Faculty Profile

Devon Payne-Sturges

Devon Payne-Sturges, Dr.P.H., M.P.H., M.Engr.

  • Professor, Environmental Health Sciences
    Devon Payne-Sturges research focuses on racial and economic disparities in exposures to environmental contaminants and associated health risks with the aim of improving the science our society uses to make decisions about environmental policies that impact the health of communities and populations, especially vulnerable, low income and minority populations. Dr. Payne-Sturges is currently conducting research applying systems modeling to better understand the links between structural racism, cumulative environmental exposures and health outcomes among children and migrant farmworkers. ​ Dr. Payne-Sturges’s research has been supported with funding from NIEHS, the Environmental Defense Fund, Minnesota Pollution Control Agency and UMD’s VPR. APHA’s Environment Section honored her achievements with the 2024 Environmental Health Career Award. Dr. Payne-Sturges earned her MPH and Doctor of Public Health degrees in environmental health sciences from Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. She values transdisciplinary collaborations to generate the informational bases for establishing environmental policies that are truly protective of public health.

    1415 Washington Heights
    Ann Arbor, MI 48109

    Email: devonps@umich.edu

    For media inquiries: sph.media@umich.edu