Faculty Profile

James M. Lepkowski, PhD
- Professor Emeritus, Biostatistics, School of Public Health
- Research Professor Emeritus, Survey Methodology, Institute for Social Research, University of Michigan.
- Director, Summer Institute in Survey Research Techniques, Survey Research Center, Institute
James Lepkowski is a survey methodologist at the Institute for Social Research where he directs the Summer Institute in Survey Research Techniques. He has been on the faculty of Biostatistics and the Institute for Social Research since 1982, conducting research on survey sampling and estimation as well as teaching courses on sampling, surveys, and related topics.
Professional affiliations:
1978-Present: Fellow, American Statistical Association
1988-Present: Member, International Statistical Institute
1988-Present: Member, International Association of Survey Statisticians
2007-Present: Member, American Marketing Association
2006-Present: Member, Marketing Research Associaton
- PhD, Biostatistics, University of Michigan, 1980
- MPH, Biostatistics, University of Michigan, 1976
- BS, Mathematics, Illinois State University, 1970
Methodological research activities at present include telephone sampling methods, methods for compensating for missing survey data, and methods to analyze survey data that take the complexity of the survey sample design into account. Multidisciplinary research on health care quality, access and coverage; family growth and fertility; epidemiology of human exposure to environmental contamination; social epidemiology; aging, race, and socio-economic status; social and psychological consequences of widowhood; education, gender, labor force participation, and economic status; race and discrimination in higher education; epidemiology of hypertension and stroke risk factors in African Americans; vitamin A deficiency; and cataract and blinding eye conditions.
Lepkowski JM, Mosher WA, Davis KA, van Hoewyk J. (2010). Continuous National Survey of Family Growth: New Concepts for Sample Design and Analysis Vital and Health Statistics series. National Center for Health Statistics
Groves RM, Fowler JF, Couper MP, Lepkowski JM, Tourangeau R, and Singer E. Survey Methodology, 2nd Edition. New York: J.W. Wiley and Sons, 2009.
Garabrant D, Franzblau A, Lepkowski J, Gillespie BW, Adriaens P, Demond A, Ward B, Ladronka K, Hedgeman E, Knutson K, Zwica L, Olson K, Towey T, Chen Q, and Hong B (2009). The University of Michigan Dioxin Exposure Study: Methods for an Environmental Exposure Study of Polychlorinated Dioxins, Furans, and Biphenyls Environmental Health Perspectives 803-810
Tucker C and Lepkowski JM (2007). Telephone Survey Methods: Adapting to Change In Lepkowski JM, Tucker C, Brick JM, de Leeuw E, Japec L, Lavrakas PJ, Link MW, and Sangster RL (Ed.) Advances in Telephone Survey Methodology 3-28. J.W. Wiley and Sons, Inc.
Email: jimlep@umich.edu
Office: 734-936-0021
Fax: 734-764-8263
Institute for Social Research
426 Thompson Street
Ann Arbor, MI 48104
Areas of Expertise: Biostatistics