
Global map connected by dots and lines, a metaphor for collaboration

It's Time to Rethink Capacity Building in Global Health Work

K. Rivet Amico

Capacity building is a ubiquitous phrase in grant applications, communications, and guidelines for many global health initiatives. Too often the phrase connotes an assumption that “established” US partners build knowledge or practice in “less-resourced” communities. What language can we use to more honestly recognize the value and contributions of all collaborators?

Student on laptop engaged in online learning

Public Health MOOCs Getting a Massive Response

Whether you have specific interests or career goals or just want to know more about public health systems and practices generally, massive open online courses (MOOCs) provide valuable practical knowledge from Michigan Public Health experts.

Robin Martz, MSW ’03, MPH ’03, in Rwanda with Major Joshua Hudson, receiving a delivery of personal protective equipment for Rwandan public health officials.

Public Health Diplomacy: Serving and Supporting Public Health in Rwanda

Robin Martz, MPH ’03

Ensuring public health works across policy and communities is no small task. With a host of skills honed at Michigan Public Health and beyond, Robin Martz, MPH ’03, serves populations in eastern Africa by understanding the art and science of communication, policy, and a range of other technical areas.

A police car pulls up outside a home, the tenant stands in the open front door

Systemic Racism, Policing, and Public Health Advocacy

It can take a long time to develop new policy, and some advocacy roads lead to dead ends. But good advocacy work always makes a difference. As racism, policing, and police reform were becoming the national public health story of the summer, student leaders led a remote advocacy initiative to continue bringing public health insights to the discourse.