick JL, Jimenez-Mendoza E, Mis-try R, Fleischer NL, Holford TR, Mendez D, Levy DT, and Meza R. The Impact of Menthol Cigarette Flavor in the U.S: Cigarette and ENDS Transitions by Sociodemo-graphic Group. Am J Prev Med. S0749-3797(21)00442-6 (2021). PMCID: PMC8748271
Jeon J, Holford TR, Levy DT, Feuer EJ, Cao P, Tam J, Clarke L, Clarke J, Kong CY, and Meza R. Smoking and Lung Cancer Mortality in the United States From 2015 to 2065: A Comparative Modeling Approach. Annals of Internal Medicine. 169(10):684-693 (2018). PMCID: PMC6242740
Jeon J, Du M, Schoen RE, Hoffmeister M, Newcomb PA et al. Determining Risk of Colorectal Cancer and Starting Age of Screening Based on Lifestyle, Environmental, and Genetic Factors. Gastroenterology. 154(8):2152-2164 (2018). PMCID: PMC5985207
Jeon J, Meza R, Hazelton WD, Renehan A, Luebeck EG. Incremental benefits of screening colonoscopy over sigmoidoscopy in average-risk populations: a model-driven analysis. Cancer Causes and Control. 26(6):859-70 (2015). PMCID: PMC4646080
Email: jihjeon@umich.edu
Office: 734-936-1442
Fax: 734-764-3192
Address: M5065 SPH II
1415 Washington Heights
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109
For media inquiries: sph.media@umich.edu
Areas of Expertise: Biostatistics, Cancer, Chronic Disease, Modeling, Substance Use, Tobacco