Congratulations on your admission to the University of Michigan School of Public Health!
As an online master's student, you will have slightly different procedures and dates
in the matriculation process than our residential students. Explore the Admitted Student
Checklist and additional resources provided on this page to get started. We encourage
you to connect with your program manager with additional questions and pay attention to your inbox for more information on
upcoming admitted student events.
Confirm Your Enrollment
To confirm your enrollment log into your Wolverine Access account and follow the steps outlined in your admissions letter. Please note that
enrollment is not complete until your non-refundable enrollment deposit is also submitted.
If you are not able to accept your admissions offer at this time, you may also indicate
your decision via Wolverine Access. Then, share your good news on social media!
Students who were admitted earlier in the admisssion cycle were asked to confirm their
enrollment by the April 15 decision deadline. You can confirm your decision deadline
by checking the date listed in your admissions letter. Please note that for most programs,
enrollment is not complete until your non-refundable enrollment deposit is also submitted.
If you are interested in seeking a decision extension or exploring deferral options,
you should reach out to your program coordinator.
Admitted Student Checklist
The most important first step is to celebrate what you’ve accomplished! Once you’ve
done that, we’ve built a step-by-step checklist to guide you through the process of
accepting your admissions offer and getting ready to join the online Michigan Public
Health graduate community this fall.
More Ways to Stay Connected
Attend an upcoming event
The Population and Health Sciences program is hosting a wide range of virtual events
this spring so you can get to know our online community and the many resources that
will be available to you as a student at Michigan Public Health.
Read Our Admitted Student Newsletter
The Vector: Admitted Student Edition is a newsletter sent to graduate students who have been admitted to the University
of Michigan School of Public Health. We know that there is a lot to think about as
you consider graduate school. After you're admitted to our program, you can expect
to receive this newsletter every couple of weeks, and we hope it serves as your one-stop
shop for helpful resources, important dates, and reminders.
Admitted students will be automatically added to receive this newsletter after their
admissions offer is sent.
Share the Good News!
Share your excitement and get to know our Michigan Public Health community on social
media with #UMichSPH. Then follow SPH on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram and celebrate
your acceptance with us! You can also download social media profile and cover photos
like these (simply right click to save and use):