
public health data visualization

How Does Public Health Use Big Data?

Part 4 in Our 'What Is Public Health?' Video Series

We live in a world full of data, but how do we use it effectively? In this new installment in our 'What Is Public Health?" video series, see how public health professionals build the tools that help communities, physicians, individuals, and others harness data to improve health everywhere.


What's a Biobank, and How Can My Health Record Support Research?

Max Salvatore and Lauren Beesley

Advances in genetic science provide us more and more information about our health. Biobanks are increasing the organization of that data so we can ask and answer crucial health questions more rapidly, from diseases we might have to how we might respond to certain drug treatments.

pills, money, and stethoscope

The Workplace Costs of Not Taking Your Medication

Peter Geppert and Ryan Zayance

Many chronic clinical conditions have elaborate and costly treatment protocols, including prescriptions for medications. What are the costs to employees and employers when treatment plans are not followed?

Students practice taking blood pressure on the campus lawn, May 1958. © Regents of the University of Michigan.

Treating Hypertension: A Public Health Success Story

Edward J. Roccella

One of the most successful public health programs in the past century provides an example of what can be accomplished when the government, the private sector, academia, and community organizations work together.

Backyard Statistics

Working in Everyone's Backyard: Statistics in the Community

Stephen Salerno

Statistics in the Community is a community outreach organization offering the expertise of statistics graduate students—free of charge—to nonprofit organizations. They design studies, develop better data collection instruments, and analyze data for public good.