Faculty Profile

Lisa Prosser

Lisa A. Prosser, PhD, MS

  • Marilyn Fisher Blanch Research Professor, Pediatrics
  • Professor, Health Management and Policy, School of Public Health
  • Professor, Department of Pediatrics, Medical School
  • Associate Vice President, Research - Health Sciences, University of Michigan Office of Research

Dr. Prosser's research focuses on measuring the value of childhood health interventions using methods of decision sciences and economics. Current research topics include newborn screening programs, vaccination programs, and methods for valuing family spillover effects of illness. She also uses quantitative survey methods (health utility assessment, conjoint analysis) to measure health-related quality of life and preferences for health interventions.

Dr. Prosser's research evaluating the cost-effectiveness of vaccination programs has been used in setting national vaccine policy for children and adults. Her work with the Center for Disease Control and Prevention using decision science modeling to evaluate the economic value of COVID-19 vaccination has been used by the ACIP to set national policy recommendations. She is currently a member of the evidence review group for the Advisory Committee on Heritable Disorders in Newborns and Children and the ACIP Zoster Working Group.

Dr. Prosser has contributed to faculty development programs at the department, school, and institutional level. Dr. Prosser is the former Director of the Susan B. Meister Child Health Evaluation and Research Center. She also serves as Associate Vice President for Research - Health Sciences.

She also is Professor, Department of Pediatrics, University of Michigan Medical School and Professor, Department of Health Management and Policy, University of Michigan School of Public Health.

  • PhD, Health Policy (Concentration: Decision Sciences), Harvard University, 2000
  • MS, Technology and Policy, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1992
  • MS, Management, MIT Sloan School of Management, 1992
  • BA, Mathematics (Concentration: Operations Research), Cornell University, 1988

VoCHI - Cost-effectiveness analysis of Vaccination to Prevent COVID-19

VoCHI - Eliciting Preferences and Weights for Equity and Efficiency: A Methodological Scoping Review

Deriving a Health State Classification System to Measure Health Utilities for Pediatric Populations Based on the PedsQL

Preferences and Values for Vaccine Economics (PAVVE)

U24 Family Well-Being Research Network (FAM-NET): Measuring Family Well-Being across the Lifespan 

Prosser LA, Payne K, Rusinak D, Shi P, Messonnier M: Using a discrete choice experiment to elicit time trade-off and willingness-to-pay amounts for influenza health-related quality of life at different ages. Pharmacoeconomics 31(4): 305-315, 2013. PM23512145

Prosser LA, Lamarand K, Gebremariam A, Wittenberg E: Measuring family HRQoL spillover effects using direct health utility assessment. Medical Decision Making 35(1): 81-93, 2015.PM25057048

Sanders GD, Neumann PJ, Basu A, Brock DW, Feeny D, Krahn M, Kuntz KM, Meltzer DO, Owens DK, Prosser LA, Salomon JA, Sculpher MJ, Trikalinos TA, Russell LB, Siegel JE, Ganiats TG: Recommendations for Conduct, Methodological Practices, and Reporting of Cost-effectiveness Analyses: Second Panel on Cost-Effectiveness in Health and Medicine. JAMA 316(10): 1093-103, 2016. PM27623463

Wittenberg E, Prosser LAHealth as a family affair New England Journal of Medicine 374(19): 1804-1806, 2016. PM27168430

Tarini BA, Simon NJ, Payne K, Gebremariam A, Rose A, Prosser LAAn Assessment of
Public Preferences for Newborn Screening Using Best-Worst Scaling. J Pediatr 201: 62-68.e1, 2018. PM30025667

Prosser LADefining the Value of Treatments of Rare Pediatric Conditions. JAMA Pediatr 172(12): 1123- 1124, 2018. PM30304346

Neumann PJ, Kim DD, Trikalinos TA, Sculpher MJ, Salomon JA, Prosser LA, Owens DK, Meltzer DO, Kuntz KM, Krahn M, Feeny D, Basu A, Russell LB, Siegel JE, Ganiats TG, Sanders GD: Future Directions for Cost-effectiveness Analyses in Health and Medicine. Med Decis Making 38(7): 767-777, 2018. PM30248277

Prosser LA, Lam KK, Grosse SD, Casale M, Kemper AR: Using Decision Analysis to Support Newborn Screening Policy Decisions: A Case Study for Pompe Disease. MDM Policy Pract 3(1): 2018. PM30123835/PMC6095138

Prosser LA, Wittenberg E: Advances in Methods and Novel Applications for Measuring Family Spillover Effects of Illness. Pharmacoeconomics 37(4): 447-450, 2019. PM30915632

Prosser LA, Harpaz R, Rose AM, Gebremariam A, Guo A, Ortega-Sanchez IR, Zhou F, Dooling K: A Cost- Effectiveness Analysis of Vaccination for Prevention of Herpes Zoster and Related Complications: Input for National Recommendations. Ann Intern Med 170(6): 380-388, 2019. PM30776797

Richardson JS, Kemper AR, Grosse SD, Lam WKK, Rose AM, Ahmad A, Gebremariam A, Prosser LAHealth and economic outcomes of newborn screening for infantile-onset Pompe disease. Genet Med 23(4):758-766, 2021.

Prosser LA, Wagner AL, Wittenberg E, Zikmund-Fisher BJ, Rose AM, Pike J: A discrete choice analysis comparing COVID-19 vaccination decisions for children and adults. JAMA Netw Open. 6(1): e2253582, 2023. PM36716030/PMC9887501

Cadham CJ, Prosser LA: Eliciting trade-offs between equity and efficiency: A methodological scoping review. Value Health. 26(6):943-952, 2023. PM36805575

Email: lisapros@umichedu
Office: 734-232-1077
Fax: 734-936-0941
NCRC Building 16, G038E
2800 Plymouth Road
Ann Arbor, MI 48109

Administrative Assistant:
Hillary Klutts

For media inquiries: sph.media@umich.edu

Areas of Expertise: Child Health,  Health Policy