
Photo of a vaccine.

Why Are Ethical Concerns Blocking the Progress of COVID-19 Vaccine Efforts?

Akpabio Akpabio and Utibe Effiong

Ultimately, vaccines are beneficial, and human trials are essential in determining the safety of any vaccine. But how do we select candidates for vaccine tests? Fallout from unethical experiments is persistent, and we must insist on the most ethical and medically accurate appraisals of the vaccine landscape.

3 people in a business meeting

Homelessness and Job Security: Challenges and Interventions

Nisha Bharat, Jenna Cicatello, Emily Guo, and Vennela Vallabhaneni

On any given night, half a million people in the US face homelessness. Many people experiencing homelessness face a range of challenges with finding stable jobs. Providing resources to overcome common obstacles to stable employment is a good first step in combating this pervasive problem.

People holding a sign that says

Coronavirus and Immigration: ICE Reductions Are Too Little, Too Late

William D. Lopez and Nicole L. Novak

In the face of decades of mistrust and fear, the operational changes proposed by ICE are paltry. Now more than ever, say Lopez and Novak, is the time to prioritize human dignity and public health and to allow immigrant communities to shelter safely in place.

A large garden project at Hamady Middle School in Flint, Michigan, co-facilitated by Youth Empowerment Solutions (YES)

Human Resilience, Positive Engagement, and Building on the Strengths of a Great City

Marc Zimmerman

Why do some youth end up engaging in bad behaviors and others do not? Marc Zimmerman has spent his career studying one half of that question—the many positive things youth bring to their communities. For decades, Zimmerman has partnered with colleagues in Flint to explore the many strengths of that city and the most basic forms of community engagement can have huge, positive impact.

Black Mother holding a newborn baby

State of Maternal Mortality: The Inequitable Burden on Black Mothers

Kyle Simone Nisbeth

In the US, Black women die from pregnancy-related complications at a much higher rate than the rest of the population. The majority of these deaths are preventable, introducing tough questions for health care. Through awareness and advocacy, says Kyle Nisbeth, we can ensure that these burdens are mitigated and that Black mothers and babies receive the care they need to thrive.