Health Behavior and Health Equity

pistol silhouette

The Facts on the US Children and Teens Killed by Firearms

Marc A Zimmerman, Patrick Carter, Rebecca Cunningham

Injury is the leading cause of death for U.S. children and adolescents, accounting for over 60% of all deaths in this group. Many of these deaths occur during fun, everyday activities, like swimming in the backyard pool or during a family car ride. But a disproportionate and disturbing number of these deaths in the U.S. occur as a result of firearms.

A father plays outside with his young son

Fatherhood and Public Health

A Father's Day Q&A with Professor Cleopatra Caldwell

Growing evidence suggests that engaged fatherhood improves the health and mental health of men and their children. As we celebrate dads of all kinds this Father's Day, Cleopatra Howard Caldwell, PhD — Professor and Chair of Health Behavior and Health Education, and Director of the Center for Research on Ethnicity, Culture and Health — explores the connections between fatherhood and public health, her latest work on the Fathers and Sons Project, and the ways bringing fathers and the sons together impacts health for all.

stressed teenage student sitting outside of school

Bridging the Gap: Connecting Public Health and Public Schools to Support Students

Laura Hollander, MPH '19

Many Michigan public schools are under pressure to improve student grades and test scores. But currently the connection between student grades and student health is under-recognized. To improve student health, schools should include public health programs about mental and behavioral health in classrooms.

Child getting a shot

Families Are Choosing between Their Health and Staying Together

Paul Fleming and William Lopez

Some immigrant families in Michigan are choosing to miss clinic appointments and opt out of public benefits that would help keep children healthy and prevent disease because they fear it will affect their chances of staying in this country together.