Child Health

Probiotics for Kids

Are Probiotics Right for Your Child?

Emily Bair

Recently, a good friend of mine with young children asked me, “what do you think about probiotics for kids?” My nutrition courses had explored the use of probiotics for adult medical nutrition therapy and their benefits for premature infants but I was less aware of their potential benefits for young children or adolescents, so I decided to investigate. Here’s what I found.

Anna Sadovnikova

3 Tips for Aspiring Public Health Entrepreneurs

Anna Sadovnikova

I never thought I could call myself an “entrepreneur” or a “businesswoman.” Even today, three years after co-founding a company and (finally) selling our product, I still hesitate to use those words to describe myself. But after listening to the success stories and failures of dozens of innovators, I’ve identified three key strategies that we all employ.

Mothers from Eastern Ukraine attend training on breastfeeding

Breastfeeding: How Long Is Too Long?

Brooke A. Perry

It was a cool September morning. Flipping the radio station on my drive into work, I happened across a talk show and something caught my ear. As I listened, I realized they were discussing breastfeeding—more specifically breastfeeding into toddlerhood.