Faculty Profile

Ritesh Mistry

Ritesh Mistry, PhD

  • Associate Professor of Health Behavior and Health Equity
  • Associate Professor of Global Public Health

Dr. Mistry received his PhD from the UCLA School of Public Health and completed his post-doctoral training at the UCLA Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center. He has conducted studies in the U.S. and internationally in areas of tobacco use, physical activity, food choice, and health care utilization. He was a recipient of the Fulbright-Nehru Senior Scholar Award to study the implementation of India's tobacco control policy and adolescent tobacco use. He has been Principal Investigator and Co-Investigator on studies funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the National Institutes of Health, the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, and the California Tobacco Related Disease Research Program. His research has received news media attention from local, national and international agencies such as CNN, Reuters, Times of India and others.

  • NCI R25T, Post-doctoral Fellowship, Cancer Prevention and Control Research, University of California, Los Angeles, 2007
  • PhD, Public Health, University of California, Los Angeles, 2005
  • MPH, Public Health, University of California, Los Angeles, 1997
  • BS, Biology, University of California, Riverside, 1994

Dr. Mistry's research interests include understanding and addressing the multilevel social determinants of health behaviors implicated in the development of chronic diseases and cancer, particularly youth tobacco use, physical activity and food choice behaviors. His research focuses on how chronic disease-related health behaviors in youth are influenced by structural factors (e.g., socioeconomic structures, public policy), neighborhoods (e.g. community level risks and resources) as well as family factors (e.g., parenting).

Mistry R, Babu GR, Mahapatra T, McCarthy WJ. (2014). Cognitive Mediators and Disparities in the Relation Between Teen Depressiveness and Smoking Drug and Alcohol Dependence 56-62.

Mistry R, Pednekar M, Pimple S, Gupta PC, McCarthy WJ, Raute LJ, Patel M, Shastri SS (2013). Banning tobacco sales and advertisements near educational institutions may reduce students' tobacco use risk: evidence from Mumbai, India. Tobacco Control.

Mistry R, McCarthy WJ, de Vogli R, Crespi CM, Wu Q, Patel M (2011). Adolescent smoking risk increases with wider income gaps between rich and poor. Health and Place 222-29.

Fernandez M, Allen J, Mistry R, Khan J (2010). Integrating Clinical, Community, and Policy Perspectives on HPV Vaccination. Annual Review of Public Health 235-252.

Mistry R, Galal O, Lu M (2009). Women's autonomy and pregnancy care in rural India: a contextual analysis. Social Science and Medicine 926-933.

Mistry R, McCarthy W, Yancey A, Lu Y, Patel M (2009). Resilience and patterns of health risk behaviors in California Adolescents. Preventive Medicine 291-297.

McCarthy W, Mistry R. Lu Y, Patel M, Zheng H, Dietsch B (2009). Density of Tobacco Retailers Near Schools: Effects on Tobacco Use Among Students. American Journal of Public Health 2006-2013.

Hinkle AJ, Mistry R, McCarthy WJ, Yancey AK (2008). Adapting a 1% or Less Milk Campaign for a Hispanic/Latino Population: The Adelante Con Leche Semi-descremada 1% Experience. American Journal of Health Promotion 108-111.

Mistry R, Stevens GD, Sareen H, De Vogli R, Halfon N (2007). Parenting stressors and self-reported mental health in mothers with young children. American Journal of Public Health 1261-1268.

De Vogli R, Mistry R, Gnesotto R, Cornia GA (2005). Income inequality is negatively correlated with life expectancy: Evidence from within Italy and across 21 wealthy nations. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health 158-162.

Email: riteshm@umich.edu
Office: 734-936-1318
Address: 3806 SPH I
1415 Washington Heights
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109-2029

For media inquiries: sph.media@umich.edu 

Areas of Expertise: Tobacco