Faculty Profile

Laurie Lachance

Laurie L. Lachance, PhD, MPH

  • Associate Research Scientist, Health Behavior and Health Equity
  • Evaluation Director, Center for Managing Chronic Disease

Laurie Lachance is the Director of Evaluation for the Center for Managing Chronic Disease, a worldwide collaboration of researchers and interventionists who focus their work on building the capacity of individuals, families, communities, and health care systems to effectively prevent and manage chronic disease.

  • Post-Doc, Complementary Medicine Research, University of Southhampton, UK, 2000-2001
  • Post-Doc, Health and Aging Research, University of Michigan, 1999-2000
  • PhD, Epidemiologic Science, University of Michigan, 1999
  • MPH, Health Behavior & Health Education, University of Michigan, 1994
  • MA, Rehabilitation Counseling, University of Michigan, 1981
  • BA, Psychology, University of Michigan, 1979

Dr. Lachance's interests are in the prevention and management of chronic disease, focusing on evaluation research related to community-based interventions. Her research is centered on community-based evaluation in neighborhoods and environments where inequities exist related to opportunity for health and well-being. Projects include: Food and Community, a multi-site project funded by the W.K. Kellogg Foundation, aimed at creating systems and policy changes in 9 communities across the nation to provide access to good food and opportunities for physical activity; Childhood Asthma Linkages in Missouri (CALM), a multi-site, community-based project funded by the Missouri Foundation for Health to improve treatment and health outcomes for school-age children with asthma in 14 communities. Previously she directed the evaluation for the Allies Against Asthma project, an initiative that provided support to 7 community-based coalitions across the nation to develop, implement and sustain comprehensive asthma management programs.

Lachance L and Kowalski-Dobson T, guest editors, (September 2018) Health Promotion Practice Special Supplement: Community-Driven Efforts to Increase Equity in CommunitiesThrough Policy and Systems Change: Outcomes and Lessons Learned From 9 Years of Food and Fitness Community Partnerships, v19 (1_suppl). https://journals.sagepub.com/toc/hpp/19/1_suppl 

Lachance L, Kelly RP, Wilkin MK, Burke J, Waddell S, (2017) Community-based Efforts to Prevent and Manage Diabetes in Women Living in Vulnerable Communities. Journal of Community Health doi.org/10.1007/s10900-017-0444-2. PMID: 2913429

Cohen A J, Lachance LL, Richardson CR, Mahmoudi E, Buxbaum JD, Noonan G, Murphy EC, Roberson DN, Hesterman OB, Heisler M, Zick SM. (2017), Doubling Up on Produce at Detroit Farmers Markets: Patterns and Correlates of Use of a Healthy Food Incentive, American Journal of Preventive Medicine 54 (2) , 181 - 189.

Lachance L, Friedman-Milanovich, A, Garrity, A. (2016) Clinic and community: the road to integration. American Journal of Preventive Medicine 51(6) 1072-1078 PMID: 27866596.
Clark NM, Lachance L, Benedict MB, Little R, Leo H, Awad DF, Wilkin MK. (2015). The extent and patterns of multiple chronic conditions in low-income children. Clin Pediatr (Phila). 2015; 54(4):353-8. PMID: 25802420.

Lachance L., Carpenter L., Quinn M., Wilkin MK, Green E., Tsuchiya K., Nelson B., Caldwell C., Doctor LJ., Clark NM (2014). Food and Community: the cross site evaluation of the W.K. Kellogg Food and Fitness community partnerships. Community Development: Journal of the Community Development Society 45(3) 227-239. DOI:10.1080/15575330.2014.887131.

Lachance L., Carpenter L, Quinn M, Wilkin MK, Clark NM (2014). Moving toward and beyond equity: the Food and Fitness approach to increasing opportunities for health in communities. Community Development: Journal of the Community Development Society 45(3) 293-297.

Lachance L; Benedict MB; Doctor LJ; Gilmore LA; Kelly C; Krieger J; Lara M; Meurer J; Friedman Milanovich A; Nicholas E; Rosenthal M; Song PX; Stoll SC; Awad DF; Wilkin MK; Clark NM (2014). Asthma coalition effects on vulnerable sub groups of children: the most frequent users of health care and the youngest. Journal of Asthma. 51(5):474-9. PMID: 24552195.

Clark NM, Lachance L, Doctor LJ, Gilmore L, Kelly C, Krieger J, Lara M, Meurer J, Milanovich AF, Nicholas E, Rosenthal M, Stoll SC, Wilkin M. Policy and system change and community coalitions: outcomes from allies against asthma. Health Educ Behav. 2014 Oct;41(5):528-38. doi: 10.1177/1090198114547507 PMID: 25270178.

Lachance LL, Houle CR, Cassidy EF, Bourcier E, Cohn JH, Orians CE, Coughey K, Geng X, Joseph CLM, Lyde MD, Doctor LJ, Clark NM (2006). Collaborative design and implementation of a multi site community coalition evaluation. Health Promotion Practice 7(2): 44S-55S.

Email: lauriel@umich.edu
Phone: 734-615-3400
Fax: 734-763-9115
Address: 2842 SPH I
1415 Washington Heights
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109-2029

For media inquiries: sph.media@umich.edu