
Students practice taking blood pressure on the campus lawn, May 1958. © Regents of the University of Michigan.

Treating Hypertension: A Public Health Success Story

Edward J. Roccella

One of the most successful public health programs in the past century provides an example of what can be accomplished when the government, the private sector, academia, and community organizations work together.

Future of Health Care Cell Phone Image

The Future of Health Care Is Public Health

Quian Callender & Marianthi Hatzigeorgiou

With a focus on consumer-driven enterprises and new opportunities in technology, management, and sustainability, the future of health care begins to look a lot like public health.


Let's Continue the Conversation about Mental Health and Suicide

Traci Carson

The recent deaths of Kate Spade and Anthony Bourdain have sparked media and public dialogue about mental health and suicide. PhD Candidate Traci Carson explores how continuing the conversation is vital to building and improving mental health support and resources.

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Changing the Culture Around Fat-Talk

Lenora Goodman

As National Mental Health Awareness Week continues, Registered Dietitian Lenora Goodman explores the mental and physical health ramifications of ‘fat-talk’, and provides recommendations for changing the conversation around weight, eating, and health.