Description: Students will be able to understand all parts of the research process including conceptualization of a research question, formulation of hypotheses, development of a research plan, selection of appropriate methods from a variety of data collection strategies, development of an appropriate data analysis plan, and preparation of a research proposal.
Learning Objectives: 1. Differentiate between key funding agencies for public health and understand their mandates
2. Review and evaluate the quality of scientific literature including identifying knowledge gaps
3. Develop a scientific idea by conducting a critical assessment of current literature and preliminary results
4. Develop hypotheses to test in a scientific study
5. Differentiate between research strategies pertinent to proposed hypotheses
6. Describe selected research strategies to test outlined hypotheses
7. Design a plan for analyzing data pertinent to scientific study
8. Construct a mock grant proposal around research topic of interest (specifically specific aims, significance, innovation, and approach sections of a grant application)