This will be PHSAD's October general body meeting. The theme of this event is mental health and wellness. We will have Mental Health & Well-Being Student Advocate, Brandon Bond from the LSA Dean’s Office as a guest speaker. He will address common mental health topics, such as imposter syndrome, and stress in graduate school. Food will be provided!
Public Health Students of African Descent (PHSAD)October Wellness with PHSAD
Brandon Bond from LSA Dean’s Office
October 11, 2023
5:15 pm - 6:45 pm
1680 SPH I (Paul B. Cornely Community Room)
1415 Washington Heights
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2029
Sponsored by: Public Health Students of African Descent (PHSAD)
Contact Information:
This will be PHSAD's October general body meeting. The theme of this event is mental health and wellness. We will have Mental Health & Well-Being Student Advocate, Brandon Bond from the LSA Dean’s Office as a guest speaker. He will address common mental health topics, such as imposter syndrome, and stress in graduate school. Food will be provided!