Courses Taught by Paul Fleming

HBHEQ590: Principles of Community Engagement for Health Promotion

  • Graduate level
  • Online MPH only
  • This is a first year course for Online students
  • Spring-Summer term(s) for online MPH students;
  • 3 credit hour(s) for online MPH students;
  • Instructor(s): Paul Fleming (Online MPH);
  • Prerequisites: None
  • Advisory Prerequisites: None
  • Description: This course will help students better prepare for engaging community members and community-based organizations for public health work. The course has three major focus areas: (1) Consideration of power, privilege, and social identities in community engagement, (2) Strategies for engaging stakeholders and building coalitions, (3) CBPR principles and other models of community engagement.
  • Learning Objectives: By the end of the course, students are expected to: (1) Demonstrate critical self-reflection of how social identities, power, unearned advantage/disadvantage, and privilege impact community engagement work (2) Describe the ethical considerations for community engagement (autonomy vs. paternalism) (3) Apply the 9 principles of Community-based Participatory Research and its Core Components/Phases and how this fits with ethical considerations (4) Identify different types of stakeholder groups for a given health issue and motivations/perspectives of each (5) Strategize how to build a coalition for a specific health issue in a specific health setting (6) Demonstrate understanding of interpersonal skills required for effective community engagement
Paul Fleming
Concentration Competencies that HBHEQ590 Allows Assessment On
Department Program Degree Competency Specific course(s) that allow assessment
Population and Health Sciences MPH Design multisector collaborations that will support all phases of population health improvement (assessment, planning, implementation, evaluation) PUBHLTH515, HBHEQ590, HBHEQ591, PUBHLTH511

HBHEQ651: Developing Strategies To Improve Health

  • Graduate level
  • Residential
  • Winter term(s) for residential students;
  • 3 credit hour(s) for residential students;
  • Instructor(s): Paul Fleming (Residential);
  • Prerequisites: None
  • Description: Focuses on design of effective interventions to improve health and advance health equity. Moves between theoretical bases for intervention development and practical applications of program planning strategies. Topics covered include equitable community partnerships, creating goals and objectives, logic models, budgets, and other key elements of successfully creating strategies to improve health.
  • Learning Objectives: Not applicable
  • Syllabus for HBHEQ651
Paul Fleming
Concentration Competencies that HBHEQ651 Allows Assessment On
Department Program Degree Competency Specific course(s) that allow assessment
HBHE MPH Specify approaches for planning, implementing, and managing socio-behavioral health education-focused programs and/or policies to promote human health and health equity. HBHEQ651
HBHE MPH Integrate principles and methods of community engagement, including ethical considerations, relevant to the design and implementation of health education programs and policies, with the goal of promoting health equity. HBHEQ651