
Candice Ammori

Future Biostatician Discovers a Passion for Environmental Impact

Candice Ammori

The path to public health isn’t always direct. For master’s student Candice Ammori, an interest in the intersection of sustainability and biostatistics was sparked by a public policy degree, global research, a stint in the tech industry, and more.

Clara Schriemer

Rooted in a Family History of Health Work

Clara Schriemer

Clara Schriemer discusses a path to global epidemiology sparked by her physician parents and piqued by public health professionals and field experience.

Brittany McQueer, Shadi Larson, and Meghan Watkins

Liquid Gold: Supporting Healthy Lactation

Brittany McQueer, Shadi Larson, and Meghan Watkins

Master's students Brittany McQueer, Shadi Larson, and Meghan Watkins interned at Liquid Gold Concepts, a company founded by School of Public Health alumni, whose mission is to create hands-on tools for breast health and lactation education.

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A Family Passion for Public Health and Service

Lloyd Lyons

Encouraged by family history, Lloyd Lyons’ long-term career started earlier than originally planned as his journey led him to joining the first cohort of bachelor’s students at the School of Public Health.