Health Behavior and Health Equity

Bunk beds viewed through chain-link fence

Mental Health Inside Detention Centers: The Unknown Toll on Latinx Child Immigrants

Cecilia Galvan

Thousands of children still live inside US immigration detention centers, and they are not getting adequate care. These populations include large numbers of Latinx children currently living in a traumatic and uncertain environment. Obtaining the data necessary to understand the mental health impacts of detainment on these children is vital.


Older Americans Are Risking Coronavirus Exposure to Get Their Medications

Brian J. Zikmund-Fisher and Sarah Vordenberg

It’s been nearly a month since the US government began urging older Americans to stay home to avoid exposure to the new coronavirus. That means many older adults may be running out of their usual 30-day supplies of medication. As the pandemic continues to spread, they increasingly face a difficult challenge: how to get the medications they need without putting themselves at risk.