
Family walking down the street

Making Family Planning a Household Name: The Legacy of Title X

Chloe Bakst

Title X provides for a diverse array of services, including medical care like contraception, training for nurses and other care providers, and systematic data collection. Despite fifty years of shrinking financial support, can it continue to be successful?

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One Family, Three Disciplines: An Intergenerational Conversation on Public Health

Michael Boehnke, Betsy Foxman, and Kevin Foxman Boehnke

We asked a family of public health researchers about big-picture changes in the field, how they decide which questions to pursue, and what they make of specialization in the sciences. Their conversation both lifts up and itself embodies the interdisciplinary nature of public health.

Public health worker at disaster relief camp

Fighting Climate Change Effects with Public Health

Kelly Broen

As the frequency and intensity of natural disasters increases, public health can provide life-saving support in the aftermath. Disaster response research might not fall neatly into a single academic discipline, but we cannot allow disaster relief to fall through the cracks.

Child getting a shot

Families Are Choosing between Their Health and Staying Together

Paul Fleming and William Lopez

Some immigrant families in Michigan are choosing to miss clinic appointments and opt out of public benefits that would help keep children healthy and prevent disease because they fear it will affect their chances of staying in this country together.

social determinants of health

What Are Social Determinants of Health?

Part 2 in Our 'What Is Public Health?' Video Series

Your health is influenced by a wide range of factors, and the body you were born with is only one of them. In part two of our ongoing 'What Is Public Health?" video series, learn about some of the other factors that influence our health and what public health professionals do to address them.