Courses Details

HBHEQ885: Health Equity Models Of Practice And Interventions At Structural And Community Level

  • Graduate level
  • Residential
  • Winter term(s) for residential students;
  • 3 credit hour(s) for residential students;
  • Instructor(s): Amy Schulz (Residential);
  • Prerequisites: None
  • Description: The course is designed as a doctoral seminar for HBHE doctoral students. The course will examine and critique current models of health equity with a focus on models for structural and community change toward the end of health equity. The focus will be on both theoretical/conceptual and empirically recognized interventions/strategies. Major topics will include: 1) conceptual/theoretical models for structural, community and multilevel change 2) community change strategies (i.e., community organizing; mass media, etc.); 2) policy change; 3) organizational change; 4) community academic partnerships for health; and 5) community planning models. This course may also be available to second year HBHE masters students with permission of instructor.
  • Learning Objectives: By the end of this course students will be able to: 1. Identify and discuss various strategies and models of health education/health promotion interventions at other than the individual level. 2. Discuss and critique the theory, conceptual frameworks and constructs that serve as the basis of these models. 3. Articulate and critique assumptions underlying these models. 4. Apply these models and constructs to current public health problems. 5. Identify and discuss current evaluation strategies and challenges pertinent to these models. me as 685.
Amy Schulz
Concentration Competencies that HBHEQ885 Allows Assessment On
Department Program Degree Competency Specific course(s) that allow assessment
HBHE PhD Develop an innovative and efficient design for an empirical analysis of an intervention or observational study to address a research question with clear public health relevance HBHEQ885, HBHEQ886
HBHE PhD Integrate theoretical frameworks (e.g., health belief model, social ecological model) with critical analysis of empirical data to identify gaps in current approaches to health promotion HBHEQ885, HBHEQ886, preliminary exam