
Water trickles out of the end of a rusty pipe

Lead exposure may alter the body's response to stress

Chris Giang and Olivia M. Halabicky, PhD, RN

The water crisis in Flint, Michigan garnered national attention, but there are thousands of cities in the US with even higher levels of lead poisoning. Despite knowing lead is harmful, we still don’t know how lead causes such harmful health outcomes. Identifying potential biological pathways is key for developing interventions to mitigate health risk.

A large garden project at Hamady Middle School in Flint, Michigan, co-facilitated by Youth Empowerment Solutions (YES)

Human Resilience, Positive Engagement, and Building on the Strengths of a Great City

Marc Zimmerman

Why do some youth end up engaging in bad behaviors and others do not? Marc Zimmerman has spent his career studying one half of that question—the many positive things youth bring to their communities. For decades, Zimmerman has partnered with colleagues in Flint to explore the many strengths of that city and the most basic forms of community engagement can have huge, positive impact.

climate experts having a conversation

Climate Matters in Michigan

Pressing Realities for a State and a Region

Nearly fifty years after the 1970 Teach-In on the Environment, which began with a rally in Crisler Center, we invited five colleagues to discuss what climate change will mean for the state of Michigan’s environment and its people.