

The cluster uses Lmod modules to dynamically load available software into your session on the cluster.

Basic Usage

A comprehensive guide can be found on the Lmod website.

Loading Modules

Modules must be "loaded" in order to use the software that they represent.

$ module load R

If you need a specific version of a package, you must specify it with "module/version.number"

$ module load R/4.4.0

Several modules are loaded by default based on department usage. 

$ module list

Currently Loaded Modules:
  1) slurm/23.2.7   2) R/4.2.2   3) jags/4.3.1   4) gcc/10.4.0   5) gsl/2.7.1   6) StdEnv

Module Availability

$ module avail

----------------------------------------- Applications compiled with GCC 10.4.0 ------------------------------------------
   R/3.6.3          R/4.4.0            fftw3/3.3.10        gurobi/10.0.1            openbugs/3.2.3
   R/4.1.2          Ropenblas/4.2.2    gdal/3.6.2          imagemagick/7.1.0        proj/9.1.1
   R/4.2.2 (L,D)    cmake/3.25.2       gsl/2.7.1    (L)    jags/4.3.1        (L)

----------------------------------------- Core applications including compilers ------------------------------------------
   StdEnv       (L)    geos/3.11.1      mosek/10.0.37    nlopt/2.7.1                    slurm/23.2.7 (L)
   boost/1.81.0        gmp/6.2.1        mpc/1.3.1        python3.10-anaconda/2023.03
   gcc/10.4.0   (L)    matlab/R2022b    mpfr/4.2.0       python3.9-anaconda/2022.10

---------------------------------------- Bioinformatics and genetics applications ----------------------------------------
   admixture/1.3.0    bowtie2/2.5.1      gsea/4.3.2     multiqc/1.14    rseqc/5.0.1      trimmomatic/0.39.0
   bcftools/1.17      deeptools/3.5.2    htslib/1.17    plink/2.00a4    samtools/1.17    ucsc/393
   bedtools/2.30.0    fastqc/0.12.1      king/2.3.0     rsem/1.3.3      star/2.7.10b

   L:  Module is loaded
   D:  Default Module

"module overview" or "ml ov" to display the number of modules for each name.

Use "module spider" to find all possible modules and extensions.
Use "module keyword key1 key2 ..." to search for all possible modules matching any of the "keys".

Module Sub-Commands

Command Description example
list List current loaded modules module list
avail List all modules available in the system module avail
show Display details of a module module show R
load Load a module into your environment module load R
unload Remove a currently loaded module from your environment module unload R
whatis Display the module description information module whatis R

Private Modules

If you're familiar with the Lmod system, you're free to install user modules for yourself. The cluster implementation of Lmod will look in your home directory for a "dot folder" with an Lmod directory in it. Use something like ~/.modules/

To load specific modules at login that are not in the site defaults, put the module commands into a default file in ~/.modules/default. You can put any module command in this default file; if you would like to run a different version of an existing package you can unload that module and then load it via the default file.

Requesting Modules

There are many pre-installed modules available for you to use on the Biostat Cluster. If there is software missing that you need please email to have it added. If you're familiar with the Lmod system, you're free to install user modules for yourself.