Faculty Profile

Lynda Lisabeth, PhD, MPH
- Professor, Epidemiology
- Research Professor, Neurology
Dr. Lisabeth is a stroke epidemiologist with a focus on stroke health disparities. She co-leads a large research team that has published numerous original, peer-reviewed publications delineating the epidemiology of stroke in the Mexican American population. Specifically, her research focuses on stroke risk and outcomes, post-acute stroke care and informal caregiving, stroke healthcare utilization, the intersection between stroke and sleep disordered breathing, and the role of the physical and social environment in stroke risk and recovery. She is also interested in how stroke uniquely impacts women including the role of social determinants of health and health status at stroke onset.
- PhD, University of Michigan, 2003
- MPH, University of Michigan, 1997
- BS, University of Michigan, 1995
Research Interests:
Stroke, cardiovascular disease, health inequities, Hispanic health, women's health
Research Projects:
The Brain Attack Surveillance in Corpus Christi Project is a longstanding population-based
stroke surveillance study that has been in operation since 2000. Current goals of
the project are to study quarter-century stroke trends, newly investigate ethnic-specific
patient-reported outcomes, and link BASIC with administrative data to seek out strategies
for primary and secondary stroke prevention and improved recovery.
Using the infrastructure of the BASIC Project to identify stroke cases, Dr. Lisabeth has had several funded projects that seek to understand post-stroke sleep and sleep disordered breathing. Currently funding research seeks to 1) conduct a longitudinal, population-based study of sleep disordered breathing and stroke outcomes to improve the identification and management of sleep disordered breathing after stroke and provide data to plan future clinical trials and 2) comprehensively study sleep after stroke and assess associations with important stroke outcomes, including patient related outcomes.
Also using the infrastructure of the BASIC Project, Dr. Lisabeth's research seeks to investigate multiple aspects of post-acute care following stroke in Mexican Americans and non-Hispanic whites including rehabilitation, informal caregiving, and gaps between caregiving needs and available community resources.
Lisabeth LD, Brown DL, Zahuranec DB, Kim S, Lim J, Kerber KA, Meurer WJ, Case E, Smith MA, Campbell MS, Morgenstern LB. Temporal trends in ischemic stroke rates by ethnicity, sex, and age 2000-2017: The Brain Attack Surveillance in Corpus Christi Project. Neurology 2021;97:e2164-e2172.
Stulberg EL, Twardzik E, Kim S, Hsu C, Xu Y, Clarke P, Morgenstern LB, Lisabeth LD. Association of neighborhood socioeconomic status with outcomes in patients surviving stroke. Neurology 2021;96:e2599-e2610.
Brown DL, Yadollahi A, He K, Xu Y, Piper B, Case E, Chervin RD, Lisabeth LD. Overnight rostral fluid shifts exacerbate obstructive sleep apnea after stroke. Stroke 2021;52:3176-3183.
Dong L, Sanchez BN, Skolarus LE, Stulberg E, Morgenstern LB, Lisabeth LD. Sex difference in prevalence of depression after stroke. Neurology 2020;94:e1973-e1983.
Dong L, Briceno E, Morgenstern LB, Lisabeth LD. Poststroke cognitive outcomes: Sex differences and contributing factors. J Am Heart Assoc 2020;9:e016683.
Lisabeth LD, Sanchez BN, Lim D, Chervin RD, Case E, Morgenstern LB, Tower S, Brown DL. Sleep-disordered breathing and poststroke outcomes. Ann Neurol 2019;86:241-250.
Email: llisabet@umich.edu
Office: 734-936-9649
1415 Washington Heights
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109
For media inquiries: sph.media@umich.edu
Areas of Expertise: Chronic Disease, Health Equity, Women’s Health