Courses Details
PUBHLTH417: Eat, Sleep, Analyze: The Interplay Of Sleep And Nutrition On Population Health
- Undergraduate level
- Residential
- Fall term(s) for residential students;
- 3 credit hour(s) for residential students;
- Instructor(s): Erica Jansen (Residential);
- Prerequisites: PUBHLTH200 and PUBHLTH383, or permission of instructor
- Description: This course explores the intersecting and bidirectional roles of sleep and nutrition on health at the population level. Through lectures, discussion, and application, you will gain an understanding of current sleep and nutrition epidemiological research. As a semester-long project, you will investigate a research question about sleep and diet.
- Learning Objectives: 1. Gain a scientific understanding of the bidirectional relationships of sleep and nutrition, and how they impact health, especially cardiovascular health 2. Use literature and conceptual diagrams to determine the relationships of sleep, nutrition, and other relevant variables to one another (i.e., exposures, outcomes, confounders, mediators, etc). 3. Utilize epidemiologic concepts to critically evaluate the literature 4. Develop a sleep-related research question and plan of analysis 5. Gain hands-on experience with basic survey data collection methods and data analysis of sleep data 6. Articulate and present research findings 7. Consider the topic area through a public health lens, including the social determinants of health