Ph.D. Student Profile

Yanelli Rodríguez Carmona, MSc, BSc
- Doctoral Student
- Cognate: Nutritional Epidemiology
- BSc, Human Nutrition. Autonomous Metropolitan University, Xochimilco campus, Mexico City
- MSc, Epidemiology. National Institute of Public Health of Mexico (INSP), Cuernavaca, Mexico
Research Interests & Projects
- Environmental and dietary exposures
- Inflammatory potential of diet
- Chronic diseases
- Maternal and child health
Selected Publications
- Betanzos-Robledo L, Rodríguez-Carmona Y, Contreras-Manzano A, Lamadrid-Figueroa H, Jansen E, Téllez-Rojo MM, et al. Greater cumulative exposure to a pro-inflammatory diet is associated with higher metabolic syndrome score and blood pressure in young Mexican adults. Nutrition Research 2020, Equal contribution.
- Serralde-Zúñiga AE, Gonzalez Garay AG, Rodríguez-Carmona Y, Melendez G. Fluoxetine for adults who are overweight or obese. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2019; Issue 10.
- Rodríguez-Carmona Y, Ashrap P, Calafat AM, Ye X, Rosario Z, Bedrosian LD, et al. Determinants and characterization of exposure to phthalates, DEHTP and DINCH among pregnant women in the PROTECT birth cohort in Puerto Rico. Journal Of Exposure Science And Environmental Epidemiology 2019; 30 (1).
- Rodríguez-Carmona Y, Cantoral A, Trejo-Valdivia B, Téllez-Rojo, MM, Svensson K, Peterson KE, et al. Phthalate Exposure During Pregnancy and Long-Term Weight Gain in Women. Environmental Research 2019; 169.
- Rodríguez-Carmona Y, Pérez-Rodríguez, Gámez-Valdez E, López-Alavez FJ, Hernández-Armenta CI, Vega-Monter N, et al. Association between Apolipoprotein E variants and obesity-related traits in school children. Journal of Nutrigenetics and Nutrigenomics 2014; 7.
Additional Information
Yanelli is also a Ph.D. student in Epidemiological Sciences at the University of Michigan.