Health Behavior and Health Equity

Son hugging his dad

"But Daddy, Why Was He Shot?": How to Talk to Children about Race Today

Riana Anderson

All parents are concerned for their children’s safety, but parents of color shoulder a particularly challenging burden raising children in a racially charged society. Although no magic formula exists for helping children of color get through the racial dynamics of our society, Riana Anderson offers some research-based strategies for parents.

Dana Greene kneeling on the Diag

One Year After

Dana Greene, Jr.

On September 25, 2017, master's student Dana Greene, Jr., took a knee on the University of Michigan Diag for over 20 hours to protest police brutality and hate crimes across the country and the climate on campus. One year later, he reflects back on this moment and what it meant to him and the community around him.


The Impact of Parent-Child Separation at the Border

Hurley Riley

More than 2,300 children were separated from their parents at the US-Mexico border between May and June 2018. University of Michigan experts weigh in on how the trauma of long-term separation from their parents effects a child’s development.

Students practice taking blood pressure on the campus lawn, May 1958. © Regents of the University of Michigan.

Treating Hypertension: A Public Health Success Story

Edward J. Roccella

One of the most successful public health programs in the past century provides an example of what can be accomplished when the government, the private sector, academia, and community organizations work together.

Cathleen M. Connell, PhD

Embracing Imprecision

Cathleen M. Connell, PhD

The word “innovation” comes with its own power, but that power is perceived differently by different people.