Courses Details

EHS604: Integrated Approaches in Environmental Health

  • Graduate level
  • Residential
  • Fall term(s) for residential students;
  • 2 credit hour(s) for residential students;
  • Instructor(s): Simone Charles (Residential);
  • Offered Every fall semester
  • Last offered Fall 2024
  • Prerequisites: Grad Status
  • Advisory Prerequisites: Completion of approved internship, research or practical experience
  • Description: This project-oriented course provides the student the opportunity to integrate academic principles, practical skills and concepts in environmental health related to a real-world environmental health problem. This course provides an integrated experience in EHS approaches, combining expertise and knowledge in environmental quality, industrial hygiene, exposure, toxicology into an integrated project.
  • Learning Objectives: a. To provide useful insights and solutions to a real problem in Environmental Health Sciences (EHS): Explore the ability to use data and models to provide scientific insights to this problem b. To integrate scientific information and public health skills through interacting with students from other EHS specializations on a common project c. To learn to select and apply tools/methods/models and empirical approaches to understand and assess exposure d. Communicate environmental health sciences content and findings in multiple forms appropriate to various audiences e. Appreciate the nexus of MPH Program components to personal educational and professional goals.
Simone Charles
Concentration Competencies that EHS604 Allows Assessment On
Department Program Degree Competency Specific course(s) that allow assessment
EHS Environmental Health Sciences MPH Communicate environmental and occupational health findings in writing at a level consistent with peer-reviewed journals, including descriptions of design, results, and interpretation EHS604