Faculty Profile

David Mendez, PhD
- Professor, Health Management and Policy
Professor Mendez is the Director of the HMP Executive Master's Program. David Mendez's research is in the areas of smoking control, product and service quality on demand, and policies regarding residential radon.
- PhD, Management Science, Michigan State University, 1995
- MS, Applied Statistics, Michigan State University, 1990
- MS, Operations Research, Michigan State University, 1987
- BS (Cum Laude), Civil Engineering, Universidad Nacional Pedro Henriquez Urea, 1985
Dr. Mendez has conducted research on the impact of product and service quality on demand. He has also been involved in a research project to evaluate policies regarding residential radon. Currently he is engaged in a study to evaluate smoking cessation policies in the U.S.
Mabry, P. L., Marcus, S. E., Clark, P. E., Leischow, S., Mendez, D. (2010). System science: A revolution in public health policy research. American Journal of Public Health 1161-1163.
Mendez, D. (2010). A systems approach to a complex problem. American Journal of Public Health 1160.
Dempsey, A. D., and Mendez, D. (2010). Examining future adolescent human papillomavirus vaccine uptake, with and without a school mandate. Journal of Adolescent Health 242-248.
Warner, K. E., and Mendez, D. (2010). Tobacco control policy in developed countries: Yesterday, today and tomorrow. Nicotine and Tobacco Research 876-887.
Mendez, D., Alshanqeety, O., Warner, K. E., Lantz, P. M., and Courant, P. N. (Forthcoming). The impact of declining smoking on radon-related lung cancer in the U.S. American Journal of Public Health.
Mendez, D. and Warner, K.E. (2004). Smoking Trends in the US: Declining as Expected if not as Desired. American Journal of Public Health 251-252.
Email: dmendez@umich.edu
Office: 734-647-0218
Fax: 734-764-4338
3611A SPH I
1415 Washington Heights
Ann Arbor, MI 48109
For media inquiries: sph.media@umich.edu
Areas of Expertise: Tobacco