
A split illustration of a factory, a woman driving a car, and and office space.

Stacking Protections against Disease: What Do Driving a Car and Occupational Health Have to Do with the Coronavirus?

Aurora Le

Preventing the spread of disease is essential for our health. So is having a steady income. To get us back to work safely, occupational health experts are helping us “stack” protective measures—use multiple layers of safeguards—to truly protect workers, clients, patients, and visitors from the potential harms of environmental exposures on the job and in other spaces we frequent.

3 people in a business meeting

Homelessness and Job Security: Challenges and Interventions

Nisha Bharat, Jenna Cicatello, Emily Guo, and Vennela Vallabhaneni

On any given night, half a million people in the US face homelessness. Many people experiencing homelessness face a range of challenges with finding stable jobs. Providing resources to overcome common obstacles to stable employment is a good first step in combating this pervasive problem.

1970 Diag Rally

50 Years Later, the Future Awaits

Dean F. DuBois Bowman and Dean Jonathan Overpeck

Fifty years after a Michigan “teach-in” provided a blueprint and momentum for thousands of other events around the country, we must continue looking forward to new iterations of environmental consciousness and care as we seek to be part of the solutions to global climate change.

climate experts having a conversation

Climate Matters in Michigan

Pressing Realities for a State and a Region

Nearly fifty years after the 1970 Teach-In on the Environment, which began with a rally in Crisler Center, we invited five colleagues to discuss what climate change will mean for the state of Michigan’s environment and its people.

IPE Townhall

The Interprofessional Team: Training the Next Generation of Collaborative Health Professionals

Olivia S. Anderson, MPH ’09, PhD ’13

Interprofessional collaboration, teamwork, communication, and intercultural intelligence are vital skills for a public health practitioner. As IPE is integrated into public health education, learners will interact and learn with peers in other health professions regularly and can bring their insights with them into their professional work life.

water pouring into cup

What Are PFAS and How Do They Affect Your Health?

Jarrod Eaton

Currently, 36 municipal drinking water sites in Michigan have been identified as having high levels of PFAS, a group of synthetic chemical pollutants used in a variety of consumer products. What are the known health effects of PFAS water contamination and what is the state doing to protect Michigan residents?